===================================================================== AMERICAN VETERINARY COMPUTER SOCIETY NEWSLETTER September-October, 1995 ===================================================================== Robert Featherston (Tulsa, OK) - President; James T. Case (UC-Davis) - Secretary Treasurer; Ronald D. Smith (Illinois) - Newsletter Editor. ===================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE SOCIETY NEWS How to Contact AVCS CORRESPONDENCE A Career Move for Dr. Craig Carter HOW TO USE THE INTERNET PRODUCT AVAILABILITY/REVIEWS/COMPARISONS Emerging Diseases Slide Set Available Multimedia Atlas of Internal Parasites in Horses CD-ROM INTERNET RESOURCES AAVMC WWW Site PBLIST - Problem Based Learning in the Health Sciences Discussion List Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Discussion List Health and Medical Informatics Digest - Univ. of Wisconsin Computer-based Patient Record Institute WWW Site Case-Based Medical Applications on the Web Electronic Communication in Pathology Internet Medicine Guide Update E-Mail Discussion/Distribution Lists Related to Tropical Disease Research NEWS AND COMMENTARY Educom VP Urges New Pedagogical Model Government E-Mail Messages Must be Saved MEETINGS AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AIM-96 (Aritificial Intelligence in Medicine), Stanford, California Duke University - University of North Carolina (Duke-UNC) Training Program in Medical Informatics SUGGESTED READING CLOSING BITS ===================================================================== SOCIETY NEWS ===================================================================== How to Contact AVCS Applications for membership, accompanied by a check for $20 ($30 outside of North America) payable to the AVCS, should be sent to Dr. James T. Case; AVCS Secretary Treasurer; School of Veterinary Medicine; University of California; P.O. Box 1770; Davis, CA 95617 (Phone: 916/752-4408; FAX: 916/752-5680; e-mail: jcase@gypsy.ucdavis.edu). Dr. Case is responsible for distribution of the hardcopy version of the AVCS Newsletter. Newsletter items can be sent to Dr. Ronald D. Smith, AVCS Newsletter Editor; UI College of Veterinary Medicine; 2001 South Lincoln; Urbana, IL 61801. Telephone: 217/333-2449; FAX: 217/333-4628; AOL: RDSmith; Internet: rd-smith@uiuc.edu If you would like to be on the AVCS Newsletter electronic distribution list, send an e-mail message to the Newsletter Editor. Although the electronic version is only an ASCII (text) file, it's faster, searchable, easier to store and retrieve, and environmentally friendly. Current and past issues of the Newsletter can be searched, read and downloaded from the NETVET Gopher server . They can also be downloaded from the Associations and Foundations Library of America Online's Veterinary Information Network. ===================================================================== CORRESPONDENCE ===================================================================== A Career Move for Dr. Craig Carter From: CCARTER@vthvax.tamu.edu I have taken the position of Clinical Informatics Team Leader for the Presbyterian Healthcare Services of New Mexico and Colorado. My first day is October 2. New address is: Presbyterian Healthcare Services Clinical Informatics Group 4801 Indian School Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 We will be designing and developing a multi-media CBMR circumscribed with diagnostic and therapeutic reminder modules. As soon as I have a new Internet address, I will let you know. Take care---keep up the good work! EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Craig Carter is the "Founding Father" of the American Academy of Veterinary Informatics, and has been a regular participant in AVCS activities over the years. He has been active in many areas of veterinary informatics, but is perhaps best known for his"Associate" series of computer-assisted diagnosis programs, produced in association with Dr. Brent Melloy. We wish Craig the best of luck in his new position! RD Smith ===================================================================== HOW TO USE THE INTERNET A List of Tutorial Sites on the World Wide Web Forwarded by Ken Boschert, DVM Washington University; Division of Comparative Medicine Box 8061; 660 S. Euclid Ave.; St. Louis, MO 63110 PHONE: 314-362-3700; FAX: 314-362-6480 INTERNET: ken@wudcm.wustl.edu; NOAH: 74431.2545@compuserve.com NetVet WWW and Gopher Server ===================================================================== Ken writes: "This nice list of Internet tutorial sites was recently forwarded to me. Could be useful for those of you in the position of training others or perhaps yourself." Explore the Internet Now http://www.clark.net/pub/lschank/explore/explore.html IPL Classroom http://ipl.sils.umich.edu/classroom/classroom_txt.html Internet for the Beginners gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu/11/research-aid/internet- room/beginner Internet Learner's Page http://www.clark.net/pub/lschank/web/learn.html Internet Resources on the Web http://www.brandonu.ca/~ennsnr/resources.html