===================================================================== AMERICAN VETERINARY COMPUTER SOCIETY NEWSLETTER March-April, 1995 ===================================================================== Robert Featherston (Tulsa, OK) - President; James T. Case (UC-Davis) - Secretary Treasurer; Ronald D. Smith (Illinois) - Newsletter Editor. ===================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE SOCIETY NEWS How to Contact AVCS CORRESPONDENCE Veterinary Medicine Newsgroup Proposal CANINE AND FELINE WORLD WIDE WEB RESOURCES PRODUCT AVAILABILITY/REVIEWS/COMPARISONS WWW Browser Statistics - Who's the Fairest of them All? Spring Cleaning for Your Computer INTERNET RESOURCES Elsevier Science Web Server Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog and Material Safety Data Sheets Slice of Life Online Information Risk Analysis Pathology Cases on the Internet EXOTIC-L Exotic Bird List Has Moved NEW - FACSUP-L Faculty Computing Support List NEW - CATTERY-L - Cattery Management Discussion Group NEW - KENNEL-L - Kennel Management Discussion Group NEW - PET-NEWS-L - Pet Industry News List New - ProMED Discussion List on Emerging Infectious Diseases WWW Site - American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) WWW Site - Free University of Berlin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine WWW Site - Homepage of the Universite de Montreal WWW Site - Michigan State University CVM's homepage WWW Site - Murdoch University Home Page WWW Site - Veterinary Medical Libraries Home Page The Medical List Update MEETINGS AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Computers in Healthcare Education Symposium, Philadelphia, PA A seminar on Computer-Based Patient Records, Milwaukee, WI Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, Wageningen, The Netherlands Short Course on Medical Informatics, Standord, CA Slice of Life Workshop, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada MEDINFO'95 - 8th World Cong on Med Informatics, Vancouver, BC, Canada Symp on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC), New Orleans SUGGESTED READING CLOSING BITS ===================================================================== SOCIETY NEWS ===================================================================== HOW TO CONTACT AVCS Applications for membership, accompanied by a check for $20 ($30 outside of North America) payable to the AVCS, should be sent to Dr. James T. Case; AVCS Secretary Treasurer; School of Veterinary Medicine; University of California; P.O. Box 1770; Davis, CA 95617 (Phone: 916/752-4408; FAX: 916/752-5680; e-mail: jcase@gypsy.ucdavis.edu). Dr. Case is responsible for distribution of the hardcopy version of the AVCS Newsletter. Newsletter items can be sent to Dr. Ronald D. Smith, AVCS Newsletter Editor; UI College of Veterinary Medicine; 2001 South Lincoln; Urbana, IL 61801. Telephone: 217/333-2449; FAX: 217/333-4628; AOL: RDSmith; Internet: rd-smith@uiuc.edu If you would like to be on the AVCS Newsletter electronic distribution list, send an e-mail message to the Newsletter Editor. Although the electronic version is only an ASCII (text) file, it's faster, searchable, easier to store and retrieve, and environmentally friendly. Current and past issues of the Newsletter can be searched, read and downloaded from the NETVET Gopher server . They can also be downloaded from the Associations and Foundations Library of America Online's Veterinary Information Network. ===================================================================== CORRESPONDENCE ===================================================================== VETERINARY MEDICINE NEWSGROUP PROPOSAL From: devold@badlands.nodak.edu This is a formal request for discussion (RFD) of the creation of the newsgroup "sci.med.veterinary" proposed by: Ronda DeVold, BS, RVT; Fargo, North Dakota Group name: sci.med.veterinary Status: moderated Group Moderator: Ronda DeVold, BS, RVT Distribution: world wide Summary: open to discussion of all issues and topics pertaining to veterinary medicine; main audience composed of those involved in the veterinary medical field (including practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary technicians) GROUP CHARTER This newsgroup will be open to discussion of all topics relating to veterinary medicine. Main audience will be composed of those involved in the veterinary medical field (including practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary technicians). Need for the group: There are currently no newsgroups available that serve the communication needs of the veterinary medical community. Such groups exist for the human medical community, and there is a need for a similar area for veterinary medicine. This newsgroup could be a place where those involved in the veterinary medical field could talk about various issues, post and receive pertinent new information, hear of and discuss new treatments and techniques, and so on. This could include discussions among practicing veterinarians in different practice types, veterinary students, and veterinary technicians/technologists. There currently are no groups on USENET that specifically allow these possibilities. This newsgroup will be moderated to prevent the general public from posting questions such as "My dog has been vomiting for a week, what do I do?" This provision is necessary for obvious reasons. Diagnosis of medical problems cannot and should not be attempted via written communication alone. People with these questions need to see a veterinarian (in person) to receive accurate diagnosis and treatment of their animal's problem. DISCUSSION / VOTING: The discussion period for the creation of this group will be