ISSN: 1052-5378srb9306

Animal Euthanasia

Provided by the Animal Welfare Information Center
United States Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Library

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SRB 93-06

Special Reference Briefs Series Animal Euthanasia

Michael D. Kreger
Cynthia Petrie Smith
Jennifer Lyons-Carter

Animal Welfare Information Center

July 1993 National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:

Kreger, Michael D.
Animal euthanasia.
(Special reference briefs ; 93-06)
1. Euthanasia of animals--Bibliography. I. Smith, Cynthia
II. Lyons-Carter, Jennifer. III. Title.
aS21.D27S64 no.93-06




Euthanatizing agents are commonly categorized into three main categories: inhalant agents, noninhalant pharmacologic agents, and physical methods. The inhalant agents include anesthetic gases, ether, cyclopropane, nitrous oxide, halothane, methoxyflurane, enflurane, isoflurane, nitrogen gas, and hydrogen cyanide gas. They are administered to the animal via a closed chamber, container, or face mask. The noninhalant agents include injectable pharmacologic agents. The preferred route of administration of the noninhalants is by intravenous injection. Physical methods of euthanasia include the use of the captive bolt pistol, gunshot, cervical dislocation, decapitation, electrocution, microwave irradiation, and rapid freezing. The "1993 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia" (Citation 002) is frequently referred to the veterinary and biomedical community and provides guidelines for recommended euthanitization methods by animal group and species.

Personnel administering an euthanatizing agent must know: 1) whether the agent is appropriate for the species, 2) what route, dose or concentration the agent should be administered, 3) if the agent may result in fear behavior, struggling, or vocalizations, 4) if the animal shows signs of experiencing pain, 5) how rapidly the agent results in unconsciousness, 6) if the agent causes tissue changes, 7) the technical skills for appropriate administration, and 8) if the agent is economical. If the animal is a pet, personnel must also address the emotional needs of the owner. Has the pet owner been informed of alternatives? Has the owner received a complete explanation of the euthanasia procedures? Should the owner be present during euthanasia and should family members be allowed to view the body afterwards?

This Special Reference Brief (SRB) was designed for use by veterinarians, shelter personnel, pet owners, researchers, agriculturists, and zoologists. Bibliographic citations on euthanatizing methods for a variety of animal species in different circumstances are listed. The citations include references from professional journals and books. Selected citations were included from 1981 to present and citations are arranged in chronological order from the most recent to least recent.

This brief is provided for convenience in obtaining access to published material on animal euthanasia. No attempt has been made by the authors or advisors to dictate which method or under what circumstances euthanasia should be performed. That issue remains the responsibility of the professional personnel in each circumstance subject to animal needs, facilities, and the concerns for animal welfare and the reduction in animal suffering. Utilization of this reference list, however, will provide an opportunity to base decisions on published scientific information.

If references are available from the National Agricultural Library Collection (NAL), their call numbers are given. Document delivery information is provided in bulletins 15 and 16 on the Agricultural Library Forum (ALF) for patrons who wish to obtain references through NAL.

The authors wish to express appreciation to Dr. Charles E. Short, Professor of Anesthesiology, at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, for his thoughtful insights and review of the initial draft of this special reference brief.


001 Euthanasia policy and procedures. University of Illinois. BRL Bulletin University of Illinois, Chicago, IL; March 16, 1993, pp. 1-3. Descriptors: AVMA Panel, cerebral cortex, training, humane death.

002 1993 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia. American Veterinary Medical Association. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 202(2):229-249 (January 1993). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: pharmaceutical agents, physical methods, special considerations, animal behavior, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish.

003 Comparative physiological responses to stressors in animals. Hattingh, J. and Petty, D. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A: Comparative Physiology 101(1):113-116 (1992). NAL call number: QP1 C6 Descriptors: immobilization, euthanasia, intraspecies, interspecies, SSERTS.

004 Euthanasia. Committee on Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals; Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR); Commission on Life Sciences; and National Research Council. Recognition and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals National Academy Press, Washington, DC; 1992, pp. 102- 116. NAL call number: SF996 5R43 Descriptors: dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, rodents, primates, birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles, methods.

005 Euthanasia. Tholhuijsen, L. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 117(3):92 (February 1, 1992). NAL call number: 41.8 T431 Descriptors: legislation, veterinary requirements, Netherlands.

006 The logical basis in the sense of section 17 number 1 of the Animal Welfare Act. [Der vernunftige grund im sinne des section 17 nr. 1 des Tierschutzgesetzes.] Schwabenbauer, K. (DTW) Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 99(1):8-9 (January 1992). NAL call number: 41.8 D482 Descriptors: Germany, "reasonable reasons" for permitting euthanasia, vertebrates.

007 Fallen stock. Byrne, D.J. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 129(1):19 (July 6, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: animal welfare, legislation, euthanasia.

008 Guidelines for euthanasia of domestic animals by firearms. Longair, J.A.; Finley, G.G.; and Laniel, M.A. Canadian Veterinary Journal 32:724-726 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 R3224 Descriptors: stun, pistol, animal welfare.

009 Method of euthanasia in animal study. Gregory, S.P.; Waterman, A.E.; and Weaver, B.M. Radiology 179(1):288 (April 1991). ISSN: 0033-8419. Descriptors: tetracaine, ammonium compounds, amides, drug combinations, T-61.

010 Veterinarians as members of the humane community. Thornton, G.W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(8):1352-1354 (April 15, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: professional standards, animal welfare, United States, ethics.

011 Animal euthanasia. Smith, C.P. and Larson, J. Special Reference Brief 91-02 National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD; 1990, 31 pp. NAL call number: aS21 D27S64 Descriptors: bibliography, 1988-1990, animal welfare.

012 Euthanasia. Bennett, B.T.; Brown, M.J.; and Schofield, J.C. Essentials for Animal Research: A Primer for Research Personnel USDA, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD; 1990, pp. 89-100. NAL call number: aQL55 B36 Descriptors: information resources, euthanasia regulations, methods, multi-species.

013 Recognition and alleviation of pain and distress Kastello, M.D. Production Plus, Inc., Closter, NJ; 1 videocassette (22 min., 30 sec.), 1990. NAL call number: Videocassette no. 968 Descriptors: animal welfare, veterinarian, study end points.

014 On the use of T-61 for euthanasia of domestic and laboratory animals: An ethical evaluation. Hellebrekers, L.J.; Baumans, V.; Bertens, A.P.; and Hartman, W. Laboratory Animals 24(3):200-204 (July 1990). NAL call number: QL55 A1L3 Descriptors: rabbits, dogs, EMG, ECG, end-tidal CO2, consciousness, butyramide.

015 An anaesthetic or euthanasia chamber for small animals. Applebee, K.A. and Cooper, J.E. Animal Technology 40(1):39-43 (1989). NAL call number: QL55 I5 Descriptors: animal welfare, laboratory animals, chamber.

016 Handbook of Pentobarbital Euthanasia Greyhavens, T. Humane Society of Wilamette Valley, Salem, OR; 1989, 126 pp. NAL call number: HV4731 G73 Descriptors: injection site, physical restraint, chemical restraint, laws, administration.

017 Rectliche und praktishe aspekte des tieraerztlichen toetens von wirbeltieren. [Legal and practical aspects of the euthanasia of vertebrates by the veterinary surgeon.] Wormuth, H.J. Praktische Tierarzt 70(5):5-8 (1989). NAL call number: 41.8 P882 Descriptors: animal welfare, laws, animal health, destruction of animals.

018 The behavior of chickens, mice and rats during euthanasia with chloroform, carbon dioxide and ether. Blackshaw, J.K.; Fenwick, D.C.; Beattie, A.W.; and Allan, D.J. Lab Animal 22(1):67-75 (January 1988). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: inbred strains, induced chemical ataxia, carbon dioxide, chloroform, ether.

019 Determination of embutramide in mammalian tissues. Braselton, W.E.; Ray, J.S.; Slanker, M.R.; and Rumler, P.C. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 30(6):536-539 (December 1988). NAL call number: SF601 A47 Descriptors: residues, T-61, toxic substances, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry.

020 Euthanasia of small animals with nitrogen, comparison with intravenous pentobarbital. Quine, J.P.; Buckingham, W.; and Strunin, L. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 29(9):724-726 (September 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 R3224 Descriptors: dogs, cats, rabbits, pentobarbital, nitrogen, animal welfare.

