Laboratory Animals Notes and Comments


The following guidelines are provided to assist contributors, further information and advice can be obtained from the Notes and Comments Editor. Dr H.B. Waynforth, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, The Frythe, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL6 9AR, U.K. Fax +44 1438 782500. Email: Send contributions and enquiries to the Notes and Comments Editor, Deadlines are:- January issue/mid-September; April issue/mid-December; July issue/mid March; October issue/mid June.

General. Contributors should address the international audience of Laboratory Animals by disseminating information on local issues that may have an international/national interest, and minimise information and opinions that are only of very local interest.

Future meetings/courses. Give title, date, location, description (maximum 400 words), contact information (address, telephone and FAX (in international format), Email address).

News from the Associations. Brief reports of meetings (include contact information as above if abstracts/proceedings are available). Brief reports of meetings including abstracts, abstracts should not exceed 400 words each, including title and details of the authors (name and full postal address). Administrative notes (change of offices, addresses etc) and reports of governing committees of associations (usually up to 800 words).

Announcements. Grants or awards available (include details on purpose/eligibility, maximum 200 words) and full contact information as above. Reports of important legislative or political changes with major national or international implications relevant to Laboratory Animal Science (include source for further information). Brief reports of grants/prizes/awards (maximum 400 words). Brief reports on meetings (include title, location, date, source of further information, usually about 1000 words) and sources of proceedings. Training courses (include details of title, date, location, contact information, registration/course fees and brief description of course content/target audience (maximum 400 words).

Book reviews. Reviews of books, audiovisual material and other training or scientific material should include full title and source of information in international format, with price in local currency. Reviews vary in length but should generally be 500-1000 words. When planning a review, please contact the Notes and Comments Editor to prevent duplication.

Other items. Articles of general interest to laboratory animal scientists are welcomed. The Notes and Comments Editor should be contacted to discuss length and content.


Last Updated: April 24, 1996

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