underway for the next 21-30 days. During this time, responses to the creation of this group will be gathered. To comment on this proposed group, please post directly to "news.groups". At the end of the 30 days, there will be a call for votes (CFV). This will be in the form of a post sent to news.announce.newgroups and to news.groups. The CFV should be posted sometime after April 6th and will be conducted by an independent votetaker. If there are 100 or more people (and a 2/3 majority) who vote "YES" for the creation of this group sci.med.veterinary, it will then be created. Again, please address any comments to the USENET group "news.groups". ===================================================================== CANINE AND FELINE WORLD WIDE WEB RESOURCES Compiled by Cindy Tittle Moore and Orca Starbuck ===================================================================== LIST OF CANINE WWW SITES (as of September 5, 1994) The most up-to-date version of this file may be found at: http://io.com/user/tittle/dogs-faq/www-list.html There are an increasing number of WWW sites with dog-related information. Please do not ask me how to access these; how to do so varies by site and is something to ask your system administrator about. Corrections, additions and suggestions should be sent directly to me. URL's include (in no particular order): http://www.gae.unican.es/general/dogs/dogs.html Extensive dog page, focusing on dogs from Spain, but including lots of other information and links. Pictures. Some of this in in English. http://macliza.stanford.edu Lots of pictures of Labs, access to other resources as well. Macliza is usually only on during normal working hours PST. http://www.latrobe.edu.au/CompStuff/Staff/G-Davies/G-Davies-GSD.htm l German Shepherd Dog Home Page http://www.sce.carleton.ca/comm/wilf/bulldog_faq.html FAQ on bulldogs, including images, info on Wilf as well http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/dogs-faq/top.htm l Access to all the officially posted RPD dog faqs (ASCII only) http://www.nd.edu/~mbuening Pictures of dogs, both breed examples and pets belonging to 'net readers http://mendel.berkeley.edu/dog.html Describes the Dog Genome project http://mendel.berkeley.edu/dogs/bcs.html Border Collie WWW site, information and pictures http://mendel.berkeley.edu/dogs/gdc.html Information on the Genetic Disease Control project http://doll.ladok.umu.se/Northern.htm Information about northern breeds (Mals, Sammies, Sibs) http://www.sdsmt.edu/other/dogs/dogs.html General access to dog info, including faqs, breed info & pix http://netvet.wustl.edu/ The NETVET. Lots of veterinary related stuff. http://www.cygnus.nb.ca/dogtrain/doghome.html (commercial) dog training materials offered by Darr Houssen http://www.engr.wisc.edu/~jekel/newf.html Newfie info, including RPD's newf faq in html format. http://geog.utoronto.ca/reynolds/humour.html A lot of humorous stuff on dogs and cats. http://io.com/user/tittle/homepage.html All of Cindy's faqs are being added to the Web. Under construction. The html-ized faqs available through this www site are the most up-to-date, ahead of what is posted regularly to news.answers, etc. http://www.onramp.net/imagemaker (commercial) A doggy vendor catalog (gift-type items, not supplies). http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu:1111/~laird/Dogs/glossary.html A doggy lexicon http://www.sce.carleton.ca/comm/wilf/glossary.html Glossary (taken from an earlier version of the Introduction FAQ) http://houssenj.nbnet.nb.ca/Houssen_Home_Page Preliminary version of homepage; path is unstable and will change soon. http://www.ora.com:8080/steph/ Information on Jack Russell Terriers can be found here. LIST OF FELINE WWW SITES The most up-to-date version of this file may be found at: http://io.com/user/tittle/cats-faq/www-list.html There are an increasing number of WWW sites with cat-related information. Please do not ask me how to access these; how to do so varies by site and is something to ask your system administrator about. Corrections, additions and suggestions should be sent directly to me: Orca Starbuck orca@cambridge.apple.com or orca@ai.mit.edu GENERAL INFORMATION Cindy Tittle Moore's rec.pets.cats FAQ Homepage contains HTML versions of the rec.pets.cats FAQs (documents on cat care and general cat topics). These are the most up-to-date versions of the FAQs. Cindy also maintains lists to other sites. The URL is: * http://io.com/user/tittle/cats-faq/homepage.html The Ohio State rec.pets.cats ftp site contains text-only versions of the posted Usenet rec.pets.cats FAQs. These are not as up-to-date as the HTML versions above. The URL is: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/cats-faq/ The Cat Fanciers mailing list (a group of cat breeders, exhibitors, and other ailurophiles) has put together a homepage with information on cat breeds, cat shows, feline medicine, animal welfare, and other cat related topics. We also maintain links to other cat related WWW sites. The URL is: http://www.ai.mit.edu/fanciers/fanciers.html VETERINARY RESOURCES Washington University's "NetVet" Web server has a comprehensive collection of veterinary and animal resources. The URL is: http://netvet.wustl.edu/ssi.html The Internet Vet Column is a regular column on the Internet written by Jeff Park, DVM and periodically posted on rec.pets cats. The URL is: http://io.com/user/tittle/ivc/homepage.html You can also subscribe to the Internet Vet Column by email. Send an email message to listserv@netcom.com with the following text: subscribe internet-vet-column CAT PICTURE SITES The LAL Cat Archive has lots of pictures of domestic cats, as well as "big cats" like lions and cheetahs. The URL