Humphrey, the Lost Whale, a book written by W. Tokuda and R. Hall

Humphrey is a story about a humpback whale. The whale was separated from his family while traveling south for the winter. When he was separated, he made a big mistake. He went the wrong way and he went into San Francisco bay. People were amazed. They came from all over San Francisco just to see Humphrey.

The next day, Humphrey was gone, but he had gone the wrong way again. This time it was worse. He was on his way up the Sacramento River instead of going back to the ocean.

As Humphrey traveled up the river, the river got smaller and smaller. Humphrey was lost.

Humphrey was a great sight for people, but it was also scary for him. Everyone was scared for Humphrey. They knew they had to get him back to the ocean, FAST! Humphrey kept traveling and finally got to a little bridge and nobody knows how Humphrey squeezed through. He was trapped. Something had to be done, once again FAST!

Finally, some people got together and had two plans. The first plan was to bang pipes and scare Humphrey back to the ocean. The second was to put recordings of whales singing. The plans worked. But, it was not over yet. When Humphrey got to the bridge, he was too scared to go through. People kept banging pipes, but Humphrey got mad. The people wouldn't give up. They were making the hole under the bridge bigger. Everybody was nervous because it was Humphrey's last chance to live.

Humphrey was brave and approached the bridge, but he got stuck. He frantically bobbed his head out of the water and broke through. Humphrey made it!

Humphrey swam happily through San Francisco bay and he seemed to be saying thank you to his helping friends.

Humphrey, the Lost Whale is a true story.

by Jacquelyn


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