021 Euthanatizing agents. Hatch, R.C. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Booth, N.H. and McDonald, L.E. (eds.), Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA; 6th ed., 1988, pp. 1143-1148. NAL call number: SF915 J6 1988 Descriptors: barbiturates, chloral hydrate, T-61, inhalants, CO, CO2, electricity, bullets, guillotine, cervical dislocation.

022 Experiences in veterinary practice: Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers. Rossdale, P. The Veterinary Record 122(3):67- 70 (January 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: educational standards, technological advances.

023 Humane Killing of Animals Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Herts, England; reprint of the 4th edition, 1988, pp. 1-111. NAL call number: HV4731 H85 Descriptors: animal protection laws, shooting, stunning, cervical dislocation, electrocution, anoxia, asphyxia, chloroform, CO2, nitrogen, hydrogen cyanide, pentobarbital, cats, deer, ferrets, mink, hedgehogs, otters, rodents, whales, dolphins, crustaceans, reptiles, amphibians.

024 Use of the terms euthanasia, euthanatize and killing letter. Rao, G.N. Laboratory Animal Science 38(5):558 (October 1988). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: laboratory animals, defining euthanasia.

025 Euthanasia. Green, C.J. In: Laboratory Animals: An Introduction for New Experimenters Tuffery, A.A. (ed.), Wiley Publishing, Chichester, England; 1987, pp. 171-177. NAL call number: QL55 L274 Descriptors: freezing techniques, carcass disposal, electrocution, anesthetics.

026 T-61 use in the euthanasia of domestic animals: A survey. Rowan, A.N. In: Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1985 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, MA; 1986, pp. 79-86. NAL call number: HV4701 A34 1985 Descriptors: animal welfare, pain, neurotropic drugs, drug combinations, rats, dogs, cats, literature review, horses, adverse reactions.

027 Euthanasia by injection. Levine, M.R. Community Animal Control 4(1):12, 20-22 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: technical training of personnel, methods of injection, physical restraint and handling, ketamine, acepromazine, xylazine, sodium pentobarbital.

028 Preanesthesia, anesthesia, analgesia, and euthanasia. Clifford, D.H. In: Laboratory Animal Medicine Fox, J.G.; Cohen, B.J.; and Loew, F.M. (eds.), Academic Press Inc., Orlando, FL; 1984, pp.528-563. NAL call number: SF996.5 L33 Descriptors: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, physical methods, inhalants, parenteral methods.

029 Schmerzausschaltung in der experimentellen chirurgie bei hund, katze, schwein, schaf. [Analgesia and anaesthesia for experimental surgery in dogs, cats, pigs and sheep.] Kupper, W. Schriftenreihe Versuchstierkunde Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, German Federal Republic; 1984, pp. 1-132. Descriptors: sedation, nitrous oxide, halothane, anaesthesia, euthanasia.

030 CO2 euthanasia. Freed, D.L.J. Nature 304(5926):482 (August 1983). NAL call number: 472 N21 Descriptors: carbon dioxide toxicity.

031 Chemical methods for euthanasia (veterinary medicine). Lumb, W.V. and Moreland, A.F. Lab Animal 11(4):29,33,35 (May/June 1982). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: halothane, isoflurane, methoxyflurane, nitrous oxide, T-61, chloral hydrate, pentobarbital mixtures, undesirable agents-strychnine, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, hydrocyanic acid.

032 The history of euthanasia. Brewer, N.R. Lab Animal 11(4):17,19 (May/June 1982). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: laboratory animals, drug pharmacodynamics, Claude Bernard, strychnine, hypoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, decompression chambers, reduction of suffering. TEACHING

033 Survival vs. terminal animal laboratories to teach small animal surgery. Bauer, M.S.; Glickman, N.; Salisbury, S.K.; Toombs, J.P.; and Prostredny, J.M. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 19(2):54-58 (1992). NAL call number: SF601 J62 Descriptors: learning, animal welfare, cadaver, euthanasia.

034 Rodents: Basic Needs, Handling, and Care Hamm, T.E. Production Plus, Inc., Closter, NJ; 1 videocassette (18 min., 21 sec.), 1990. NAL call number: Videocassette no. 967 Descriptors: transport, identification, housing, care, proper euthanasia.

035 Conversations with veterinary students: attitudes, ethics and animals. Herzog, Jr., H.A.; Vore, T.L.; and New, Jr., J.C. Anthrozoös 2(3):181-188 (1989). NAL call number: SF411 A57 Descriptors: veterinary education, animal experiments, euthanasia, professional ethics.

036 Euthanasia workshops - dealing with employee relationships, too. Shelter Sense 11(4):11-12 (April 1988). NAL call number: HV4701 S43 Descriptors: animal welfare, workers, training, hospice.

037 Experiences in veterinary practice: Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers. Rossdale, P. The Veterinary Record 122(3):67- 70 (January 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: educational standards, technological advances.

038 Euthanasia. Green, C.J. In: Laboratory Animals: An Introduction for New Experimenters Tuffery, A.A. (ed.), Wiley Publishing, Chichester, England; 1987, pp. 171-177. NAL call number: QL55 L274 Descriptors: freezing techniques, electrocution, anesthetics.

039 The Oregon certified euthanasia technician program. Greyhavens, T. Community Animal Control 4(1):9, 26-27 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: shelter, licenses and permits, technician training, technician stress, legislation, animal welfare.

040 Let's stop playing 'let's pretend'. Smith, B.H. Community Animal Control 4(1):7 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: shelter, technical training of staff, societies, animal welfare, interest groups, communication, education.

041 An educator's approach to euthanasia (veterinary medicine). Bustad, L.K. Lab Animal 11(4):37-39 (May/June 1982). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: central nervous system, ideal agent, education, client-veterinarian interaction.


042 Absent Friend Lee, L. and Lee, M. Henston Ltd., High Wycombe, Bucks, United Kingdom; 1992, 141 pp. ISBN: 1-85054- 089-6. Descriptors: pet death, grief, mourning.

043 Bereavement after the death of a pet. Noël de Tilly, J. Veterinary Technician 13(3):185-189 (April 1992). NAL call number: SF406 A5 Descriptors: pet death, understanding grief, counseling.

044 Coping With the Loss of a Pet: A Gentle Guide for all Who Love a Pet Lemieux, C.M. W.R. Clark & Co., Reading, PA; 1992, 52 pp. ISBN: 0-9622158-0-5. Descriptors: grief, pet death, emotion.

045 In extremis, pets fare better than people. (They have the right to euthanasia.) Agate, C. The Los Angeles Times 111:B7 (August 4, 1992). ISSN: 0458-3035. Descriptors: ethics, legislation, terminally ill.

046 Animal illness and human emotions: Cancer. Butler, C.L.; Lagoni, L.; Dickinson, K.L. and Withrow, S.J. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):21-37 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: oncology, pets, psychological effects, emotion, euthanasia.

047 Animal illness and human emotions: Death and bereavement. Harris, J.M. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):111-117 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: grief, pet death, counseling, support.

048 Animal illness and human emotions: Suffering and euthanasia. Cohen, S.P. and Sawyer, D.C. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):101-109 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: pets, euthanasia, pain, psychological effects.

049 Cancer. Butler, C.L.; Lagoni, L.; Dickinson, K.L.; and Withrow, S.J. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):21-37 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: treatment, emotion, dog, cat, neoplasm, euthanasia.

050 Coping with euthanasia: A case study of shelter culture. Arluke, A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1176-1180 (April 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: cat, dog, shelter employees, emotion.

051 Death and bereavement. Harris, J.M. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):111-117 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: grief, pet death, euthanasia, children, counseling.

052 Neurologic problems. Joseph, R. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):95-99 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: communication, therapy, costs, euthanasia, dog, cat.

053 'Rescued' animals killed: Animal-rights group defends euthanasia. Okie, S. and Jennings, V. The Washington Post 114:A1 (April 13, 1991). ISSN: 0190-8286. Descriptors: ethics, society, policy.

054 Suffering and euthanasia. Cohen, S.P. and Sawyer, D.C. Problems in Veterinary Medicine 3(1):101-109 (March 1991). NAL call number: SF601 P76 Descriptors: pets, choices, pain, emotion, euthanasia.

055 Veterinarians as members of the humane community. Thornton, G.W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(8):1352-1354 (April 15, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: professional standards, animal welfare, United States, ethics.

056 Wills requiring the destruction of pets--the veterinarian's position. Hannan, H.W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 199(9):1156-1157 (November 1, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: ethics, legislation, animal welfare, jurisprudence.