is: http://lal.cs.byu.edu/cats/cats.html Cygnus Animal Preserve has pictures of cats, reptiles, and goats! The URL is: http://www.cygnus.com/staff/animalia.html More cat pictures can be found at a site called "World Wide Cats" in the Netherlands. The URL is: http://www.xs4all.nl/~dmuller/wwc.html In the UK, there is a picture site called "Pet Pages." The URL is: http://sashimi.wwa.com/~tenec/users/paulf/pets/pets.html ===================================================================== PRODUCT AVAILABILITY/REVIEWS/COMPARISONS ===================================================================== WWW BROWSER STATISTICS - WHO'S THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL? From: Edupage According to a study of how more than 72,000 Internet users browsed the World Wide Web in January 1995, 77% reached the Web via Netscape Navigator, 14% via NCSA Mosaic, and the remaining 6% via Spyglass Mosaic, Netcom Netcruiser, IBM WebExplorer, or one of the others browsers. Netscape CEO Jim Clark boasts: "The network users have spoken and we've won the war," but a skeptical executive at Microsoft counters: "It's interesting to talk about market share when you're giving away the software." The Netscape business plan is to give away so many copies of its "client" software for individual users that there will be an increasing demand for companies operating Web sites to purchase Netscape "server" software. (New York Times 3/1/95 C1) ===================================================================== SPRING CLEANING FOR YOUR COMPUTER From: Edupage When your hard drive starts showing perilously little available space, and your applications programs feel sluggish, it's time to do spring cleaning. Programs called "uninstallers" can help tidy up all the messy footprints left by Windows-compatible software, such as the subtle connections linking related files and programs, by deleting the software and restoring system files to their previous configuration. A Forbes team testing three uninstallers chose CleanSweep by Quarterdeck Corp. as the best overall product ($60, 310-392-9851). (Forbes 3/27/95 p.114) ===================================================================== INTERNET RESOURCES ===================================================================== ELSEVIER SCIENCE WEB SERVER From: F.Scholtens@elsevier.nl Elsevier Science, the scientific communications branch of Reed Elsevier, started its official World-Wide Web and Gopher service. The WWW [ http://www.elsevier.nl/ ] service initially provides: - The Elsevier Science Internet Catalogue of Journals and Books. - Information about - TULIP - The University Licensing Program, a research project Elsevier Science is performing with nine universities in the USA. - The Proceedings of the WWW'94 Conference (May 25-27, 1994), organized by CERN, Geneva. - A number of current awareness services on diverse areas of science. ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V.; P.O. Box 211; 1000 AE Amsterdam; The Netherlands E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl ===================================================================== FISHER SCIENTIFIC ON-LINE CATALOG AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS From: Mike Bauer Fisher Scientific, International is proud to announce the debut of the Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog with URL and complete html references: http://www.fisher1.com/ Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog This initial version of the Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog provides the complete listing of all chemicals from the famous Fisher Catalog. It specifically provides information on over 2400 separate chemicals chemical specification product specifications pricing information nearly 27MB of MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) about these chemicals It also provides full search capabilities on those chemicals, including catalog numbers, chemical names, chemical formulas, and product text. Finding chemical product information has never been easier. For more information, send email to info@fisher1.com. And please make sure to fill out the user survey after you stop by. Thanks. This catalog is a production of The Internet Group (info@tig.com). Michael Bauer, President; The Internet Group; 305 S. Craig Street; Pittsburgh PA 15213 Voice: 412.688.9696; Email: bauer@tig.com; Fax: 412.688.9697; URL: http://www.tig.com/ Please visit the Internet Business Center: http://www.tig.com/IBC/ ===================================================================== SLICE OF LIFE ONLINE INFORMATION From: Andre We are proud to announce several new on-line services to help provide you with quick and easy access to information concerning the Slice of Life programs available through the University of Utah. SLICE OF LIFE LIST SERVER The Slice of Life List Server is an interactive forum for questions or conversation regarding Slice of Life. Users can send messages to the list and have them automatically forwarded to all users who have subscribed. Any person subscribed to the list can participate in the discussion, and will automatically receive all messages sent to the list. TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE SLICE OF LIFE LIST SERVER: (1) Send an e-mail message addressed to: listserv@medlib.med.utah.edu (2) Make sure the message has no subject heading. (3) Type the following on the first line of the message body: subscribe SLICE Make sure to use your full name in the marked area above < >. Make sure this is the only text in the message body. Here is a sample message below: To: listserv@medlib.med.utah.edu Subject: Body: subscribe SLICE Jeremy Garff If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Jeremy Garff at jeremy@slice.med.utah.edu or call (801) 581-3494. SLICE OF LIFE FTP SITE The FTP service provided by Slice of Life is an on-line database of files and demonstrations available for download. These files can be accessed anonymously from any location on the internet, provided you have access to FTP software. TO USE THE SLICE OF LIFE FTP SITE: (1) From your FTP program access the following server: mmedlib.med.utah.edu (2) Enter "anonymous" as the user name. (3) Enter your e-mail address as the password. All Slice of Life information is kept in the /Slice directory. You may download, upload or search for files in this database. Commands or functions may differ depending on your local ftp software. