Email from Chuck Post

Dear Soccer Friends:

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Mia Hamm. She attended a clinic in my hometown. Prior to the clinic she spoke at a luncheon that had been organized in her honor. She most graciously signed autographs for the multitude of girl soccer players and their parents. After lunch she gave a splendid presentation. It was, however not just about soccer and her experiences on the Olympic and National teams. She opened herself up and spoke about something even closer to her heart - the life and death struggle of her brother with aplastic anemia. Garrett, now 27 years old, contracted the disease when he was 17 and an outstanding high school athlete. It ended his athletic endeavors and started a 10 year battle with the disease. The disease has progressed and Garrett is now gravely ill. He now requires a bone marrow transplant. After MiaÆs very emotional words about her relationship Garrett and what he has meant to her as a sister and an athlete, she handed out a small leaflet which read:

"What would you do if the brother you held in such high esteem was battling for his life against a rare disease: aplastic anemia/myelo- dysplasia? For my brother, Garrett, this is reality. Now he is facing the ultimate challenge-to find a matching marrow donor. But Garrett is adopted, with no known siblings, and is a handsome mix of Thai and American parentage. If that miracle match can be found, the risks posed by a bone marrow transplant will be lessened considerably. If none is found - there is only one certainty."

There are things we can do as a soccer community:

1) Contact Kathy Gallo at the National Marrow Donor Program at 1-800-526-7809. Ask where you can go in your community to be as a possible marrow donor and get listed on the National Registry. You could be the "miracle match" Garrett or some other person needs to have a successful transplant. It is a simple blood test performed free of charge.

2) The expense of a bone marrow transplant is enormous. GarrettÆs limited insurability leaves the major financial burden on Garrett, his wife, and the Hamm family. Individual or team donations of any kind can be sent to:

The Garrett Hamm Fund
3607 Tallison Terrace
Austin, TX 78704

So many of us have enjoyed watching Mia's skill and grace on the Olympic and National teams. It was my honor and pleasure to meet her at our clinic. She is a wonderful young woman who loves kids and the game. She has accepted her national recognition with a class and style which makes her a leader in the furthering of women's athletics. Mia is a GENUINE role model to our young girls. As a father of three, I am happy that they are trying to emulate Mia. She and Garrett need our help. Let's see if we can help them out. Thanks

Chuck Post
Coach, Tosa Force U-16
1109 N. Kavanaugh Pl
Wauwatosa, WI

Please distribute to anyone who might be able to help. Thanks again.