057 The animal technicians' role in the euthanasia of laboratory animals. Martinic, G. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 41(2):145-150 (August 1990). NAL call number: QL55 I5 Descriptors: survey, perceived role, training.

058 Humane euthanasia and companion animal death: Caring for the animal, the client, and the veterinarian. Hart, L.A.; Hart, B.L.; and Mader, B. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 197(10):1292-1299 (November 15, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: emotion, pets, ethics.

059 Conversations with veterinary students: attitudes, ethics and animals. Herzog, Jr., H.A.; Vore, T.L.; and New, Jr., J.C. Anthrozoös 2(3):181-188 (1989). NAL call number: SF411 A57 Descriptors: veterinary education, animal experiments, euthanasia, professional ethics.

060 Client services for geriatric pets. Hancock, G. and Yates, J. The Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice 19(1):187-196 (January 1989). NAL call number: SF601 V523 Descriptors: attachment, human-pet bonding.

061 Insensitivity toward clients. Rider, H.E. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 195(7):852 (October 1989). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: cat, client's response to witnessing euthanasia.

062 A client's perspective. Balaban, B. and Hart, L.A. Companion Animal Practice 2(2):20-24 (February 1988). NAL call number: SF981 C64 Descriptors: veterinary practice, public relations, pets, euthanasia.

063 Convenience euthanasia revisited. Antelyes, J. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 193(8):906-908 (October 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: dogs, ethics, decision making, alternatives, shelter, client-veterinarian relationships, ethics.

064 Coping with blindness: A survey of 50 blind dogs. Chester, Z. and Clark, W.T. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 123(26-27):668-671 (December 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: dog diseases, behavior, aggression, decision to euthanatize, coping with the blind pet.

065 The euthanasia decision. Mitchener, K.L. Companion Animal Practice 2(12):3-6 (December 1988). NAL call number: SF981 C64 Descriptors: owner support, when to euthanatize, attachment, medical advice, options, case history, dog.

066 Euthanasia workshops - dealing with employee relationships, too. Shelter Sense 11(4):11-12 (April 1988). NAL call number: HV4701 S43 Descriptors: animal welfare, workers, training, hospice.

067 Patient death and dying. Lagoni, L.S.; Arguello, S.; Withrow, S.J.; and Pike, C. In: Veterinary Practice Management McCurnin, D.M. (ed.), Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA; 1988, pp. 308-319. NAL call number: SF756.4 V47 Descriptors: dogs, veterinary practice, euthanasia, attachment behavior.

068 Trauer um ein Tier. [Grief over an animal.] Durr, U.M. Du und das Tier 18(5):20-23 (1988). Descriptors: pets, man, psychology, euthanasia.

069 The veterinarian as a counselor - handling pet owner grief. Olson, D. and Greene, L. Veterinary Reports 1(3):10,12 (1988). Descriptors: pets, veterinary practice, owner grief.

070 Euthanasia: Helping clients cope with the decision and the event. Fudin, C.E. Veterinary Technician 8(2):98-101 (March 1987). NAL call number: SF406 A5 Descriptors: emotional attachment, reasons for requesting euthanasia, decision making, clients presence during euthanasia.

071 Thoughts on euthanasia. Dorsey, W.A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 190(10):1252-1253 (May 1987). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: clients, pets, euthanasia on demand, medically necessary euthanasia, editorial.

072 Breaking the human-animal bond: Helping clients cope with euthanasia. Knodel, K.J. and Beran, G. Iowa State University Veterinarian 48(2):96-98 (1986). NAL call number: 41.8 V6425 Descriptors: stages of grief: denial, anger, depression, resolution, decision making, client relations.

073 When companion animals die: Caring for clients in their time of sorrow. Carmack, B.J. Veterinary Medicine 81(4):311- 314 (April 1986). NAL call number: 41.8 M69 Descriptors: bereaved pet owners, dying pets, decision to euthanatize, understanding, sensitivity, attachment, financial burden.

074 Laboratory animal technicians: Their role in stress reduction and human-companion animal bonding. Wolfle, T.L. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice 15:449-454 (1985). NAL call number: SF601 V523 Descriptors: attitude, animal care, discussion groups, grief.

075 Pet Loss and Human Bereavement Kay, W.J. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA; 1st edition, 1984, 198 pp. NAL call number: SF411.47 P48 Descriptors: meeting clients needs, communication between client and veterinarian, decision making, grief, separation and loss, human psychology.

076 Thanatology: Death of a pet. Kay, W.; Fudin, C.; and Cohen, S. In: Dynamic Relationships in Practice: Animals in the Helping Professions Arkow, P. (ed.), Latham Foundation, Alameda, CA; 1984, pp. 107-122. NAL call number: SF411.5 D9 Descriptors: animal welfare, mortality, euthanasia, pain, grief.

077 The veterinarian's role in the human/animal bond. Harris, J.M. In: Dynamic Relationships in Practice: Animals in the Helping Professions Arkow, P. (ed.), Latham Foundation, Alameda, CA; 1984, pp. 271-286. NAL call number: SF411.5 D9 Descriptors: bonds, emotions, euthanasia, veterinarian's responsibilities.

078 Incidence of euthanasia and euthanasia alternatives in veterinary practice. McCulloch, M.J. and Bustad, L.K. In: New Perspectives on Our Lives With Companion Animals Katcher, A.H. and Beck, A.M. (eds.), University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA; 1983, pp. 366-369. NAL call number: SF411 5N48 Descriptors: pets, number of animals euthanatized, counseling owners, euthanasia decision, veterinary survey.

079 Euthanasia of pets: Especially difficult for elderly people. Messonnier, S. VM/SAC, Veterinary Medicine & Small Animal Clinician 77(3):363-364 (March 1982). NAL call number: 41.8 M69 Descriptors: case report, poodle, explanation of euthanasia procedures, clients options, client responsibility.

080 Managing the guilt of companion pet euthanasia. Chastain, C.B. Feline Practice 12(2):7-8, 10-11 (March/April 1982). NAL call number: SF985 F4 Descriptors: emotional attachment, veterinarian-client relationships, anticipated loss of pet, relieving suffering, owner support, owners presence during euthanasia.


081 Comparison of effects of decapitation and anesthesia on metabolic and hormonal parameters in Sprague-Dawley rats. Bhathena, S.J. Life Sciences 50(21):1649-1655 (1992). NAL call number: 442.8 L62 Descriptors: plasma glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, insulin, glucagon.

082 Euthanasia by decapitation: Evidence that this technique produces prompt, painless unconsciousness in laboratory rodents. Holson, R.R. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 14(4):253-257 (July/August 1992). ISSN: 0892-0362. Descriptors: EEG, comparison to anesthesia effects, brain, pain perception.

083 Morphometric studies of the proximal tubules of the rat kidney considering the effect of the method of killing. [Morphometrisch untersuchungen am proximalen tubulus der rattenniere unter dem einfluss der totungsart.] Messow, C.; Heider, J.J.; Hackbarth, H.; and Korn, W.D. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 105(9):294-299 (September 1, 1992). NAL call number: 41.8 B45 Descriptors: Wistar, Sprague-Dawley, decapitation, nembutal overdose, exsanguination.

084 Ethanol euthanasia and its effect on the binding of antibody generated against an immunogenic peptide construct. Lord, R.; Jones, G.L.; and Spencer, L. Research in Veterinary Science 51(2):164-168 (September 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 R312 Descriptors: mice, immunization, sodium pentobarbitone, 70% ethanol.

085 Killing of experimental rabbits with captive bolt guns according to animal welfare regulations. [Tierschutzgerechtes toten von versuchskaninchen mit bolzenschussgeraten.] Holtzmann, M. Journal of Experimental Animal Science 34(5- 6):203-206 (1991). NAL call number: QL1 J687 Descriptors: Germany, technique, animal welfare, shooting.

086 Pain perception in decapitated rat brain. Derr, R.F. Life Sciences 49(19):1399-1402 (1991). NAL call number: 442.8 L62 Descriptors: humane, oxygen consumption, EEG activation, consciousness.

087 Rat brain free glucose and lactate measurement by a novel method using bisecting decapitation-extrusion and enzyme denaturation at five seconds. Oldendorf, W.H. and Stoller, B.E. Journal of Neurochemistry 56(2):611-614 (1991). NAL call number: QP351 J6 Descriptors: decapitation, enzyme inactivation, method comparison, males.

