Why not roses?

by Jan Bellows, D.V.M.

Diplomate, American Veterinary Dental College

The next time you give your favorite four legged friend a kiss, take time to

smell the roses. But, if your cat's breath smells more fowl than floral,

something needs to be done. But what ? How can you take care of the problem,

and more importantly what can you do to prevent the progression of gum

disease in your cat?

Cat's teeth and gums are similar to our own. Food material, bacteria, and

saliva accumulate and adhere to the tooth surface forming plaque. We brush

our teeth daily to remove the plaque because if daily accumulation is not

removed, harmful bacteria can build under the gumline destroying the bone

surrounding teeth.

There are four classifications of periodontal disease. Grades one and two are

referred to as gingivitis. Here the gums are red and swollen. You will also

notice a disagreeable odor from the mouth. Gingivitis is curable if

treated early with, thorough teeth cleaning and polishing by a

veterinarian. If not treated, periodontal disease occurs. In grade three

periodontal disease, part of the tooth's supporting bone will be lost. Just

as with people, during this stage, deep cleaning and periodontal surgery may

be needed to be done to save the tooth. Once grade four periodontal disease

occurs, the tooth loosens from complete destruction of the supporting bone.

In most cases treatment involves extraction of the tooth to decrease the pain

of eating with wobbly teeth. This an important point. Dental pain is as real

in pets as in humans, even though they may not tell you so.

What should be the first step if your cat's breath doesn't smell like roses?

Have a veterinarian examine the mouth and make recommendations. Treatment

often requires anesthesia which may concern you. With current preoperative

blood testing, improved anesthetics, and patient monitoring, the anesthetic

experience is generally positive. The veterinarian may also take dental

x-rays to fully evaluate the tooth, roots, and supporting bone. Then either

the affected teeth will be cleaned, extracted, or surgery will be performed

to save the tooth.

Once the immediate problem has been cared for, it's time to prevent further

disease progression. Daily brushing, the use of fluoride, and special diets

for dental health, as well as monthly vitamins and/or antibiotics are

helpful. Prevention of periodontal disease will do more to lengthen your

cat's life and make it an enjoyable one then most anything else--so take a

good whiff and get moving-- your cat will love you for it !!!

Dr. Jan Bellows, is one of thirty board certified veterinary dentists and the

only one

in South Florida. His office All Pets Dental Clinic is located at 9111 Taft