The Newbie's Guide to the Net http://www.hip.com/franklin/franklin.html Seattle Public Library Gopher gopher://latte.spl.lib.wa.us:70/00/Internet/aboutmenu Research for Better Schools Gopher -- Guides to Using the Internet gopher://gopher.rbs.org/11/guides Internet Resources menu Bowling Green State University -- tcom dept. tutorial links http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/tcom/tutors2.html II. Specific Guides Ride the e-Train (University of Illinois at Chicago class) gopher://gopher.uic.edu:70/00/library/etrain EARN's Guide to Network Resource Tools http://www/earn.net/gnrt/notice.html#contents GlobalCenter Web Internet Tour http://www.globalcenter.net/gcweb/tour.html EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Interent (Formerly Big Dummy's Guide) http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/doc/eegtti/eeg_toc.html Internet Survival Skills http://kawika.hcc.hawaii.edu/iss101/101mods.html Roadmap to the Internet gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu/1m/pub-data/internet-room/roadmap Let's Go Gopherin' gopher://cwis.usc.edu:70/00/other_Gophers_and_Information_Resources /Gopherin/Course Network Knowledge for the Neophyte gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu:70/0r0-973-/pub-data/internet-room The Internet: An Overview and Bibliography gopher://salix.lib.wahington.edu:70/00/inetguides/inet1.txt The Online World Handbook gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu:3050/11m/net-info/online.txt Web Training (The White House program) http://info.er.usgs.gov:4444/train/ Starting to use the Web http://www.sils.umich.edu/~fprefect/inet/using/html/html Intro to the Internet http://www.sils.umich.edu/~fprefect/inet/ Mecklerweb's Entry Level http://www.mecklerweb.com/mags/iw/learning/entry.html Entering the World Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace gopher://gopher.uidaho.edu/00Z/documentation/e-guides/guide.61.txt.gz The Incomplete Guide to the Internet gopher://gopher.inform.umd.edu/11/Computing_Resources/NetInfo/ReadingRoo m /IncompleteGuide Answers to Commonly Asked 'New Internet User' Questions gopher://nic.merit.edu:704310/introducing.the.internet /answers.to.new.user.questions NB: March 1994 update is 124 pages long Gopher Frequently Asked Questions gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu/00/research-aid/internet-room /beginner/faqgo Introduction to Gopher by Rich Wiggins gopher://lib-gopher.lib.indiana.edu/0/pub-data/internet-room /gopher- rich-wiggins Answers to Frequently Asked K-12 Internet User Questions gopher://nic.merit.edu:7043/00/K12.michigan/faq Internet Tools http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/itools/toc3.html ===================================================================== PRODUCT AVAILABILITY/REVIEWS/COMPARISONS ===================================================================== Emerging Diseases Slide Set Available From: Chet Moore at the CDC via "Kazuhiko HATA" A slide set and information packet have been developed to accompany "Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats: A Prevention Strategy for the United States," the strategic plan developed in 1994 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its partners. The packet contains technical notes to accompany 40 slides, which define the problem of emerging infectious diseases, provide information about these challenges, and propose solutions. Also included are lists of references and suggested readings that give additional information on today's and tomorrow's emerging infectious diseases. It can be used in workshops, lectures, and courses, and might be of particular interest to health-care providers, public health professionals, and others interested in public health issues, especially those related to infectious diseases. The slide set information packet is now available on the Internet. The slides and technical notes can be viewed on-line and can be downloaded individually or in sets. The slides are available in the .gif file format. The slide set can be found on CDC's World-Wide Web (WWW) at: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/publications/slides/slideset.htm or you can Connect to CDC's WWW page at: http://www.cdc.gov and select Publications. The slide set can also be found through anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) at: ftp.cdc.gov in the pub/infectious_diseases/emergplan/slides directory. ===================================================================== Multimedia Atlas of Internal Parasites in Horses CD-ROM From: David Eaheart (PRSpectrum@aol.com) Spectrum Communications Inc. Recently when I was surfing the web, I came across your newsletter for AVCS. On behalf of Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company, I'm sending you information regarding a new CD-ROM about equine parasites. I thought this might be of interest to readers of your newsletter. I'm sending you the news release which contains information about the CD-ROM and how equine veterinarians can obtain a copy of it. