Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 16:24:54 -0800 (PST)
To: "Jennifer Jones (BIO)" <>
Subject: Re: cory help

Here is a short bibliography of printed material that I have on
the genus Corydoras.
General Reference:
Burgess. "Atlas of Freshwater and Marine Catfishes" (TFH: 1989)
Kobayagawa. "The World of Catfishes" (TFH: 1991)
Axelrod. "Breeding Aquarium Fishes Book I" (TFH:1967)
An old book, but a good one. Lots of Cory breeding info.
Ferraris. "Catfish in the Aquarium" (Tetra: 1991)
Sands. "South American Catfishes" (Tetra: 1988)
Andrews. "Fish Breeding" (Tetra: 1986)

Magazine Articles:
TFH Oct 94 C. barbatus
    Nov 1994 C. latus
    Jul 95 Corydoras
            Oct 95  C. melanistius
    Nov 1995 C. robineae
    Apr 96 Corydoras Fertilization
    Jun 96 C. imitator
    Jul 95 Four New Corydoras
    Oct 95 Color Patterns in Corydoras
Lee Finley published a list of Corydoras books in his column. I
can call him and find out when it was published.

Scientific Papers
Nijssen. "Two New spp. of Corydoras (C. weitzmani and C. blochi)"
Beaufortia 17 Sept. 1971

Isbrucker + Njissen "Two New Corydoras from Brazil (C. pulcher and
C. steindachneri) Beaufortia 1 Aug 1973

Njissen and Isbrucker "Chronological Enumeration of Nominal spp.
and sub spp. of Corydoras" BZM 1979

Njissen + Isbrucker "Review of the Genus Corydoras from Columbia"
(describes two new spp. plus trilineatus, delphax, leucomelas, aeneus,
melonotaenia, metae, melini, reynoldsi, axelrodi, loxozonus, elegans, and
stimulatus) Beaufortia 18 Nov 1983

N + I "C. nattereri and C. prionotos" Beaufortia 25 Apr 1980

Weitzman + N "Four New spp. of Corydoras from Ecuador, Columbia,
and Brazil" Beaufortia 15 Oct 1970

Njissen "Revision of the Surinam Catfishes of the Genus
Corydoras"Beaufortia 20 May 1970 -Great Paper-

Axelrod "Description of C. burgessi" TFH Aug 1987

North American Catfish Society Magazine
Vol. I No. 1 " Corydoras lacerdai" by Harro Hieronimus
     "Breeding Corydoras oiapoquensis" by Dave Grzanka
     " Not Just Your Average House Cat" by Warren Feuer
Warren's article is an excellent introduction to
        the various "groups" of Corys.

Vol. I No. 2 "C. trilineatus and C. delphax" by Ron Jackson
     "Salt Tolerence in C. aeneus" by Murphy and Lewbart
     "Corydoras C 16" by Dave Grzanka
     "Some Notes on C 16 and other Related Confusions
      Pt.1" by Lee Finley

Vol. I No. 3 "Corydoras gossei" by D. Grzanka

Vol. I No. 4 "Corydoras Spawning Tank Ideas" by Richard Pyle