088 Rodent euthanasia. Lord, R. Nature 350:6318-6456 (April 11, 1991). NAL call number: 472 N21 Descriptors: rats, mice, 70% ethanol, central nervous system depressant, barbituate alternative.

089 Role of leukocyte depletion in noncholinergic bronchoconstriction of guinea pigs. Lai, Y.L.; Reinhart, P.G.; Thacker, A.A.; and Zhou, K.R. Respiration Physiology 86(1):139-146 (1991). NAL call number: QP121 A1R4 Descriptors: guinea pig, exsanguination, capsaicin injection.

090 Sedation by exposure to a gaseous carbon dioxide oxygen mixture: Application to studies involving small laboratory animal species. Urbanski, H.F. and Kelley, S.T. Laboratory Animal Science 41(1):80-82 (1991). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: FSH, decapitation, corticosterone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin.

091 Brain amino acid concentrations in rats killed by decapitation and microwave irradiation. Miller, J.M.; Jope, R.S.; Ferraro, T.N.; and Hare, T.A. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 31(3):187-192 (1990). ISSN: 0165-0270 Descriptors: Sprague-Dawley rats, substancia nigra, hippocampus, corpus striatum.

092 Changes in the duration of postdecapitation convulsions mediated by adrenergic and serotonergic receptors in the rat. Carbonell, L.; Cuffi, M.L.; Mormol, F.; and Puig-Parellada, P. European Journal of Pharmacology 183(2):507-508 (1990). NAL call number: QP901 E8 Descriptors: decapitation, pharmacology, receptors.

093 Decapitation-induced changes in inositol phosphates in rat brain. Lin, T.N.; Sun, G.Y.; Premkumar, N.; MacQuarrie, R.A.; and Carter, S.R. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 167(3):1294-1301 (1990). NAL call number: 442.8 B5236 Descriptors: radioactivity, time-dependent changes, hydrolysis.

094 Degradation of poly-phosphoinositides in brain subcellular membranes in response to decapitation insult. Sun, G.Y.; Yoa, F.G.; and Lin, T.N. Neurochemistry International 17(4):529-535 (1990). ISSN: 0197-0186 Descriptors: subcellular effects, synaptic vesicles, synaptic and non-synaptic plasma membranes, degradation.

095 The effect of euthanasia technique on vascular arachidonic acid metabolism and vascular and intestinal smooth muscle contractility. Butler, M.M.; Griffey, S.M.; Clubb, Jr., F.J.; Gerrity, L.W.; and Campbell, W.B. Laboratory Animal Science 40(3):277-283 (1990). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: rabbit, rat, decapitation, pentobarbital overdose, anesthesia overdose, CO2, methoxy-flurane, ether.

096 Effect of magnesium sulfate at killing of rabbits on aldolase activity in their organs. Rysinska, J.; Kolataj, A.; Stepkowska, H.; Swiderska, G.; Parkanyi, V.; and Rafay, J. Veterinarni Medicina 35(4):247-250 (1990). NAL call number: 41.9 C333 Descriptors: kidney, liver, muscle, stress.

097 The effect of mouse euthanasia technique on subsequent lymphocyte proliferation and cell mediated lympholysis assays. Howard, H.L.; McLaughlin-Taylor, E.; and Hill, R.L. Laboratory Animal Science 40(5):510-514 (September 1990). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: dislocation, methoxyflurane, pentobarbital, halothane, carbon dioxide.

098 Effects of ketamine anesthesia prior to decapitation on the vasopressin responses in the isolated hypothalamoneurohypophysial system HNS of the rat. Hashiro, G.M.; McCullen, A.H.; Claybaugh, J.R.; and Hebden, R.A. Laboratory Animal Science 40(5):552 (1990). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: rat, antidiuretic hormone, brain.

099 Euthanasia. Bennett, B.T.; Brown, M.J.; and Schofield, J.C. Essentials for Animal Research: A Primer for Research Personnel USDA, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD; 1990, pp. 89-100. NAL call number: aQL55 B36 Descriptors: information resources, euthanasia regulations, methods, multi-species.

100 Microsomal reduction of dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB). Selective effects of carbon dioxide asphyxiation versus decapitation of animals and variation with age, sex and species. Levine, W.G. and Perez, E. Biochemical Pharmacology 39(5):973-975 (1990). NAL call number: 396.8 B52 Descriptors: hamster, rat, rabbit, mouse, guinea pig, cytochrome p450, drug metabolizing enzyme.

101 Neuropeptides in brain: Effects of microwave irradiation and decapitation. Mathe, A.A.; Stenfors, C.; Brodin, E.; and Theodorsson, E. Life Sciences 46(4):287-293 (1990). NAL call number: 442.8 L62 Descriptors: substance p, neurokinin, neuropeptide y, rat, neurotensin.

102 Protective effect of KB-2796, a new calcium antagonist, in cerebral hypoxia and ischemia. Hara, H.; Ozaki, A.; Yoshidomi, M.; and Sukamoto, T. International Archives of Pharmacodynamics and Therapy [Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie] 304:206-218 (1990). NAL call number: RM1 A73 Descriptors: gerbil, guinea pig, mouse, decapitation, normobaric hypoxia, KCN-induced death.

103 Rodents: Basic Needs, Handling, and Care Hamm, T.E. Production Plus, Inc., Closter, NJ; 1 videocassette (18 min., 21 sec.), 1990. NAL call number: Videocassette no. 967 Descriptors: transport, identification, housing, care, proper euthanasia.

104 Suppression of clinical weakness in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis associated with weight changes, and post-decapitation convulsions after intracisternal ventricular administration of 6-hydroxydopamine. Konkol, R.J.; Wesselmann, U.; Karpus, W.J.; Leo, G.L.; Killen, J.A.; and Roerig, D.L. Journal of Neuroimmunology 26(1):25-34 (1990). ISSN: 0165-5728. Descriptors: catecholamines, Freund's adjuvant, myelin basic protein, 6-OHDA.

105 Tissue response to intramuscular and intraperitoneal injections of ketamine and xylazine in rats. Smiler, K.L.; Stein, S.; Hrapkiewicz, K.L.; and Hiben, J.R. Laboratory Animal Science 40(1):60-64 (January 1990). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: intramuscular, tissue damage, strain differences, Sprague-Dawley.

106 Early euthanasia as an alternative to death in chronic infectious disease studies using a systemic candida-albicans model. Siems, J.J. and Allen, S.D. 89th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology New Orleans, LA; USA, May 14-18, 1989 Descriptors: abstract, mouse model, animal experiments.

107 Effect of anesthesia and/or decapitation on rat left ventricular isolated papillary muscle performance. [Influencia da anestesia e/ou degolamento sobre o comportamento mecanico de musculos papilares isolados de ventriculo esquerdo de ratos.] Cicogna, A.C. and Bing, O.H.L. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 53(4):197-200 (1989). ISSN: 0066-782X. Descriptors: chloralose, pentobarbital, heart.

108 Ether as an anesthetic for decapitation in the rat:gonadotropin secretion by subsequently established anterior pituitary cell cultures. O'Conner, J.L. and Kellom, T.A. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 190(4):320-323 (April 1989). NAL call number: 442.9 So1 Descriptors: rats, pituitary gland, LH-FSH releasing hormone.

109 Serotonin-okasis and catecholamine-related substances in the brain of ornithine transcarbamylase-deficient sparse-Fur mice in the hyperammonenic state: Comparison of two procedures for obtaining brain extract, decapitation and microwave irradiation. Inoue, I.; Shimizu, T.; Saheki, T.; Noda, T.; and Fukuda, T. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology 42(3):232-239 (1989). NAL call number: QP501 B474 Descriptors: 5-HI postmortem changes.

110 Use of ethanol for euthanasia of mice. Lord, R. Australian Veterinary Journal 66(8):268 (August 1989). NAL call number: 41.8 AU72 Descriptors: intraperitoneal injection, effects on central nervous system, inexpensive agent, advantages to use.

111 The behavior of chickens, mice and rats during euthanasia with chloroform, carbon dioxide and ether. Blackshaw, J.K.; Fenwick, D.C.; Beattie, A.W.; and Allan, D.J. Lab Animal 22(1):67-75 (January 1988). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: inbred strains, induced chemical ataxia, carbon dioxide, chloroform, ether.

112 Determination of embutramide in mammalian tissues. Braselton, W.E.; Ray, J.S.; Slanker, M.R.; and Rumler, P.C. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 30(6):536-539 (December 1988). NAL call number: SF601 A47 Descriptors: residues, T-61, toxic substances, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry.

