A revolving gallery of photos which may be of interest to our soccer club and or community. Submissions will be accepted and reviewed for their overall appeal. While we will be quite liberal with our standards, we reserve the right to post the photos we like. As Tad loves to say, "no crying or complaining". One more thing; this is not your family album so DON'T GET GREEDY with your submissions! Please wait for the page to load.

Photo (right) submitted by Ann Ticehurst. Still Friends! A proud moment for the Blues, after a recent Division I college soccer game between USC and University of Nebraska. Blues Alumni Andrea Warner (left), Christine Gluck (center), and Katie Ticehurst (right) take time to say hello and share their freshman college experience with one another. Nebraska won the game 2-1 and Christine Gluck scored the winning goal.

Photo (left) More Friends! U11 Blues ready for a night out on the town. Here McCall Zerboni (cave woman on the left), Blake Zerboni (sergeant in the center), and Casie Dilbeck (cave woman on the right) prepare for Halloween. No doubt these girls take soccer too seriously!

Celtic Cup Champs! 1997-98 U12 Blues proudly display trophys and team plaque after winning the 1998 Celtic Cup this past January. Top Row (L to R) Makenzie Beahm, Chelsea Card, Katie Fitzgerald, Kiley Jones, Allie Rivera, Kimberly Horn, Shannon Doersam, Patricia Gialamas. Middle Row (L to R) Lauren Winters, Kelly Davey, Alise Corea, Amanda Bolado, Kimmy Vogl, Kendall Holiday. Bottom Row (L to R) the twins Shayla & Jenna Sabin.

Photo (left) Older Blues sister Sarah (U16) poses with two U10 Blues, sister Caitlin Banks (right) and Pumkin Currier (left). Sarah, let's not carry this role model thing too far!

Photo (Right) U13 Star Forward Tessa Baker, a babe on and off the field, this time at her Dad's recent wedding. Congratulations Troy & Jody.

U11 Lauren Redfield proudly displays her colors

(Left) Nice Hair! U16 forward Ebony Stone either exiting the shower or doing her impersonation of Angela Davis; we know, who is Angela Davis?

(Left) U15 Blues star Lauren Williams shows her stuff for Wendy's & in a promotion put on by the food chain in conjunction with the AYSO.

Below: 3 rising stars on '97-'98 Blues. The girls: (Left) U13 Daniel Fenning,
(Right) U15 Blues & ODP Goalkeeper Nicole McCarty, (Bottom, Right) U11 Erin Hardy

Where are you guys, all I want is a full ride!

U14 Girls sing the Pleasanton Blues in their matching Roxy Wear Gear!

Right: Blues Hang Together! OK, I don't understand it but (L to R) U16s Sarah Banks, Nicole Arquilla, Amanda Roach, Emily Ernsdorf, and Ali Halpern at the Sugar Ray (who?) concert, here with Sugar Ray's Dog. What ever happened to the Beatles?

Multi talented Blues! (Left) U16 Kendal Billingsley is a well rounded athlete. Here Kendal competes in the 1996 Junior Olympics Champion Pentathlon at Nationals in Houston Texas.

Who are these gals? (Below) Amanda Roach (U16) & college bound Vanessa Clark (U18) are hard to recognize out of their Blues uniforms. Here they go formal for their Upland H.S. homecoming dance.

To view some of the Blues championship moments, hit this button!