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Dedicated to Expanding and Enhancing
the Kentucky Horse Park.

Founded in 1985, the Kentucky Horse Park Foundation provides the opportunity for the private and public sectors to join in improving and enhancing the Kentucky Horse Park. By 1995, the Foundation had raised close to six million dollars in cash and in-kind contributions for the Park. It received its first endowment gift of one million dollars from Lucille B. Little as a memorial to her husband, W. Paul Little. The Park's International Museum of the Horse formed the W. Paul Little Cultural and Learning Center which concentrates on education and cultural awareness.

Funds provided by the Foundation have been instrumental in the improvement of the Park's equine competition facilities. One of the finest equine event facilities in North America, the Park attracts exhibitors from throughout the country to a variety of equine events. In addition, the Foundation is funding a major replanting and landscaping effort to ensure the Park's beauty remains for future generations. Other areas receiving increasing attention for funding are the Park's educational programs such as weekend equine courses, "Art at the Park," "Photo Day," and tours for school groups.

The Man o' War Society solicits donations from both the corporate and private sectors of the community. Contributions to unrestricted funds are spent on a variety of Park projects. The Society is increasingly recognized as a convenient method to support the Park. Donations start at $100.00 for an individual or family and there are numerous other categories, including a $1,000 gift which permits the donor to name a stall in honor of a favorite horse, person, breed or farm. The "Friends of Kentucky Horse Park" is an area where donors can give $15 and up to become a part of the Kentucky Horse Park Family and also receive a subscription to the Foundation's quarterly newsletter .

Corporate sponsorship is designed for major support and includes Central Kentucky Ford Dealers, Stubben USA, John Deere, Lexington Safety Products, Equestrian Guard, Summit Industries, and Southern States. Equus , an outstanding horse magazine, is the Park's official publication. Equine management software is provided by Comendia!, Inc.

Through the Foundation, the Kentucky Horse Park hosts major fund-raisers such as the High Hope Steeplechase, held in May, and the Southern Lights, Spectacular Sights on Holiday Nights. This exciting light festival runs from the Friday after Thanksgiving through December 31st. The festival draws thousands of visitors to the area which assists the Kentucky Horse Park in becoming a year-round attraction.

Kentucky Horse Park
4089 Iron Works Pike
Lexington, KY 40511
(606) 233-4303 (TDD)

 Kentucky Horse Park E-mail Boxes

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The International Museum of the Horse
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Site Manager: Gina Duncan -
(c) Copyright 1996, The Kentucky Horse Park