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at PRSpectrum@aol.com or call me at 1-800- 345-7661. Thank you for considering this item for publication in your newsletter. Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company; Route 202-206; Somerville, NJ 08876 908/231-2000 ************************************************** Equine veterinarians and veterinary technicians now can access information on equine parasites from a new, easy-to-use CD-ROM program. The Multimedia Atlas of Internal Parasites in Horses CD is available through the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), sponsored by the Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company. A leading supplier of equine animal health products, the company continually evaluates new information and technology it can provide to practitioners. The program was developed by Dr. A.K. Prestwood, professor of parasitology at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia, and contains 151 full-color photographs of parasites, lesions caused by parasites, as well as up-to-date life-cycle diagrams and three animated life cycles. In addition to the photos, the program contains sections devoted to procedures for parasite detection such as fecal exams, references, anti-parasitic drugs and control programs. The program is completely icon driven, uses high-resolution graphics and runs as a stand-alone program under Windowsª, according to Prestwood. ÒIt provides, in a very easily-accessible format, all the information that a veterinarian or person involved in the equine industry needs on equine parasites,Ó Prestwood says. Adds Clyde Johnson, V.M.D., president of the AAEP, "This program offers practitioners and people related to the veterinary field the latest, most comprehensive and credible information available on equine parasites in a very friendly format. "There are a couple of things about the CD that are of particular interest to me. First, it allows us to put something in our members' hands that is informative, educational and presented to them in a unique format. This is the first time the AAEP has had material available on CD-ROM, and it could open up a new avenue for us to provide information. I'll be very interested to see the kind of response we get from practitioners regarding the format.Ó Prestwood, who teaches a course on equine parasites for veterinary medical students, developed the program because she found that she had a limited number of good photos of equine parasites. Professionals from several universities contributed photos for use in the computer program. ÒIt was designed for teaching,Ó Prestwood says. ÒThere is a self test in the program so the student can evaluate his or her knowledge of horse parasites.Ó The design of the program as a teaching tool allows individuals who use it to learn as they go through the information and self test. A search feature allows selection of a single keyword to find information on a particular subject. The self test is made up of multiple-choice questions. The user chooses an answer and receives a feedback message, whether the response is correct or incorrect. Review questions with more detailed responses also are given. Johnson adds, "If practitioners have a CD-ROM and have been looking over the fence but not entering the arena, then this program offers them a practical, user-friendly way to get some excellent information.Ó The Multimedia Atlas of Internal Parasites in Horses CD is available for $20 plus $3.50 for postage and handling ($5 for Canadian and international orders). Simply order it by calling the AAEP at 1-800-443- 0177 or faxing your order to 606/233-1968. For more information, contact: Gary Carpenter (606) 233-0147 ===================================================================== INTERNET RESOURCES ===================================================================== AAVMC WWW Site From: Libby Johnston, Program Specialist - AAVMC The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges proudly introduces the AAVMC web site. The web site will be available for viewing on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1995 at the following address: http://www.nmaa.org/aavmc The home page will direct you to all of the important aspects of the AAVMC including governmental relations, VMCAS updates, important veterinary medical announcements, application summary information, veterinary academic employment opportunities, and a forum to voice opinions on relevant issues. It will also act as a recruiting mechanism for prospective students. For example, the AAVMC web page includes a scanned image of an actual VMCAS application, so that students may be familiar with its layout. Students may also directly access the institutional home page for each AAVMC member. Members of Congress and other interested parties may view the AAVMC official position on important critical issues relevant to veterinary schools and medicine. We hope you enjoy this exciting new service and we welcome any comments you wish to make. ===================================================================== PBLIST - Problem