GPA Update

The Newsletter of Greyhound Pets of America/California:
Orange County and Greater Los Angeles

January-February 1997

A Greyhound's Wish Come True

by Robin Krautbauer ⌐ 1995 reprinted by permission

Soft and warm, I'm snuggled in,
A little child to scratch my chin.
A bed to sleep on by the fire,
Anything my heart desires.

In the yard I roam at will,
Until, at last, I've had my fill.
I then return to waiting arms,
Protecting me from all life's harms.

Hugs are plenty where I now live,
I give them back all I can give.
Treats, toys, and kisses galore,
It's me for me that they adore.

I hope they know I love them too,
I try to show them in all I do.
My eyes send messages to their heart,
In hopes that we will never part.

Whatever I wrote that caught your ear,
Created a miracle, Santa dear.
Thank you for life's brand new start,
And for the family that fills my heart.

I do have one unselfish plea,
There are many more like me.
If you have time in the days to come.
Please find families for everyone.

You can make a greyhound's wish for a home come true by donating your time or money. Since January 1, 1996 we have rescued 190 greyhounds from the track. The year is just starting and we have a lot of work ahead of us. We want to give as many greyhounds as possible the chance for a retirement that ends up in a loving and happy home. Help us make 1997 the best year yet for retired ex-racers.

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2nd Annual Valentine Dinner

February 15, 1997 is the date to circle in red on your calendar. That is the date of our Second Annual Valentine Benefit Dinner which will once again be hosted by Midtown Cafe in Long Beach.

Last year's dinner was a smashing success with great food and wonderful prizes that were all donated by friends of the greyhounds. But it seemed to end all too soon. So this year we have added an hour to the event, giving all of us greyhound addicts more time to share stories and get to know one another. I think that was the most exciting part of last year's dinner - the chance to talk about our special greyhounds.

The $10.00 advance ticket price will include dinner, dessert, coffee and as much greyhound talk as you could want. Beer, wine and soda will be available at an extra charge. Raffle tickets will be available throughout dinner. All proceeds from the dinner and the raffle will be used to benefit ex-racing greyhounds.

After dinner Joyce McRorie, GPA/CA-OC&GLA's president, will talk to us and bring us up to date on our Chapter and draw the raffle tickets for the many fun and special prizes.

Midtown Cafe is located at 1923 E. Broadway in Long Beach. Our benefit dinner hours will be from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Call Nancy Madigan at (310) 693-3450 if you have questions or need further information.
Please order your tickets early. See Ya There!

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Raffle Prizes Needed

We need raffle prizes for our upcoming Valentine Dinner in February and our picnic in May. Any and all items will be deeply appreciated and will help us raise much needed money for the greyhounds. If you would like to donate an item, please call Nancy at (310) 693-3450 or Sharon at (714) 786-0835.

You may donate anything, large or small, practical or frivolous, worth $1.00 or $100.00, for humans or canines. You don't have to buy the item yourself either. Ask local businesses, friends or employers if they would be willing to donate an item to GPA/CA-OC&GLA. Taking your greyhound along when you ask can't hurt; who could refuse those big brown eyes.
Possible gift ideas are gift baskets, dinner or movie tickets, gift certificates, dog related items or anything you would enjoy receiving yourself as a prize.

Thank you in advance for helping to make these events successful. Receipts for donations will be mailed after each event.

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United Way For GPA

You can now specify your payroll deduction for United Way donations to be given to the California /Orange County and Greater Los Angeles Chapter of Greyhound Pets of America.

Our United Way number is #52324. We are an all volunteer, non-profit organization, so all donations are used to benefit retired racing greyhounds. Thank you for your support!

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The Importance of Keeping Identification On Your Greyhound at all Times
by Joyce McRorie

Since the beginning of our chapter a year ago October, we have been notified about four of our dogs being out. Robin, Anne and Victor Romero's greyhound was severely injured by two vicious dogs who broke out of their yard and attacked her while she was on a walk. She got away, but was lost for several hours. The family immediately contacted us and several volunteers joined them as they searched for the dog. Two good Samaritans found her and brought her to an emergency hospital. They called both numbers on her tag, and everyone was reunited. Although Robin is still recovering from her injuries, she is back with her loving family. Robin was the only one of the four dogs who was wearing her identification!