113 A mobile CO2 inhalation chamber for small laboratory rodents. Jaax, G.P. Lab Animal 17(8):26-27 (November/December 1988). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: carbon dioxide, inexpensive, nonexplosive, portable chamber, anesthesia, hypoxia, unconsciousness.

114 Neocortical and hippocampal electrical activity following decapitation in the rat. Vanderwolf, C.H.; Buzak, D.P.; and Cain, R.K. Brain Research 451:340-344 (1988). Descriptors: brain, rodent, euthanasia.

115 Use of captive bolt as a method of euthanasia in larger laboratory animal species. Dennis, M.B.; Dong, W.K.; and Weisbrod, K.A. Laboratory Animal Science 38:459-462 (1988). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: dogs, rabbits, motoric collapse, corneal reflex, auditory evoked potential, electroencephalogram, cerebral death.

116 The humaneness of carbon dioxide as an agent of euthanasia for laboratory rodents. Britt, D.P. In: Euthanasia of Unwanted, Injured or Diseased Animals or for Educational or Scientific Purposes: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare in Association with the Humane Slaughter Association Held at the Meeting Rooms, Zoological Society of London, Regents Park, September 19, 1986 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, London, England; 1987, pp. 19-31. NAL call number: HV4731 E9 1986 Descriptors: inhalant, CO2, behavioral response, histopathology, gradual induction.

117 Euthanasia of rabbits by intravenous administration of ketamine. Baneux, P.J.; Garner, D.; McIntyre, H.B.; and Holshuh, H.J. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 189(9):1038-1039 (November 1986). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: central nervous system, ECG, EEG, blood pressure, muscle contractions, histological examinations.

118 Is euthanasia of rats by decapitation inhumane? Allred, J.B. and Berntson, G.G. The Journal of Nutrition 116(9):1859- 1861 (September 1986). NAL call number: 389.8 J82 Descriptors: EEG activity, anesthesia, stunning, AVMA panel, catecholamine release, glycogen liver content, metabolic regulation studies.

119 Catecholamine, adenosine triphosphate, and P-creatin levels in decapitated whole mouse brain. Corder, C.N.; Castillo, R.E.; Nieder, G.L. Journal of Pharmacological Methods 13(1):37-42 (1985). NAL call number: QP901 J6 Descriptors: epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, P- creatinine, liquid nitrogen.

120 Urethral plugs and urine retention in male mice. Taylor, D.M. Laboratory Animals 19(3):189-191 (July 1985). NAL call number: QL55 A1L3 Descriptors: mice, males, strains, euthanasia, urinary tract diseases, urination disorders, urethra.

121 Comparison of carbon dioxide/air mixture and nitrogen/air mixture for the euthanasia of rodents. Design of a system for inhalation euthanasia. Hornett, T.D. and Haynes, A.P. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 35:93-99 (1984). NAL call number: QL55 I5 Descriptors: nitrogen gas, distress, rabbits, rodents, CO2.

122 Euthanasia of small laboratory animals. Battisti, G.A. Laboratory Animal Science 34(3):228 (June 1984). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, rats.

123 The rate of decline in resistance to anoxia of rabbits, dogs, and guinea pigs from the onset of viability to adult life. Glass, H.G.; Snyder, F.F.; and Webster, E. American Journal of Physiology 140:609-615 (1944). NAL call number: 447.8 Am3 Descriptors: neonates, oxygen-deprived, nitrogen, asphyxia, fetal responses.


124 Beta-endorphin and cortisol concentrations in plasma of blood samples collected during exsanguination of cattle. Tume, R.K. and Shaw, F.D. Meat Science 31(2):211-218 (1992). NAL call number: TX373 M4 Descriptors: research abattoir, commercial abattoir, carcass evaluation.

125 Euthanasia of horses. Jones, R.S.; Knottenbelt, D.K.; Mason, K.; and O'Donnell, E. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 130(24):544 (1992). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: veterinary medicine, drug administration, dosage, somulose, arnoids, cellulose, chloral hydrate.

126 Induced oviposition of precalcified eggs following prostaglandin administration. Hargrove, T.L. and Ottinger, M.A. Poultry Science 71(3):548-552 (March 1992). NAL call number: 47.8 AM33P Descriptors: poultry, euthanasia alternative, early cleavage, fertilized ova.

127 Changes in the somatosensory evoked potentials and spontaneous electroencephalogram of hens during stunning in Argon-induced anoxia. Raj, A.B.M.; Gregory, N.G.; and Wotton, S.B. The British Veterinary Journal 147:322-330 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V643 Descriptors: loss of consciousness, loss of posture, eye closure, convulsions, 2% oxygen.

128 Euthanasia of chickens. Gregory, N.G. and Wotton, S.B. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 128(22):532 (June 1, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: poultry, abattoirs, welfare.

129 Jet injection: The possibility of using a high pressure water jet for the stunning of slaughter pigs. Schatzmann, U.; Leuenberger, T.; and Fuchs, P. Fleischwirtschaft 71:899-901 (1991). NAL call number: 280.38 F62 Descriptors: swine, welfare, euthanasia.

130 Method of euthanasia in animal study. Gregory, S.P.; Waterman, A.E.; Weaver, B.M.Q.; Hopper, K.D.; Baird, D.E.; and Parker, S.H. Radiology 179(1):288 (1991). ISSN: 0033-8419. Descriptors: swine, curare, acepromazine, ketamine, intramuscular.

131 Reflexes and loss of sensibility following head-to-back electrical stunning in sheep. Anil, M.H. and McKinstry, J.L. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 128:106-107 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: epileptiform activity, cardiac fibrillation, corneal reflex, gasping, brain stem, distress.

132 Supportive medical care of recumbent horses. McConnico, R.S.; Clem, M.F.; and DeBowes, R.M. The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 13(8):1287-1295 (August 1991). NAL call number: SF601 C66 Descriptors: diagnosis, shock, treatment, euthanasia.

133 Comparison of neck dislocation and percussion of the head on visual evoked responses in the chicken's brain. Gregory, N.G. and Wotton, S.B. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 126(3):570-572 (June 9, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: cervical dislocation, stretch, crush, consciousness, poultry.

134 Effect of fetal decapitation. McCusker, R.H. and Campion, D.R. Growth, Development, and Aging 54(1-2):31-38 (1990). NAL call number: 442.8 G91 Descriptors: porcine serum, growth factor-I, 355-sulfate uptake.

135 Equine euthanasia. Anonymous. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 197(5):555-556 (September 1, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: horse, methods, physiology.

136 Femoral capital physeal fractures in 25 foals. Hunt, D.A.; Snyder, J.R.; Morgan, J.P.; and Pascoe, J.R. Veterinary Surgery 19(1):41-49 (January/February 1990). NAL call number: SF911 V43 Descriptors: horses, foals, femoral neck fractures, femur head injuries, hip fractures, lameness, euthanasia.

137 Humane slaughter laws. Leavitt, E.S.; Halverson, D.; Animal Welfare Institute; and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. Animals and Their Legal Rights: A Survey of American Laws from 1641 to 1990 Animal Welfare Institute, Washington, DC; 4th edition, 1990, pp. 52-65. NAL call number: HV4725 U5L4 1990 Descriptors: animal welfare, livestock, slaughter, law.

138 There's no good way to euthanatize a horse. Buelke, D.L. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 196(12):1942-1944 (June 15, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: methods, equine, costs, barbiturates, drawbacks.

139 Vascular injury associated with naturally occurring strangulating obstructions of the equine large colon. Snyder, J.R.; Pascoe, J.R.; Olander, H.J.; Hinds, D.M.; Young, R.; and Tyler, W.S. Veterinary Surgery 19(6):446-455 (November/December 1990). NAL call number: SF911 V43 Descriptors: pain, abdomen, euthanasia, obstruction.

140 Cardiac muscle spasms after euthanasia. King, J.M. Veterinary Medicine 84(1):28 (1989). NAL call number: 41.8 M69 Descriptors: horses, foals, heart.

141 Investigation into the principal determinants of effective captive bolt stunning of sheep. Daly, C.C. and Whittington, P.E. Research in Veterinary Science 46:406-408 (1989). NAL call number: 41.8 R312 Descriptors: visual evoked responses, pistol, manual insertion of bolt, trephined hole, cranium, brain tissues.