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Jeremy Garff at jeremy@slice.med.utah.edu or call (801) 581-3494. SLICE OF LIFE WORLD WIDE WEB SERVER (MOSAIC) Slice of Life on the Internet has gone multimedia! The Slice of Life World Wide Web (WWW) server can be accessed using popular Web clients such as NCSA Mosaic. Using Mosaic, users can view not only hyperlinked text, but also graphics, video, and sound. Plans call for the Slice of Life server to consist of three components: (1) Information about Slice of Life, including its mission statements; current projects; and workshop information; (2) Links to an ftp site (mentioned above) containing demos of Slice of Life software; and (3) the Slice of Life Sampler, consisting of digitized public domain images from the Slice of Life Videodisc. Using Mosaic's forms capability, the Sampler will allow users to search a database and find appropriate images. The Slice of Life Sampler is currently under development. TO USE THE SLICE OF LIFE WORLD WIDE WEB SERVER: FFrom your WWW Client access the following URL: http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/sol.htm If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Sharon Dennis, M.S. at sdennis@ecclab.med.utah.edu or call (801) 585-3928. SLICE OF LIFE QUICK RESPONSE The Slice of Life QuickResponse system allows users to receive information almost immediately, simply by sending an e-mail message with a specific "Request". Users may obtain complete product and pricing information, ordering information, and technical support assistance. TO USE THE SLICE OF LIFE QUICK RESPONSE SYSTEM: Send an electronic e-mail message to: slice@slice.med.utah.edu. Type "Request Index" as the subject of the e-mail message. You will receive an Index of available documents within a few minutes. You may then send further requests as listed in the Index. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Andre St.Pierre at andre@slice.med.utah.edu or call (801) 581-8694. ***To be removed from our electronic mailing list please send a message to: slice@slice.med.utah.edu with"Remove From List" as the subject. For further information please contact us at: Slice of Life Eccles Health Sciences Library University of Utah, Building #589 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-1185 (801) 581-8694 (801) 585-2623-FAX Internet: andre@slice.med.utah.edu AppleLink: SLICE America On-line: SOL Office ===================================================================== RISK ANALYSIS Date: Stu MacDiarmid David Wilson of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service passed the following to me: "The Pacific Northwest Laboratory and the Columbia-Cascades Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis have set up a risk analysis Internet mailing list, as a service to the international risk analysis community. Any messages sent to the mailing list will be re-broadcast to all subscribers to the mailing list, either periodically, in digested form, or immediately upon receipt. Subscribers can decide whether they want the immediate or digested form of the list. The list is currently unmoderated. We define risk analysis quite broadly; as with other academic/scholarly mailing lists, appropriate postings can include news items of interest, meeting announcements, announcements of the availability of preprints or software, open position descriptions, Calls for Papers, requests for information, answers to those requests, etc. RISKANAL is a discussion list focused on risk analysis. RISKANAL is affiliated with the Society for Risk Analysis, a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management and policy relating to risk, in the context of risks of concern to individuals, to public and private sector organizations, and to society as a local, regional, national, or global level. The goals of RISKANAL are to: Provide an opportunity for individuals from diverse disciplines and from different countries to exchange information, ideas, and methodologies for risk analysis and risk problem-solving; Foster understanding and professional collaboration among individuals for the purpose of contributing to risk analysis and risk problem-solving; Facilitate the dissemination of knowledge about risk and risk analysis methods; Encourage application of risk analysis methods. To join RISKANAL, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.PNL.GOV: SUBSCRIBE RISKANAL First_Name Last_Name Example: SUBSCRIBE RISKANAL Joan Smith ===================================================================== PATHOLOGY CASES ON THE INTERNET Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 14:18:50 ES From: Anil K Dhiri Subject: Pathology Case Month: March 1995 This case is now on the Pisces WWW server, http://www.flightpath.com/Clients/Pisces/pathcase.htm Also on the sever is the 1st issue of PathIt. This is a free circulation IT focused Newsletter for pathologists and is in a portable file format