The other three greyhounds got loose from their homes and had no collars on. One was gone for two weeks, one overnight. One is still out as I write. None of these owners meant to harm their greyhounds. Each was trying to solve one or both of the following problems:

The problems: 1. The collars worn by the greyhounds wear the hair off the necks of many of them, and the area becomes irritated. 2. Many owners are concerned that their dogs will catch their collars on something and be unable to free themselves.

The solution to these problems is not to take the collar off of the dog while it is at home, leaving it with no identification if it gets out.

One solution: All of my dogs wear a regular collar with their identification on it. For all but Catherine, this means a rolled leather collar. Catherine, on the other hand, still shows some hair loss with leather, and she wears a flat, non-woven collar instead. These collars are loose enough so that, in most cases, the dog can pull out of it if caught on something. I leave the greyhound collar attached to each leash. When we go for a walk, I slip it over each sweet head, leaving the identification collar on as well, and off we go! An added safety feature of this procedure is that, God forbid your greyhound slips out of his/her greyhound collar, he/she still has identification on.

I know that this solution is not fool proof, nothing is. I have chosen the small risk that one of my dogs may catch his or her collar on a branch in the yard and choke to death, over the greater risk of one of them getting out without identification. I figure it's a good choice with fences being blown or knocked down in the wind, yard men and meter readers coming into the yard, homes catching fire, et al.

Note: We are happy to report that the fourth greyhound was also found after this article was submitted.

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We have a lot to be thankful for, because a lot of our retired greyhounds are going to be starting the new year with their new families.
Listed below are the families and their dogs who came together since our last newsletter:

Cad --Tom and Joyce McRorie of Huntington Beach
Jake --Suzanne and David Blair of Garden Grove
Kismet --John and Renee Wilson of Signal Hill
Marty --David and Sylvia Jorgensen of Simi Valley
Mick --Curtis, Julie and Casey Adamczyk of Corona Del Mar
Opus --David McPherson of Long Beach
Page --Jerry and Kathy Frazier of Cypress
Phantom --Nancy and John Caufield of Anaheim Hills
Radiance --Robert and Nina Jennings of Glendora
Rainbow --Nancy and Steve Bonney of Yorba Linda
Raisin --Cynthia Churchill of Costa Mesa
Remy --David Alan Coffey of Long Beach
Rhonda --Perry and Janice Strength of Chino Hills
Rider --Bob and Carol Vinnacombe of Long Beach
Rigby --Frank Brown and Cindy Hall-Brown of Laguna Niguel
Robin --Victor and Anne Romero of Huntington Beach
Ruby --Stephanie and Carl Crawford of San Pedro
Sage --Edgar Folkers, Jr., D.V.M. of Mission Viejo
Sam --Kathy Meyers and Bill Betts of Moreno Valley
Sarah --Casey Bartholomew and Brooke Perry of Buena Park
Smokey --Mark and Sue McGilvray of Santa Maria
Socks --Kalie and Dan Norko of Long Beach
Spice --Michael Ben-Yehuda and Mary Hyatt of Huntington Beach
Spunky --Gina Indresano and Chris Kehr of San Luis Obispo
Stripes --Traci and Robert Cochran of Torrance
Thunder --Mark Velez and Andrea Armstrong of Torrance

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New GPA Board Members Elected

GPA/CA-OC&GLA held its annual election of officers and board of directors for 1997. The following were elected:

President - Joyce McRorie
Vice President - Karen Charpie-Elton
Secretary - Carol Vinnacombe
Treasurer - Bob Vinnacombe
Board of Directors - Sharon Cummings, Pat Guiver, Jim Jeffers, Joanne Kally and Nancy Madigan
Director-at-large - Diana Wondergem

These volunteers work very hard to ensure that GPA finds good homes for ex-racing greyhounds. But they can't do it on their own. If you would like to volunteer your time or services, please let us know. We have a never ending need for your help.

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2nd Annual Renaissance Faire

Yes folks, we are already making plans for the next faire. Mark your calendars for September 27th and 28th, 1997.