142 Strangulating volvulus of the ascending colon in horses. Snyder, J.R.; Pascoe, J.R.; Olander, H.J.; Spier, S.J.; Meagher, D.M.; and Bleifer, D.R. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 195(6):757-764 (September 1989). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: horses, euthanasia, colonic diseases, pathology, pain, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy complications, puerperal disorders.

143 Animal welfare. Ewbank, R. In: Management and Welfare of Farm Animals Bailliere Tindall, London; 3rd edition, 1988, pp. 1-12. NAL call number: SF61 M35 1988 Descriptors: livestock farming, stress, animal behavior, animal welfare, legislation, disease control.

144 The behavior of chickens, mice and rats during euthanasia with chloroform, carbon dioxide and ether. Blackshaw, J.K.; Fenwick, D.C.; Beattie, A.W.; and Allan, D.J. Lab Animal 22(1):67-75 (January 1988). NAL call number: QL55 A1L33 Descriptors: inbred strains, induced chemical ataxia.

145 Drug and chemical residues in the edible tissues of animals. Booth, N.H. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Booth, N.H. and McDonald L.E. (eds.), Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA; 6th ed., 1988, pp. 1149-1205. NAL call number: SF915 J6 1988 Descriptors: feed additives, tolerance, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens.

146 Equine topics, legal pitfalls at events. Vogel, C. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 123(22):580-581 (November 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: horses, first aid, accidents, euthanasia, sporting event.

147 Haemolysis and artifactual lung damage induced by an euthanasia agent. Prien, T.; Traber, D.L.; Linares, H.A.; and Davenport, S.L. Laboratory Animals 22(2):170-172 (April 1988). NAL call number: QL55 A1L3 Descriptors: sheep, adverse drug effects, anesthetic, tetracaine, T-61.

148 Animal welfare considerations. Dodds, W.J. American Journal of Veterinary Research 48(6):1021 (June 1987). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: ponies, Potomac horse fever, death, clinical signs, research proposals.

149 An assessment of carbon dioxide stunning in pigs. Gregory, N.G.; Moss, B.W.; and Leeson, R.H. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 121:517- 518 (1987). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: spontaneous and reflex behavior, vocalizations, narcosis, brain-stem death.

150 Guidelines on humane slaughter and euthanasia. Australian Veterinary Association. Australian Veterinary Journal 64:4-7 (1987). NAL call number: 41.8 Au72 Descriptors: cattle, swine, poultry.

151 Electrocution of pigs infected with notifiable diseases. Lambooy, E. and van Voorst, N. Veterinary Quarterly 8(1):80-82 (January 1986). NAL call number: SF601 V46 Descriptors: animal welfare, swine diseases, prevention and control, electricity.

152 Euthanasia of food animals. Thurmon, J.C. The Veterinary Clinic of North America: Food Animal Practice 2(3):743-756 (November 1986). NAL call number: SF601 V535 Descriptors: livestock, barbiturates, drugs, stunning, electrocution, cerebral cortex, hypoxia, hypercapnia, vocalization, escape behavior, aggression, urination, CO2, barbituric acid derivatives, curariform drugs, gunshot, captive bolt, cervical dislocation.

153 Methods of euthanasia for poultry and food-producing animals. Trapp, A.L. and Taylor, R.F. The Veterinary Clinic of North America: Food Animal Practice 2(1):31-41 (March 1986). NAL call number: SF601 V535 Descriptors: barbituric acid derivatives, T-61, chloral hydrate, magnesium sulfate, strychnine, nicotine, curariform drugs, CO², electrocution, cervical dislocation, gunshot, captive bolt, decompression, recommended methods.

154 Energy requirements for the penetration of heads of domestic stock and the development of a multiple projectile. Blackmore, D.K. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 116:36-40 (1985). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: calf, cattle, sheep, red deer, comparison with solid free bullet and captive bolt, brain damage, spinal reflexes.

155 The management of sheep burial pits. Atkins, J.W. and Brightling, A. Australian Veterinary Journal 62(10):347-348 (October 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 AU72 Descriptors: mortuary practice, Australia, gunshot.

156 Differences in behaviour between sheep and cattle during slaughter. Blackmore, D.K. Research in Veterinary Science 37:223-226 (1984). NAL call number: 41.8 R312 Descriptors: bilateral severance, carotid artery, jugular vein, cerebral hypoxia, clonic convulsions, pupillary delation, exsanguination.

157 Time to loss of brain responsiveness following exsanguination in calves. Gregory, N.G. and Wotton, S.B. Research in Veterinary Science 37:141-143 (1984). NAL call number: 41.8 R312 Descriptors: cortical responsiveness, carotid arteries, jugular veins, brain dysfunction.

158 The assessment of insensibility in sheep, calves, and pigs during slaughter. Blackmore, D.K. and Newhook, J.C. In: Stunning of Animals for Slaughter: Proceedings of a Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Welfare Held at the Research Institute for Animal Production "Schoonoord", Zeist, The Netherlands, October 13-15, 1982 Eikelenboom, G. (ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, MA; 1983, 227 pp. NAL call number: SF600 C82 v.25 Descriptors: sheep, calf, pig, poultry, electrical stunning, concussion, unconsciousness, electro anesthesia, percussion, captive bolt, ethics.

159 Choosing between CO2 and electrical stunning of pigs. A preliminary examination of stress and ethics. Laursen, A.M. In: Stunning of Animals for Slaughter: Proceedings of a Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Welfare Held at the Research Institute for Animal Production "Schoonoord", Zeist, The Netherlands, October 13- 15, 1982 Eikelenboom, G. (ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, MA; 1983, pp. 64-72. NAL call number: SF600 C82 Descriptors: pain, emotional stress, blood cortisol, anesthesia.

160 Electrical and carbon dioxide stunning of pigs for slaughter. Hoenderken, R. In: Stunning of Animals for Slaughter: Proceedings of a Seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Welfare Held at the Research Institute for Animal Production "Schoonoord", Zeist, The Netherlands, October 13-15, 1982 Eikelenboom, G. (ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, MA; 1983, pp. 59-63. NAL call number: SF600 C82 v.25 Descriptors: electro-encephalography, voltage, current, epileptic insult, operator safety.

161 Euthanasia . . two sides of the story (horses). Barkley, J.E. Modern Veterinary Practice 63(8):662-664 (August 1982). NAL call number: 41.8 N812 Descriptors: insurance company policies.

162 Euthanasia of day-old male chicks in the poultry industry. Jaksch, W. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems 2(4):203-213 (July/August 1981). NAL call number: HV4701 I49 Descriptors: decapitation, homogenization, decompression, carbon dioxide gassing, nitrogen gassing, electrocution, euthanasia criteria.

163 Humane slaughter regulations. Federal Register 44:68809- 68817 (November 30, 1979). NAL call number: JK6 F4 Descriptors: livestock, handling, stunning, carotid arteries, ritual slaughter.


164 Stalking a killer: The "disease" of euthanasia. Kahler, S. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 201(7):973-975 (October 1, 1992). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: domestic animals, population, density, United States.

165 The welfare of excess animals: Status and needs. Thornton, G.W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 200(5):660-662 (March 1, 1992)). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: dog, cat, population, reproductive suppression, United States, euthanasia.

166 Administration of euthanasia agents. Seif, D.P. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1102-1103 (April 1, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: cat, injection, liver.

167 Animal controls laws and enforcement. Arkow, P. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1164- 1172 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: ethics, education, euthanasia.

168 Coping with euthanasia: A case study of shelter culture. Arluke, A. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1176-1180 (April 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: cat, dog, shelter employees, emotion.

169 Pet overpopulation: A challenge for companion animal veterinarians in the 1990's. Olson, P.N.; Moulton, C.; Nett, T.M; and Salman, M.D. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1151-1152 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: euthanasia, spay, neuter, ethics.

170 Pet population control in Europe. Jochle, W. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1225-1230 (1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: ethics, policy, pharmacology, reproductive control, euthanasia.

171 Pet population dynamics and community planning for animal welfare and animal control. Nassar, R. and Fluke, J. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1160- 1164 (April 1, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: dog, cat, options, shelter, euthanasia.

172 The role of animal shelters in controlling pet overpopulation. Moulton, C.; Wright, P.; and Rindy, K. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198(7):1172- 1176 (April 1, 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: legislation, euthanasia, nonprofit, licenses.

173 Concerned about euthanasia of healthy, homeless animals. Olson, P.N. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 196(1):10 (January 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: animal welfare, cats, dogs.