that can be read/printed with all graphics using the Adobe Acrobat 2.0 reader. This reader (freeware) can be downloaded from the following sites on the Internet: FTP -- Adobe's ftp Server is at ftp.adobe.com. WORLD WIDE WEB -- Adobe's World Wide Web server is at www.adobe.com. In addition to IT news, the publication will also carry the Pathology Case of the Month with colour micrographs. Please send comments/articles for inclusion to me at: piscescd@dircon.co.uk or 71011.3633@Compuserve.com Regards. Anil Dhiri, DVM,MBiol,CBiol,MBA ===================================================================== EXOTIC-L EXOTIC BIRD LIST HAS MOVED From: "Kathryn A. Smith" This list is being moved from EXOTIC-L@GITVM1.GATECH.EDU to EXOTIC-L@PLEARN.EDU.PL EXOTIC-L@PLEARN.EDU.PL - A Discussion List for Exotic Pet Bird Owners EXOTIC-L is a discussion list for and about all kinds, types and varieties of exotic pet birds. This list was created for the express purpose of discussing anything from the care and feeding of your beloved pet bird to the scientific research concerning any aspect of wild or domestic exotic bird populations. If you wish to discuss training, human-avian experiences, seek a bit of comfort over the loss of a cherished bird, or find the best way to handle any aspect of bird ownership, you can be expected to be welcome to EXOTIC-L. I hope that the subscribers to EXOTIC-L will develop a sense of "community" and "belonging" among themselves. If you are seeking a "just-the-facts" list, this may not be exactly the place for you. If, however, you are seeking an environment where participants regularly share each others avian joys and sorrows, you have come to the right place. Reasonable discussion of conservation and environmental issues, as they specifically relate to avian populations, are also welcome here and the same holds true for almost any aspect of avian veterinary care and management. In short, pretty much anything that may reasonably be seen to have a relationship to exotic birds and/or human-exotic bird interactions may be posted here. To subscribe to EXOTIC-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@PLEARN.EDU.PL in the BODY of the e-mail: SUBSCRIBE EXOTIC-L your-first-name your-last-name For example: SUBSCRIBE EXOTIC-L Joe Shmoe ===================================================================== NEW - FACSUP-L FACULTY COMPUTING SUPPORT LIST From: TMILLS@uconnvm.bitnet FACSUP-L on LISTSERV@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDUor LISTSERV@UCONNVM.BITNET The FACSUP-L list is devoted to supporting faculty efforts to use computer technology in their work. In higher education we are witnessing an astounding phenomenon, as computing technology changes not only the tools available for our work but our very conceptions of teaching and learning. What follows from this is that a large proportion of the faculty is training itself to use computers in teaching, research and service. Thus, the faculty support system must be institutionalized across both the academic and the technical sides of the school. That's one part of what this list is about: mutual support among people charged with support of faculty in this computing-skills self-training process (people in jobs similar to mine). I expect, therefore, that a significant amount of the discussion will con- cern issues of support center objectives, policies, operation and the like. This would include broad strategy concerns within the uni- versity/college for gaining resources and administrative support. The other major component in this list will be the sharing of specific needs, experiences, ideas and resources for the day-to-day support of faculty self-training in computer technology, and at this level I expect lots of participation from faculty who care about the overall support mission and can voice needs, ideas, etc. I hope list subscribers will include both support center staffs and faculty working together to advance the systemic support of this enormous project in higher education. Archives will be kept in monthly files for a few months. You may obtain a list of archived files by sending the command INDEX FACSUP-L in the body of Email to Listserv@UCONNVM on Bitnet or Listserv@Uconnvm.Uconn.Edu on the Internet. To subscribe to FACSUP-L, send EMail to LISTSERV@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU (subject line blank), with the message: Sub FACSUP-L Firstname Lastname For example: Sub FACSUP-L William Gates To unsubscribe, send the command unsub FACSUP-L to LISTSERV@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU . Owner: Ted Mills, Coordinator Faculty Resource Lab, Univ. of Conn. Storrs, CT 06269-3138 USA Phone: 203 486 5052; Fax: 203 486 5744 ===================================================================== NEW - CATTERY-L - CATTERY MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION GROUP From: Steven Turk CATTERY-L on LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM Cattery Management Discussion CATTERY-L is an open, unmoderated discussion list dedicated to Cattery Management issues. This list was established to provide a forum for anyone interested in the management of a cattery. Suitable members might include people with questions about boarding cats, professional breeders, and/or cat boarding facility operators. To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM SUBSCRIBE CATTERY-L Owner: Steven Turk ; Voice (818) 222-1727, Fax (818) 222-9157 23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 152, Calabasas, CA 91302-1822 ===================================================================== NEW - KENNEL-L - KENNEL MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION GROUP