This will really be a blast! The County of Orange has asked us to be part of the Centennial Celebration for Irvine Regional Park. Take a look below at the Calendar of Events.

We are honored to have been asked to participate and have already started making plans. St. Elizabeth's Guilde will again be the centerpiece of the faire, bringing the reign of Queen Elizabeth I to life. Through the use of 100 trained actors and authentically recreated costumes and props, the Guilde creates an interactive world of living history. These kind folks love the greyhounds as much as we do, and will be in on the planning of this event from the beginning. They know how important this fund raiser is to the dogs, and are dedicated to working with us to produce an authentic, quality, two day faire to benefit them.

Thanks also to Kathy Matsuyama for her support from the County level. Kathy adopted Justice, now Nani Loa and always has the interest of the greyhounds in her heart and on her mind. She was the one who suggested to the County that we be included in this celebration. Kathy gets a four paws salute from GPA.

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June 7 & 8 Living History Programs
- American Civil War Reinactors
- American Draft Horse Assoc.
- Antique Steam Engines

July 19 & 20 Historical Transportation
- Antique Car & Fire Engine Show
- Vintage Car Show

August 16 & 17 Native American Culture
- Indian PowWow
- Native Plant Display
- Gala Dinner Event

September 27 & 28
The Hounds of Nobility Renaissance Faire
Sponsored by PetCo to benefit Greyhound Pets of America

October 4 & 5 Centennial Celebration Weekend
- Fireman's Muster
- Live Entertainment
- Living History Programs
- Fishing Derby
- Car Show
- Historic Sign Unveiling
- Picnic Games

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Redlands Parade

by Warren Stobaugh

Twelve greyhounds, led by the GPA banner carried by elementary school dog lovers Melanie Wyckoff and her friend Alyssa, walked in the Redlands Christmas parade on December 7th with 100 other organizations. Parade participants were:

Glory and owners Jeff, Debbie and Melanie Wyckoff
Tinsel and her owner Paula Otteson

Dreamer, Indiana Bones, and foster dog Rocket with owner Joanne Kally
Sheba and owner Sylvia Putnam

Cleopatra and her owners Pat and Jerry Meeker

Simba with owners Nancianne and Warren Stobaugh

Raven* and Cody* and owner Angela Zolezio

Brandy* and Bandit* with owner Javae Ferrier

*(Julie's 7 month old puppies that really look like greyhounds now.)

Plan to walk your greyhound in the Redlands Easter Parade on March 22nd at 9:00 a.m. Stay for a picnic afterward and possibly a chance for your greyhound to run in an enclosed schoolyard nearby.

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Trailer for sale or rent - If only it cost 50 cents

Picture this. It is a Thursday morning. The phone rings. It is a call to pick up six greyhounds at the track. And they can only hold them until Friday. Unfortunately, it only gives us a day to find someone to pick them up, and the fact that it is a weekday doesn't make it any easier. But someone volunteers to take a day off work and they have a large enough vehicle to hold the six dogs, so we have someone to pick up the dogs.

The trip is made to the track Friday morning. But when we arrive, there are now nine dogs available (and no - they don't keep the extras for another day). So all nine dogs are muzzled and squeezed into the vehicle. Now for the trip back. Nine excited greyhounds are in the back of the vehicle. It will have to be a trip with no stops for the dogs to relieve themselves (there is no safe spot to unload this many dogs along the way). Hopefully none of the dogs will get car sick or become irritable due to the "stuffed" conditions.

This is a common occurrence. Every time we pick up dogs at the track, our volunteers donate their time, vehicles, gas, and lots of patience. It's a long drive with just one excited or restless dog in a car. Imagine a half dozen or more!

After over a year of many trips to and from the track, we have a dream of owning a dog trailer to transport our greyhounds. Not only is this for the safety of the greyhounds, but for the safety of the drivers. A new dog trailer runs about $5000.00, but we are on the lookout to see if we can find a used one.

If you would like to help us with our purchase, please send your donation to GPA, 9642 Bay Meadow Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 and indicate on your check "Dog Trailer Fund". We'll keep you posted on how we're doing.