Based Learning in the Health Sciences Discussion List Subscription Address: LISTPROC@SPARKY.UTHSCSA.EDU Subscription Message: SUBSCRIBE PBLIST firstname lastname Discussion of PBL and related methods to promote learning in the health sciences. Moderated. Contact: S. Thomas Deahl II ===================================================================== Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Discussion List From: Siegfried Schmitt BSE-L is an unmoderated forum for the discussion of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). To subscribe to the list, please send the command SUB BSE-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname in the first line of the body of an e-mail message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NET ===================================================================== Health and Medical Informatics Digest - Univ. of Wisconsin From: popmed@sn1.cvm.ncsu.edu (Population Medicine Program) This is an online digest providing hypertext links to interesting and exciting WWW locations for health and medical information. Subscribers can save the email message to their local computer, and access the local file from their WWW-browser. Subscription Address: hmid-request@maddog.fammed.wisc.edu Subscription Message: subscribe hmid Archived: http://maddog.fammed.wisc.edu/hmid/hmid.html Contact: R. L. Brown, Ph.D., UW Professor ===================================================================== Computer-based Patient Record Institute WWW Site From: Deanie French There is now a very good web site for CPRI. This web site contains origins of CPRI, contact information, participation in CPRI and much more information that many of you will find useful. The site can be accessed by: http://www.CPRI.org ===================================================================== Case-Based Medical Applications on the Web From: Jeff Berger WWW CBR Medical Demos and Project Descriptions http://cs-www.uchicago.edu/discussions/cbr-med/html/demos.html This page contains a compendium of WWW demos and project descriptions that involve the use of Case-Based Reasoning in Medicine. It is accessible from the URL above and from the CBR-MED mailing list web page http://cs-www.uchicago.edu/discussions/cbr-med/html/index.html DO YOU HAVE A WWW DEMO of a CBR/medical project that you would like included on the page? Send the project name, a short phrase describing the project and the URL for the demo to me for inclusion. Jeff Berger; Ryerson 256; Artificial Intelligence Lab; 1100 East 58th Street; University of Chicago; Chicago, IL 60637 berger@cs.uchicago.edu; PH: (312) 702-8584; FX: (312) 702-8487 WWW http://cs-www.uchicago.edu/~berger ===================================================================== Electronic Communication in Pathology From: Anil K Dhiri "Electronic Communication in Pathology- A review and guide to on-line services for pathologists" is a PathIT publication available in the Adobe Acrobat format. This 30 page booklet reviews electronic sources of information available to the pathologist and lists over 150 Web sites that apathologist may wish to visit. The sites are classified as: Medical Schools Other pathology related sites. Veterinary Pathology related sites Pharmaceutical related sites, Books and Journals To download a local copy visit the Pisces ftp server at: ftp://ftp.pisces.com/public/clients/pisces/pathit3.pdf Note the file size is (436KB) This text of the publication is also available as an HTML document at: http://www.pisces.com/clients/pisces/elecpath.htm ===================================================================== Internet Medicine Guide Update From: gmalet@healthtel.com (Gary Malet) The update of Medical Matrix is nearly complete! It is available at the development site http://www.siumed.edu/lib/matrix. Any feedback regarding the project is appreciated...gary, gmalet@healthel.com Medical Matrix is a database of hypertext, Internet linked clinical medicine resources. The goal of the Medical Matrix Project is to enhance patient care with global clinical medicine resources delivered to the point of care. This new version categorizes resources by diseases, specialties, interest areas, quick reference guides, comparison databases- images, procedures, techniques, learning modules, and interactive forums. More than 1000 new entries have been added since the January 1995 version. Medical Matrix offers annotations of resources, spotlights the more developed programs, and gives news and backround on Internet medical resource development. Version 2.9, 1 September 1995 A Project of the American Medical Informatics Association Internet Working Group http://amia2.amia.org/wg03.html Sponsored by an educational grant from the Roerig Division of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals ===================================================================== E-Mail Discussion/Distribution Lists Related to Tropical Disease Research Posted to Tropical Diseases Research (TDR) discussion list by "Kazuhiko HATA" on Aug 7, 1995 (Edited by RD Smith) The list of free