Patricia Crane


About the Artist

Patricia Crane is among the nation's most respected equine artists. Her sculpture has achieved national and international recognition and has been featured in equine and art publications throughout the world. She has won the praise of art critics, horsemen and the general public. Her artwork is in the International Museum of the Horse as well as other public and private collections throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Haiti and Japan. The list of famous horses she has portrayed and of the noted homes and offices where her work is displayed would be large indeed. The appreciation in value of Patricia Crane bronzes has continued to please investors just as the aesthetic qualities of her accurate portraiture continue to please the collector.

A well known trademark of this sculptor's portraiture is its outstanding truthfulness. Patricia's gift is the ability to capture the spiritual nature of the horse in art while retaining the superb realism and correct anatomy of the living, breathing animal. Patricia's artistic studies paralleled scholastic achievement at four universities culminating in a philosophy degree and graduate work. In her own words, she states the following:

"Art began very early as an "at home" interest, pursued through the years because of my own fascination with the horse. I have dissected, drawn, and studied until I evolved my own system of measurements and proportioning for the study of living horses. I use this today in my preliminary work for a sculpture. Actually I at no time truly planned my career. It became a fact before I ever thought of it as being a goal, at which point the goal was to just become better at what I was doing. This goal remains constant!"

Through the efforts of this one sculptor, both of the museums located at the Kentucky Horse Park, the International Museum of the Horse and the American Saddlehorse boast a "Crane" life size bronze, at their front doors. Patricia has been personally recognized by award of "Kentucky Colonel" status by the State of Kentucky and by a letter of commendation from a governor of the state of Indiana.

Patricia Crane Exhibits

A Champion in the Making
The Creation of the Phoenix Bronze

The Patricia Crane Sculpture Gallery

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* Photos are by CRANE unless otherwise noted.
⌐All Photos and Sculpture Copyright 1996, Patricia Crane.

Site Design: Bill Cooke
⌐ International Museum of the Horse, 1997