From: Steven Turk KENNEL-L on LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM Kennel Management Discussion KENNEL-L is an open, unmoderated discussion list dedicated to Kennel Management issues. This list was established to provide a forum for anyone interested in the management of kennels. Suitable members might include people with questions about boarding animals, professional breeders, dog trainers, and/or boarding kennel operators. To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM SUBSCRIBE KENNEL-L Owner: Steven Turk ; Voice (818) 222-1727, Fax (818) 222-9157 23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 152, Calabasas, CA 91302-1822 ===================================================================== NEW - PET-NEWS-L - PET INDUSTRY NEWS LIST From: Steven Turk PET-NEWS-L on LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM Pet Industry News List PET-NEWS-L is an open, unmoderated discussion list dedicated to Pet Industry News. This list was established to provide a forum to post pet related new product announcements, seminars, lectures, dog/cat shows, litters, etc. This is the place to post commercial information that is not acceptable on other lists. To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to LISTSERV@NETCOM.COM SUBSCRIBE PET-NEWS-L Owner: Steven Turk ; Voice (818) 222-1727, Fax (818) 222-9157 23679 Calabasas Rd., Ste. 152, Calabasas, CA 91302-1822 ===================================================================== NEW - PROMED DISCUSSION LIST ON EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES From: "Kazuhiko HATA" A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership among scientists concerned with emerging infectious diseases in all parts of the world; building the appropriate networks to encourage communicating and sharing information is a key objective. Reporting of incidents or outbreaks, infectious disease problems of emerging interest, and discussions on how to improve surveillance and response capabilities (including needs at the local level) are especially encouraged. ProMED invites and welcomes the participation of all interested colleagues. To subscribe to the ProMED electronic conference (which is moderated), send e-mail to: promed-request@usa.healthnet.org Leave the Subject line blank (or put anything you like there), and write subscribe promed in the text space. You will receive an automatic reply with information on how to access past files. From then on, you will receive the messages posted to the ProMED conference as they are received, and can post messages to the network. You can cancel this at any time by sending unsubscribe promed. We welcome your participation in ProMED, and invite your support of ProMED's mission to develop and promote effective early warning systems for emerging infections. For further information on ProMED: Dr. Stephen S. Morse; Chair, ProMED; The Rockefeller University; 1230 York Avenue, Box 120; New York, NY 10021-6399 E-mail: morse@rockvax.rockefeller.edu For questions on the ProMED electronic network: Dr. Jack Woodall; ProMED List Moderator; NYS Department of Health; Albany, NY 12201 E-mail: woodall@wadsworth.org ===================================================================== WWW SITE - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGISTS (AAVI) From: We have established a web site for the American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) here on one of the Mizzou servers. The URL for the home page is: http://www.hsc.missouri.edu/vetmed/aavi/docs/aavihome.html Gary Allen Editor, AAVI Newsletter Gary K. Allen, DVM, PhD; Dept. Veterinary Pathobiology; College of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri-Columbia; Columbia, MO 65211 vmallen@vetmed.vetmed.missouri.edu; (314) 882-2280 (voice); (314) 884-5050 (FAX) ===================================================================== WWW SITE - FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE From: "Ken Boschert" The Free University of Berlin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Website is now online at... http://www.vetmed.fu-berlin.de/ Read about the upcoming IXth International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, September 11-14, 1995 at... http://www.vetmed.fu- berlin.de/english/ICPD.html ===================================================================== WWW SITE - HOMEPAGE OF THE UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL From: Ken Boschert Here is our new homepage address: http://brise.ere.umontreal.ca:80/~jettejp/ Jean-Paul Jette; bibliothecaire / librarian; Bibliotheque de medecine veterinaire; Universite de Montreal; C. P. 5000; Saint-Hyacinthe, Que. Canada J2S 7C6 Ken Boschert's comment: The server at the University of Montreal Veterinary Medical Library is particulary nice with a large database of veterinary conference proceedings and table of contents from a number of relevant journals. Please give it a visit. ===================================================================== WWW SITE - MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY CVM'S HOMEPAGE From: Ken Boschert Wow! Everyone with a web browser, especially you Netscape fans, should check out the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine Home Page. They have done an outstanding job describing the programs and with absolutely stunning graphics. I'm very impressed and thoroughly green with envy (pun intended). :-) http://www.cvm.msu.edu/ is the site to check. ===================================================================== WWW SITE - MURDOCH UNIVERSITY HOME PAGE From: cummins@possum.murdoch.edu.au (Dr Jim Cummins) Our home page has moved to our new school server: http://numbat.murdoch.edu.au/home.html Jim Cummins; Associate Professor in Veterinary Anatomy Murdoch University; Murdoch Western Australia 6150 Tel +61-9-360 2668; Fax +61-9-310 4144; E mail cummins@possum.murdoch.edu.au Ken Boschert's Comment : Dr. Jim Cummins, et. al. at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, have a super new version of their webserver up and running, with several multimedia veterinary presentations. Please give them a visit and let them know what you think. ===================================================================== WWW SITE - VETERINARY MEDICAL LIBRARIES HOME PAGE From: "Ken Boschert" Veterinary librarian, Ken Ladd, has established the Veterinary Medicine Libraries Home Page http://www.usask.ca/~ladd/vet_libraries.html at the University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine. This site contains information about all of the Canadian and United States Veterinary Medical Libraries, with more sites to be added soon. ===================================================================== THE MEDICAL LIST UPDATE From: gmalet@surfer.win.net (Gary Malet) ANNOUNCEMENT: UPDATE OF AN INTERNET RESOURCE THE MEDICAL LIST - A GUIDE TO INTERNET CLINICAL MEDICINE RESOURCES Version 2.3, 1 March 1995 Dr. Gary Malet, gmalet@surfer.win.net Lee Hancock, LE07144@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU A March 1, 1995 update of The Medical List is now available from the Univ. of Michigan Clearinghouse for Subject Oriented Guides URL:gopher://una.hh.lib.umich.edu:70/00/inetdirsstacks/medclin:malet The Medical List is a database of clinical medicine Internet resources. This new and improved version categorizes resources by disease and specialty. It subcategorizes the resources as web or interactive resources. This new version lists more than 60 new entries. The Medical List gives text descriptions of resources, spotlights the more developed programs, and gives news and backround on Internet medical resource development. The Medical List is made available in a Mosaic, hypertext, Internet-linked format as "Medical Matrix". Medical Matrix is available at the URL: http://kuhttp.cc.ukans.edu/cwis/units/medcntr/Lee/HOMEPAGE.HTML ===================================================================== MEETINGS AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ===================================================================== April 26-28, 1995 Computers in Healthcare Education Symposium, Philadelphia, PA (See the Jan-Feb, 1995 issue of the AVCS Newsletter for details) ===================================================================== April 28-29, 1995 A seminar on Computer-Based Patient Records, Milwaukee, WI We all know that the "Computer-Based Patient Record" is in our future. But what is a computer-based patient record (CPR) ... and what is it not? How will it affect you and your institution ... and when? What does a CPR look like ... and how do you use it? To begin to explore some answers to these questions, The Medical College of Wisconsin, through grants from The National Library of Medicine - Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) and The Ameritech Foundation, is sponsoring a two-day seminar beginning at noon on Friday, April 28 and ending at noon on April 29. Participants will explore current progress towards answering the questions noted above through formal presentations, panel discussions, demonstrations, and exhibits. More specifically, presenters include: A seminar registration fee of fifty dollars is payable by each participant in advance or at the door. Ten credit hours in Category 1 of the Physician's Recognition Award of the American Medical Association are available free of charge to seminar attendees. For more information or for registration, hotel, and travel materials, contact Steven Krogull at (414)456-8546 or skrogull@post.its.mcw.edu Medical College of Wisconsin; 8701 Watertown Plank Road; Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 ===================================================================== May 29-31, 1995 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, Wageningen, The Netherlands (See the Sep-Oct 1994 issue of the AVCS Newsletter for details) ===================================================================== June 19-23 and August 28-September 1 1995 Short Course on Medical Informatics, Standord, CA From: Parvati Dev The Center for Advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford (CAMIS) will once again be presenting its well-received Short Course on Medical Informatics. This course provides an introductory overview of the key issues and topics in the field of medical informatics. Lectures are augmented by hands-on labs and overviews of major research projects at Stanford. Lectures include: Databases, Networking, Clinical Information Systems, Imaging, Monitoring, Computers in Education, Decision Making, Bibliographic Retrieval, Biomedical Resources on the Network, and Medical Vocabulary Issues. Labs include: Networks (including World Wide Web), Electronic Medical Records, CAI, Decision Support, Bibliographic Retrieval and the Unified Medical Language System. Enrollment in the hands-on laboratory portion of the course is limited. Dates: Monday, June 19, 1995 to Friday, June 23, 1995 and again from Monday, August 28, 1995 to September 1, 1995. A brochure for the course is available on the World Wide Web at: http://camis.stanford.edu/shortcourse.html To obtain the course description via email, send a message TO: short-course-request@camis.stanford.edu with SUBJECT: send course or contact short-course@camis.stanford.edu (415)723-6979 ===================================================================== June 