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Suds 'Em Up!

Ever wash and dry 14 greyhounds in a row? Some of our volunteers have, and you can, too. We usually wash dogs once a month on a Saturday morning. Leave your name and number at (310) 496-1873 to get on the wash list. Karen or Phil will call and let you know the day and time of the next wash. We also welcome donations of supplies: Ear wash, Quick stop, Q-tips, Towels, Blankets, and Shampoo.

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In the Spotlight

by Karen Charpie-Elton

[Carles] Image: Steve and Gloria with their canine family.

Steve Carle has been around a long time. A real long time. He was my placement rep when I applied to adopt my first greyhound over three years ago, and he'd been around for quite a while even then. I think he almost rejected me as a future greyhound owner, because I failed one of the basic greyhound commandments: Thou shalt not allow thy dog off-leash. The two dogs I owned at the time were sitting in the front yard unleashed as they waited to meet their first greyhound. Steve and Tequila arrived and were not amused. Several months earlier, on a hot day, Dan Sullivan got the "Steve Carle visit", and soon adopted Bambi. (He didn't have any dogs off-leash, so Steve liked him.) Flashback to springtime of '93: Steve and Tequila are in Whittier visiting Nancy Madigan, and he helped her adopt not one, but two little greyhounds! Our official greyhound photographers, Gary and Gayle Stephan, adopted their first grey, Dakota, through Steve, as did Bob and Carol Vinnacombe, who adopted Steve's foster dog Abby. As you can see, Steve is responsible for placing greys with quite a few of us. We're just one big happy greyhound family, and it's all Steve's fault.

Steve, how did you first become interested in greyhounds?

"Back in 1989 I saw Joan Dillon and her dogs on a Joan Rivers talk show, and I thought that I could do these dogs a favor and help them find better lives. I never could've imagined the effect they'd have on my life and how they'd change it."

You seem to be pretty active as a volunteer - how busy are you?

"Let's see, I've probably made 300 home visits in the past 6 or 7 years, from Paso Robles down to Oceanside. I've fostered 45 dogs, at least 14 of them in the past 14 months: Flicka was the first one when the new chapter started, then Abby, Chuck, Cleo, Flash, Gracie, Justice, Mindy, Nitro, Opossum, Quick, Remy, and Sherlock. I even had Dante for a while."

That's busy! Do you remember the very first dog you ever fostered?

"As a matter of fact, I do. Andretti. He was a really great dog. My second foster was Tequila. He was a real nutcase. I didn't think anyone else would ever take him, so I kept him myself. You know, two nutcases, we were made for each other. I even fostered Ruthie for a short time. She was later fostered and adopted by Tom and Joyce."

Does any dog stand out in your mind after all these years?

"Harvey. He was named after the invisible rabbit in that Jimmy Stewart movie. He was a triple bounce-back, and I fostered him in between each placement. He was finally adopted by some great people up around Oxnard, I think."

[Steve and
Remy] Image: Steve relaxes with foster hound Remy at the Renaissance Faire.

Any special thoughts you'd like to share with other foster homes and owners.

"It might sound kind of corny, but I like to consider the greyhounds when they just come off the track a lump of clay ╤ they're unformed, unshaped, they know so little, yet are so eager to please and be molded. It's our responsibility as the foster home and the new owner to make sure we mold them correctly and teach them how to do everything the right way from the start."

What's the best thing that's happened to you since you started working with greyhounds?

"Funny that you should ask, because it happened recently. Gloria and I got married. We never would have met if it weren't for the dogs. We both happened to be at a GPA volunteer meeting, our eyes met, and the rest is history."

Steve and Gloria live in San Juan Capistrano with their three greyhounds Tequila, Trent and Mariah, and their two non-greyhounds Spike the whippet and Larry the poodle. Steve continues to foster, make home visits, and help out in any way he can, even if it means dressing up in a silly costume for the Renaissance Faire. If it will benefit greyhounds, Steve will do it! (Gee, maybe next year's Faire should have Ye Dunking Boothe or Pie Toss. Hey, Steve...)

Thanks Steve! Thanks Gloria! Keep up the good work.