discussion lists on tropical diseases research related subject is growing. (see attached) I added a list of lists, on the top. Newly added lists are: Health-GIS, Parasite-Genome, and the famous MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) of CDC Atlanta. ProMED announced less than a year ago, is now 2000 subscribers (84 countries) strong. An Internet phenomenon.... Congratulations to Jack Woodall and Stephen Morse! I am still waiting for definitive news about creation of a list for ONCHO§. First, the list of lists "related to tropical diseases research". All these are open to anyone, and free of subscription charges: (a) focused discussion lists: MALARIA - a malaria discussion list SCHISTO - a schistosomiasis discussion list LEISH-L - a leishmaniases discussion list TCRUZI-L -- a Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas Disease) discussion list PARASITE-GENOME MOSQUITO-L - a mosquito discussion list CELEGANS - a C. elegans researchers discussion list HEALTH-GIS - a discussion list on GIS use for health (b) focused mailing lists: PHNflash - Population, Health, Nutrition - a WorldBank list ProMED - PROgram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases - a CDC quarterly list MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - a CDC list (c) clearing-house discussion/mailing list: TDR-SCIENTISTS a networking forum for t.d.r. scientists -------------------------------------------- MALARIA - a malaria discussion list "...for anyone wishing to ask, ...or communicate on the general subject of malaria" To subscribe, send mail to: LISTSERV@wehi.edu.au saying in the body of the text: subscribe malaria yourname To broadcast your message to all people on the list, send it to: malaria@wehi.edu.au The list-owner: Ross L. Coppel coppel@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au -------------------------------------------- SCHISTO - a schistosomiasis discussion list "...a mailing list created for the purpose of information exchange between Schistosoma researchers. Scientists are welcomed to participate in this worldwide forum for any kind of information exchange as proposals, announcements, offers, the discussion of various problems and requests for any biological material or information concerning schistosomes..." To subscribe, send mail to: biosci-server@net.bio.net, saying subscribe SCHISTO To broadcast your message to all people on the list, send it to: -------------------------------------------- SCHISTO@net.bio.net The list-owners: Werner Kunz Christoph Grevelding Lutz Gohr -------------------------------------------- LEISH-L - a leishmaniases discussion list LISTSERV@FTPT.BR or LISTSERV@BDT.FTPT.BR commands: SUBSCRIBE LEISH-L firstname lastname help recipients LEISH-L UNSUBSCRIBE LEISH-L owner: DR JEFFREY SHAW jeffrey@phx.ftpt.br admin: manager@ftpt.br brefe@ftpt.br dora@bdt.ftpt.br -------------------------------------------- TCRUZI-L -- a Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas Disease) discussion list LISTSERV@GENE.DBBM.FIOCRUZ.BR commands: SUBSCRIBE TCRUZI-L UNSUBSCRIBE TCRUZI-L The main focus of the list will be the tcruzi genome project, but this should not withhold anyone to discuss other topics of relevance related to T. cruzi. As to the T. cruzi genome project, the list currently contains the addresses of all groups with WHO T. cruzi genome projects and other groups which collaborate in some way, or are interested (thusfar 30). The discussion list is moderated for the time being. Information on the genome project can also be found on : http://gene.dbbm.fiocruz.br/ Wim Degrave (list owner) (wdegrave@gene.dbbm.fiocruz.br) -------------------------------------------- PARASITE-GENOME is "a parasite genome databases and genome research resources mailing list. For a rapid development of the parasite-specific portions of the databases, the list would concentrate on ACeDB-based genome databases, but the list will be user-led and anything may be posted." Use the list to ask for probes, offer resources to share, request technical advice, warn of problems encountered,... post news and results, advertise positions available, etc... To subscribe, send an email to: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk in the body of the message write: subscribe parasite-genome To post a message, send an email to parasite-genome@mailbase.ac.uk put a descriptive phrase on the subject line put your contribution in the body of the message List-owners: Mark Blaxter(London,UK) and Mara Melville(Cambridge,UK) http://woodland.bio.ic.ac.uk/fgn/parasite-genome/parasite-genome.html Further help: m.blaxter@ic.ac.uk -------------------------------------------- MOSQUITO-L - a mosquito discussion list "for the discussion of topics related to mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)." Possible topics include, but are not limited to: behavior, bionomics, ecology, control, general biology, legislative/regulatory issues, mosquito-borne diseases, physiology, pathogens, sampling methods, systematics To subscribe, send an e-mail message to MOSQUITO-L-REQUEST@IASTATE.EDU with the