174 Euthanasia Guide (for Animal Shelters) Grier, R.L. and Colvin, T.L. Moss Creek Publication, Ames, IA; 1990, 46 pp. NAL call number: SF914 74 1990 Descriptors: pre-euthanasia, considerations, methods, process, requirements, suppliers and education sources, small animals, wildlife.

175 Evaluation of intraperitoneal and intrahepatic administration of a euthanasia agent in animal shelter cats. Grier, R.L. and Schaffer, C.B. Journal of the American Medical Association 197(12):1611-1615 (December 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: lidocaine, pentobarbital, euthanasia.

176 Euthanasia of healthy pets letter. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 194(1):6 (January 1989). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: animal welfare, veterinary medicine standards.

177 Euthanasia workshops-dealing with employee relationships, too. Shelter Sense 11(4):11-12 (April 1988). NAL call number: HV4701 S43 Descriptors: animal welfare, workers, training, hospice.

178 Feline and canine geriatric medicine-an outline. Wills, J. Veterinary Times 18(9):4 (1988). Descriptors: cat, dog, nutrition, aging.

179 Operational Guide for Animal Care and Control Agencies The American Humane Association, Denver, CO; 1988. NAL call number: HV4735 O73 Descriptors: training of shelter personnel, obtaining sodium pentobarbital, carbon monoxide room, chloroform box, disposal, verification of death.

180 Use of captive bolt as a method of euthanasia in larger laboratory animal species. Dennis, M.B.; Dong, W.K.; and Weisbrod, K.A. Laboratory Animal Science 38:459-462 (1988). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: dogs, rabbits, motoric collapse, corneal reflex, auditory evoked potential, electroencephalogram, cerebral death.

181 Clinical review of death/euthanasia in 123 military working dog necropsies. Dutton, R.E. and Moore, G.E. Military Medicine 152(10):489-493 (October 1987). Descriptors: mortality, military medicine, autopsy, pathology.

182 Infectious canine hepatitis, II. Diagnosis, therapy or euthanasia, prognosis, and prevention. Levine, M.R. Community Animal Control 5(3):13-14, 36 (May/June 1986). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: dogs, canine hepatitis virus, diagnosis, therapy, prevention.

183 Checklist for euthanasia observation. Morgan, K.B. Community Animal Control 4(1):13-14 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: shelter policies, questions to ask, what to look for, facilities, procedures.

184 Euthanasia policy. Case, D.B. Community Animal Control 4(1):11 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: animal welfare, agency's mission, selection of animals to be destroyed, staff assignment and training, pet overpopulation.

185 The Oregon certified euthanasia technician program. Greyhavens, T. Community Animal Control 4(1):9, 26-27 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: shelter, licenses and permits, technician training, technician stress, legislation, animal welfare.

186 Premedication of dogs with acepromazine or pentazocine before euthanasia with carbon monoxide. Dallaire, A. and Chalifoux, A. Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine [Revue Canadienne de Medecine Comparee] 49(2):171-178 (April 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 C162 Descriptors: decreased agitation and vocalization with acepromazine premedication, human, EEG, heart rate, serum cortisol, blood pressure.

187 Some observers' notes. Morgan, K.B. and Rains, E.E. Community Animal Control 4(1):8, 24-25 (January/February 1985). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: dogs, shelter, animal welfare, injections, drugs, electrocution, cats, improper euthanasia methods, untrained staff, poor shelter conditions.

188 Shelter medicine: Basic concepts. I. Levine, M.R. Veterinary Technician 5(6):404-408 (November/December 1984). NAL call number: SF406 A5 Descriptors: pet animals, infectious diseases, vaccination, distemper virus.

189 Canine distemper. II. Levine, M.R. Community Animal Control 3(5):15, 26-29 (September/October 1984). NAL call number: HV4764 C62 Descriptors: dogs, distemper virus, vaccination, disease prevention.

190 Aflivning af vildtlevende katte. [Humane killing of stray cats.] Kristensen, T.A. Dansk Veterinaertidsskrift 67(10):482- 486 (May 15, 1984). NAL call number: 41.9 D23 Descriptors: exhaust gases, pentobarbital, barbituric acid.

191 Canine euthanasia. Edwards, A.M. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 112(2):46 (January 1983). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: dogs, administration and dosage of intravenous barbiturates, liver.

192 Incidence of euthanasia and euthanasia alternatives in veterinary practice. McCulloch, M.J. and Bustad, L.K. In: New Perspectives on Our Lives With Companion Animals Katcher, A.H. and Beck, A.M. (eds.), University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA; 1983, pp. 366-369. NAL call number: SF411 5N48 Descriptors: pets, number of animals euthanatized, counseling owners, euthanasia decision, veterinary survey.

193 Physiologic and behavioral evaluation of CO (carbon monoxide) euthanasia of adult dogs. Chalifoux, A. and Dallaire, A. American Journal of Veterinary Research 44(12):2412-2417 (December 1983). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: EEG, ECG, arterial blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, cortisol values, anxiety, agitation, vocalizations, mass euthanasia, shelter dogs.

194 Estudio economico y comparativo de la eficacia del pentobarbital y T-61 como eutanasico en perros. [Comparative and economical study of pentobarbital and T-61 as an euthanasia agent.] Cuadros, G.R.; Ocampo, C.L.; and Sumano, L.H. Veterinaria Mexico 13(3):155-156 (July/September 1982). NAL call number: SF604 V485 Descriptors: healthy dogs, cardiac arrest, ECG, circulatory collapse, dosage, economics.

195 Euthanasia in the dog and cat. Stead, A.C. The Journal of Small Animal Practice 23(1):37-43 (January 1982). NAL call number: 41.8 J8292 Descriptors: Scotland, number destroyed, sex, age, reason for euthanasia, method of euthanasia, body disposal.

196 Klinicke overovani pripravku Pentobarbital Spofa inj. ad usum veterinarium. [Clinical testing of the preparation Pentobarbital Spofa inj. ad usum veterinarium (general anesthesia, euthanasia, dogs, cats).] Sevcikova, E. and Reichel, F. Biologizace a Chemizace Zivocisne Vyroby- Veterinaria 18(4):375-382 (1982). NAL call number: SF1 B5 Descriptors: pigs, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, dosage, side effects.

197 Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide euthanasia of cats: Duration and animal behavior. Simonsen, H.B.; Thordal- Christensen, A.; and Ockens, N. The British Veterinary Journal 137(3):274-278 (May/June 1981). NAL call number: 41.8 V643 Descriptors: motor vehicle exhaust fumes, 70% CO2 + 30% O2, stray cats, restlessness, fear, tongue movements, convulsions, yawning, cerebral cortex depression.

198 Electrophysiologic studies of a combination of secobarbital and dibucaine for euthanasia of dogs. Wallach, M.B.; Peterson, K.E.; and Richards, R.K. American Journal of Veterinary Research 42(5):850-853 (May 1981). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: EEG, EEC, EMG, cardiac arrest, respiratory rate, ataxia, convulsions.

199 Secobarbital/dibucaine combination as a euthanasia agent for dogs and cats. Hershler, R.C.; Lawrence, J.R.; and Schiltz, R.A. VM/SAC, Veterinary Medicine & Small Animal Clinician 76(7):1009-1012 (July 1981). NAL call number: 41.8 M69 Descriptors: dosage, pawing, restlessness, gagging, vocalizations, stethoscopic examination, mean time to death.

00 The rate of decline in resistance to anoxia of rabbits, dogs, and guinea pigs from the onset of viability to adult life. Glass, H.G.; Snyder, F.F.; and Webster, E. American Journal of Physiology 140:609-615 (1944). NAL call number: 447.8 Am3 Descriptors: neonates, oxygen-deprived, nitrogen, asphyxia, fetal responses.


201 Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Fowler, M.E. (ed.), W.B. Saunders, Co., Philadelphia, PA; 3rd edition, 1993. NAL call number: in process Descriptors: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, stress, restraint.

02 Euthanasia of mink (Mustela vison) by means of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen (N2). Hansen, N.E.; Creutzberg, A.; and Simonsen, H.B. The British Veterinary Journal 147(2):140-146 (March/April 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V643 Descriptors: mustelid, behavior, consciousness, inhalants.

03 Accidental pentobarbital poisoning in a lioness. Verster, A.; Schroder, H.H.; and Nesbit, J.W. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 61(1):37-38 (March 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 So8 Descriptors: horse meat contamination, liver, necropsy.