If you would like to join our elite group of foster families, call me for more information (310-496-1873). We can't rescue dogs unless we have a home to temporarily hold them, and we need every home possible to help out, even if it's just once a year. It's only a few weeks of your time, but it's a whole lifetime for a greyhound.

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Special Thanks

The Greyhound Pets of America /California - Orange County & Greater Los Angeles Chapter would like to thank the following who have donated or provided discounts for veterinary services. Without their support we would not have been able to rescue as many greyhounds as we have.

Dr. Robert Rooks
All Care Animal Referral
18440 Amistad
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 963-0909

Dr. Kevin Caylor
All Pets Veterinary Hospital
29131 S. Western
Ranchos Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 547-2784

Frank Moore, DVM
Amigo Animal Hospital
13951 Milan St.
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 894-5558

Dr. Coward and Dr. Mackey
Animal & Bird Clinic of Mission Viejo
24912 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(714) 768-3651

Rusty Muse, DVM
Animal Dermatology Clinic
13132 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92643
(714) 971-6211

Gib Benschoter, DVM
Brea Veterinary Hospital
675 S. Brea Boulevard
Brea, CA 92621
(714) 529-4988

Brook-Ellis Pet Hospital
18452 Brookhurst
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 963-0440

Central Orange County Emergency
Animal Clinic
3720 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 261-7979

Garden Park Pet Clinic
12453 Valley View
Garden Grove, CA 92645
(714) 898-6377

Dr. Charles M. Mintzer
General Pet Hospital
800 N. Diamond Bar Blvd.
Diamond Bar, CA 92765
(909) 861-4116

Dr. Karla Nichols
Grand Avenue Pet Hospital
1602 Grand
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 558-7622

Dr. Bender
North Valley Vet Clinic
11126 Balboa Blvd.
Granda Hills, CA 91344
(818) 366-7777

Dr. John Agostini
San Clemente Veterinary Hospital
1833 S. El Camino Road
San Clemente, CA 92672
(714) 492-5777

Todd Kopit, DVM
Stanton Pet Hospital
8591 Katella Avenue
Stanton, Ca 90680
(714) 828-5891

Dr. Ronald Morein
VCA Lakewood Animal Hospital
17801 Lakewood Blvd.
Bellflower, CA 90706
(310) 633-8126

Dr. L. L. Novy & Associates
Valley Veterinary Clinic
845 Los Angeles Avenue
Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 526-0917
(818) 884-1533

VCA Rossmoor El Dorado Animal
10832 Los Alamitos Blvd.
Los Alamitos, CA
(310) 598-8621

The Greyhound Pets of America /California - Orange County & Greater Los Angeles Chapter would also like to thank the following businesses for their help in our efforts to find homes for ex-racing greyhounds.

GRAPHIX Printing & Design
7209-C Arlington Ave.
Riverside, CA 92503
(909) 351-8193

Superior Mini Storage
1600 Superior Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(714) 631-3930

Theresa's Country Feed & Pet
1836 Erringer Road
Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 583-3599

Vet's Choice Premium Pet Food
(800) 966-1822

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PetCo / Santa Photos

We would like to give a special thanks for all who helped us have a successful "Santa Claus" season. First to Joe Beller and seven PetCo Stores for making it possible for us to take photos of pets with Santa with proceeds benefiting GPA. And then to Mac McKenzie, Shane DeLong, Phil Eppler, John and Clarice Roeder, Eric and Linda Shelman, Rod Mathews and Tom McRorie for volunteering as Santa or a camera elf. Last but not least, a BIG thanks goes to Becky McKenzie for organizing the entire program.

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to everyone who has so generously given their support over the past year. It was the many donations of time, talents, services and financial support that made it possible for so many greyhounds to retire from the track and into loving homes.

A "greyt" big thank you goes to Anne Marengo for her donation of sequins and materials for the Renaissance Faire and parade costumes.

We never lose
the ones we love
For even though they're gone,
Within the hearts
of those who care,
Their memory lingers on.

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A Special Donation was made:

In memory of Sailor, Charmaine and Jaimie by J.C. and Margaret Lawton

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