word SUBSCRIBE in the body of the message. Once you are subscribed to Mosquito-L, sending a message to MOSQUITO- L@IASTATE.EDU will send your message to all the subscribers on Mosquito- L. Owner: John VanDyk (jvandyk@iastate.edu) http://www.public.iastate.edu/~jvandyk/ -------------------------------------------- CELEGANS Dr William R. Morgan, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691, has announced an electronic discussion group for C. elegans researchers. "To subscribe (depends on your location)... . In Europe, Africa, or Central Asia, send the message "SUB bionet-news.bionet.celegans" (no quotation marks) to MXT@dl.ac.uk . In the Americas or the Pacific Rim, send the message "subscribe celegans" to biosci-server@net.bio.net -------------------------------------------- HEALTH-GIS - a discussion list on GIS use for health is an electronic discussion group open to everyone interested in the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for health. The objective is to promote exchange of information regarding projects, methodologies, partners in countries, availability of databases, maps, software, sources of finances, etc. It is a place for meeting between users of GIS applied to management of natural resources and real or potential users of GIS for health. To subscribe, send an email to: MAJORDOMO@who.ch with one line text in the body saying: SUBSCRIBE health-gis List owner: Dr Isabelle NUTTALL nuttalli@who.ch -------------------------------------------- PHNflash - Population, Health, Nutrition - a WorldBank list is an electronic newsletter on key population, health, and nutrition issues. Once you subscribe, you will receive a PHNFLASH newsletter monthly. (almost weekly - KH) PHNFLASH is produced by the Population, Health and Nutrition Department in the World Bank. This department is solely responsible for its content. To subscribe, send mail to: Listserv@tome.worldbank.org in the body of the text write: Subscribe PHNFLASH First Name (space) Last Name To contribute your text to the newsletter, send it to: phnflash@tome.worldbank.org The list owner: Vivian Hon tel: +1(202)473-3429 PHNLINK@worldbank.org -------------------------------------------- ProMED - PROgram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership among scientists concerned with emerging infectious diseases in all parts of the world. Reporting of incidents or outbreaks, infectious disease problems of emerging interest, and discussions on how to improve surveillance and response capabilities are especially encouraged. It is to promote effective early warning systems for emerging infections. To subscribe to the ProMED (which is moderated), send e-mail to: majordomo@usa.healthnet.org and write in the body of text subscribe promed For further information on ProMED: Dr. Jack Woodall Dr. Stephen S. Morse -------------------------------------------- EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases - a CDC quarterly list CDC's new journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID), is now available both electronically and in hard copy. The journal is available in three file formats: ASCII, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), and PostScript (.ps). The ASCII version of the journal does not contain figures. WWW Mosaic users, go to: http://www.cdc.gov. E-mail lists: You have four choices. For table of contents alone, subscribe to the EID-TOC mailing list. If you choose to receive the entire journal, choose EID-ASCII, EID-PDF, or EID-PS. However, be aware of the large file sizes of the journal. To subscribe to a list, send an e-mail to lists@list.cdc.gov with the following in the body of your message: subscribe listname (e.g., subscribe EID-TOC). For help, send an e-mail to eidhelp@cidod1.em.cdc.gov. -------------------------------------------- MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - a CDC list has a similar email service as EID above. EID is quarterly, but MMWR is weekly. To subscribe to, e.g. Table of Contents(TOC) version, send an e-mail to lists@list.cdc.gov with the following in the body of your message: subscribe MMWR-TOC For help, send an e-mail to mmwr-questions@list.cdc.gov. -------------------------------------------- TDR-SCIENTISTS a networking forum for t.d.r. scientists ...is a global electronic Mailing List open to any scientists interested in TDR's work. Originally conceived to be an alternative to the postal mailing of the quarterly TDR-NEWS, it can be used as an open forum to broadcast brief messages considered useful to the tropical diseases research scientific community. Especially sensitive to the needs of scientists from developing countries, the List serves as a networking forum for t.d.r. scientists everywhere who are connected to the Internet. The List is un-censored. To obtain general information about the List, send a message to: tdr-scientists-INFO@who.ch To subscribe, send an email to: MAJORDOMO@who.ch with one line text in the body saying: SUBSCRIBE tdr-scientists To broadcast your brief public message, send it to the List itself: tdr-scientists@who.ch .