04 Euthanasia in Marine animals. Hyman, J. In: CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine: Health, Disease, and Rehabilitation Dierauf, L.A. (ed.), CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL; 1990, pp. 265-266. NAL call number: SF997.5 M35C7 Descriptors: injection, M-99, dosages, carcass disposal.

05 Controlling breeding in exotic animals letter. Scott, W.A. The Veterinary Record 122(18):448 (April 1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: zoo animal physiology, breeding, anthropomorphism, behavior, vasectomy, surgical or chemical castration, conservation, exhibition.

06 Effectiveness of selected lead and steel shot shells for dispatching crippled ducks. Anderson, W.L. and Nicholas, W.F. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 81(3- 4):253-260 (1988). Descriptors: duck diseases, shooting, euthanasia, wild animals.

07 Physiological responses of the buffalo Syncerus caffer culled with succinyldicholine and hexamethonium. Hattingh, J.; de Vos, V.; Ganhao, M.F.; and Pitts, N.I. Koedoe 31:91-97 (1988). Descriptors: animal welfare, pharmacodynamics, synceros suxamethonium, hexamethonium, wild animals.

08 Report of committee on use of wild birds in research. American Ornithologists' Union. The Auk 105(Suppl.1):1A-41A (1988). NAL call number: 413.8 AU4 Descriptors: inhalants, cervical dislocation, decapitation, microwave, T-61.

09 Acceptable field methods in mammalogy: Preliminary guidelines approved by the American Society of Mammalogists. American Society of Mammalogists. Journal of Mammalogy 68(Suppl.4):1-18 (1987). NAL call number: 410 J823 Descriptors: kill trapping, shooting, inhalants, thoracic compression, cervical dislocation.

10 Deaths from exertional myopathy at the National Zoological Park from 1975 to 1985. Wallace, R.S.; Bush, M.; and Montali, R.J. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23(3):454-462 (July 1987). NAL call number: 41.9 W64B Descriptors: bovidae, equidae, cervidae, death, muscular diseases, restraint of animals, anesthesia, euthanasia, histopathology.

11 Euthanasia. Gullett, P.A. In: United States Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication Number 167 59-63:1987. Descriptors: euthanasia techniques.

12 Injektionstechnik beim vogelpatienten. [Injection techniques for birds.] Leipold, R. Tierarztliche Praxis 15(4):377-380 (1987). NAL call number: SF603 V4 Descriptors: birds, blood specimen collection, injections, intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous, review of techniques.

13 Necropsy procedures. Lowenstine, L.J. In: Clinical Avian Medicine and Surgery Including Aviculture Harrison, G.J. and Harrison, L.R. (eds.), W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA; 1986, pp. 1-717. NAL call number: SF994.2 A1C5 Descriptors: postmortem procedures, barbiturate effects on tissue, T-61, hematologic samples.

14 Ein Bildbericht uber Totungsmethoden von Elefanten. Jarofke, D. and Adami, A. Kleintier-Praxis 30(4):205-206 (1985). NAL call number: 41.8 K67 Descriptors: elphantidae, modern and outdated methods of euthanatization, Immobilon, gunshot, strangulation, poisoning.

15 Energy requirements for the penetration of heads of domestic stock and the development of a multiple projectile. Blackmore, D.K. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 116:36-40 (1985). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: calf, cattle, sheep, red deer, comparison with solid free bullet and captive bolt, brain damage, spinal reflexes.

16 Euthanasia of mink with carbon monoxide. Lambooy, E.; Roelofs, J.A.; and van Voorst, N. The Veterinary Record 116(15):416 (April 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: convulsions, excitation, filtered exhaust gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, consciousness, electroencephalogram.

17 Stranded whales. Rowell, S.F. The Veterinary Record 116(6):167 (February 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: cetacea physiology, pentobarbital.

18 Electrocutie van vossen, een ethisch acceptabele methode? [Electrocution of foxes, an ethically acceptable method?] Lambooy, E. Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 109(11):460-464 (June 1984). NAL call number: 41.8 T431 Descriptors: foxes, electrocution, slaughter, methodology, fur farming.

19 Euthanasia and its effects on collection management at Dickerson Park Zoo. Price, P.M. In: AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings 345-349:1984. NAL call number: SF411 A57 Descriptors: American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, euthanasia records, techniques, care in captivity, euthanasia as part of collection management.

20 Veterinary guidelines--pinnipedia. Needham, D.J. In: Marine Mammal Strandings in Australia: Towards a National Plan Ling, J.K. (ed.), South Australian Museum, Adelaide, 1981, pp. 1-69. Descriptors: legislation for protection of stranded species, Australia, capture, trapping, killing, parasites, disease, treatment and return of stranded species.


221 Euthanasia of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). [Euthanasie van brulkikkers c.q. stierkikkers (Rana catesbiana).] Zwart, P. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 115(18):847 (September 15, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 T431 Descriptors: Rana catesbeiana, animal welfare.

222 Euthanasia of (bull) frogs. [Euthanasia van (brul) kikkers. Zwart, P. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 115(18):852 (September 15, 1990). NAL call number: 41.8 T431 Descriptors: Rana catesbeiana, Netherlands, methods.

223 Euthanasia of Amphibians and Reptiles. Report of a Joint UFAW/WSPA Working Party Cooper, J.E.; Ewbank, R.; Platt, C.; and Warwick, C. Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) and World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), London, UK; 1989, pp. 1-35. NAL call number: HV4731 E97 Descriptors: reasons for killing, anaesthetic agent, poison, halothane, tricaine methanesulphonate, concussion, shooting, electrocution, hypothermia, hyperthermia, decapitation, exsanguination.

224 Anesthesia in fish. Brown, L.A. Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice 18:317-330 (1988). NAL call number: SF601 V523 Descriptors: stress, pain recognition, medullary collapse, TMS, benzocaine, decapitation, pentobarbitone, injection.

225 Practical Methodology Reptiles [videocassette] Davis, CA; University of California at Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, 1988, 1/2" VHS, 35 min. NAL call number: Videocassette no. 414 Descriptors: reptiles as laboratory animals, immobilization.

226 Guidelines for the use of fishes in field research. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; American Fisheries Society; and American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists. Copeia 1987, pp. 1-12. Descriptors: AVMA panel recommendations, Royal Society guidelines, IACUC roles, chemical anesthetics and formalin fixation.

227 Guidelines for the use of live amphibians and reptiles in field research. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Herpetologist League; and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Journal of Herpetology 21(Suppl.4):1-14 (1987). NAL call number: QL640 J6 Descriptors: AVMA panel recommendations, roles of IACUC, formalin fixation, gunshot, chemical anesthetics.

228 Euthanasia of reptiles. Warwick, C. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 34(1-2):12 (1986). NAL call number: 41.8 N483 Descriptors: pain, animal welfare.

229 Euthanasia of reptiles and amphibians. Anonymous. Animalia 19(6):7 (1986). NAL call number: HV4701 A53 Descriptors: care in captivity, decapitation, inhumane killing method.

230 Euthanasia of reptiles--decapitation: An inhumane method of slaughter for the class Reptilia. Warwick, C. Canadian Veterinary Journal 27(1):34 (1986). NAL call number: 41.8 R3224 Descriptors: animal welfare, respiration, heart rate, consciousness, behavior.

231 Euthanasia of reptiles. Warwick, C. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 187(11):1081 (December 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3 Descriptors: decapitation, anoxia tolerance, reptilian ethology, reptilian anatomy and physiology, injectable anesthetics.

232 Euthanasia of tortoises. Godfrey, C. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 116(11):304 (March 1985). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: hypothermia, chloroform, inhumane.

233 Euthanasia of tortoises. Cooper, J.E.; Ewbank, R.; and Rosenberg, M.E. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 115(24):635 (December 1984). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: decapitation, anoxia tolerance, abdominal injection, sodium pentobarbitone.

234 Euthanasia, necropsy technique and comparative histology of reptiles. Frye, F.L. In: Diseases of Amphibians and Reptiles Hoff, G.L.; Frye, F.L.; and Jacobson, E.R. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, NY; 1984, pp. 703-755. NAL call number: SF997.5 A45D57 Descriptors: slaughter, diagnosis, post mortem examination, pathology.


235 Snails and snail farming: An introduction for the veterinary profession. Cooper, J.E. and Knowler, C. The Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 129(25/26):541-549 (December 1991). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: mortality, euthanasia, handling, transport.

Author Index


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