22-24, 1995 Slice of Life Workshop, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada (See the Jan-Feb, 1995 issue of the AVCS Newsletter for details) ===================================================================== September 9-14, 1995 MEDINFO'95 - 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Vancouver, BC, Canada (See the Jan-Feb 1993 issue of the AVCS Newsletter for details) ===================================================================== October 28 - November 1, 1995 Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC), New Orleans (See the Jan-Feb, 1995 issue of the AVCS Newsletter for details) ===================================================================== SUGGESTED READING ===================================================================== ARTICLES Scientific American - The Computer in the 21st Century From: Gary Borkowski There is a special edition of Scientific American available entitled: "The Computer in the 21st Century" which contains information on lightwave communications, microlasers, virtual reality, quantum cryptography, digital manipulation, ubiquitous computing, etc. It is an update of the 1991 edition entitled: "Communications, Computers, and Networks". It contains many interesting articles and viewpoints but I expected to see more coverage of the WWW. ===================================================================== CLOSING BITS ===================================================================== BEFUDDLED PC USERS FLOOD HELP LINES, AND NO QUESTION SEEMS TO BE TOO BASIC AUSTIN, Texas - The exasperated help-line caller said she couldn't get her new Dell computer to turn on. Jay Ablinger, a Dell Computer Corp. technician, made sure the computer was plugged in and then asked the woman what happened when she pushed the power button. "I've pushed and pushed on this foot pedal and nothing happens," the woman replied. "Foot pedal?" the technician asked. "Yes," the woman said, "this little white foot pedal with the on switch." The "foot pedal," it turned out, was the computer's mouse, a hand-operated device that helps to control the computer's operations. Compaq's help center in Houston, Texas, is inundated by some 8,000 consumer calls a day, with inquiries like this one related by technician John Wolf: "A frustrated customer called, who said her brand new Contura would not work. She said she had unpacked the unit, plugged it in, opened it up and sat there for 20 minutes waiting for something to happen. When asked what happened when she pressed the power switch, she asked, 'What power switch?'" Seemingly simple computer features baffle some users. So many people have called to ask where the "any" key is when "Press Any Key" flashes on the screen that Compaq is considering changing the command to "Press Return Key." Some people can't figure out the mouse. Tamra Eagle, an AST technical support supervisor, says one customer complained that her mouse was hard to control with the "dust cover" on. The cover turned out to be the plastic bag the mouse was packaged in. Dell technician Wayne Zieschang says one of his customers held the mouse and pointed it at the screen, all the while clicking madly. The customer got no response because the mouse works only if it's moved over a flat surface. Disk drives are another bugaboo. Compaq technician Brent Sullivan says a customer was having trouble reading word-processing files from his old diskettes. After troubleshooting for magnets and heat failed to diagnose the problem, Mr. Sullivan asked what else was being done with the diskette. The customer's response: "I put a label on the diskette, roll it into the typewriter..." At AST, another customer dutifully complied with a technician's request that she send in a copy of a defective floppy disk. A letter from the customer arrived a few days later, along with a Xerox copy of the floppy. And at Dell, a technician advised his customer to put his troubled floppy back in the drive and "close the door." Asking the technician to "hold on," the customer put the phone down and was heard walking over to shut the door to his room.The technician meant the door to his floppy drive. The software inside the computer can be equally befuddling. A Dell customer called to say he couldn't get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of troubleshooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor screen and hitting the "send" key. Another Dell customer needed help setting up a new program, so Dell technician Gary Rock referred him to the local Egghead. "Yeah, I got me a couple of friends," the customer replied. When told Egghead was a software store, the man said, "Oh! I thought you meant for me to find a couple of geeks." Not realizing how fragile computers can be, some people end up damaging parts beyond repair. A Dell customer called to complain that his keyboard no longer worked. He had cleaned it, he said, filling up his tub with soap and water and soaking his keyboard for a day, and then removing all the keys and washing them individually. Computers make some people paranoid. A Dell technician, Morgan Vergara, says he once calmed a man who became enraged because "his computer had told him he was bad and an invalid." Mr. Vergara patiently explained that the computer's "bad command" and "invalid" responses shouldn't be taken personally. These days PC-help technicians increasingly find themselves taking on the role of amateur psychologists. Mr. Shuler, the Dell technician, who once worked as a psychiatric nurse, says he defused a potential domestic fight by soothingly talking a man through a computer problem after the man had screamed threats at his wife and children in the background.