Jan Bellows, DVM

Diplomate, American Veterinary Dental College

All Pets Dental Clinic


9111 Taft St,

Pembroke Pines, Fla. 33024

Pratical Veterinary dentistry - Really setting started !

Many veterinary practitioners have their priorities wrong. They spend so

much energy figuring out how to get more four legged creatures in the front

door and concentrate on the vaccine/spay/neuter side of the practices, rather

than in- depth examination and treatment recommendations

What does this have to do with dentistry? Everything-paying attention to

dental abnormalities can translate better patient care, and client


How do you become mentally ready to begin this overlooked area? Your practice

needs to move from point A (inertia-allowing a sometimes minimally trained

person clean the teeth with little or no exam or treatment suggestions) to

point B (the practitioner or trained assistant examines each tooth on its own

merit, notes and charts abnormalities, and proposes therapy to the clients)

With the proper equipment and mind set, the veterinarian who is READY will be

SET to GO !. What is particularly nice about dental work is that you need so

little to do so much








Nearly all practitioners have an ultrasonic dental scaler. Unfortunately, few

have an adequate dental polisher. No matter which method is used to remove

supragingival calculus (ultrasonics, rotopro, hand scaling) grooves are left

in the enamel surface. Unless the enamel surface is polished smooth, it will

attract more plaque. There are many types of polishing units available. A

prophy polishing cup attaches to the low speed drill unit in most delivery

systems which is useful.

The periodontal probe is as important in a dental examination as a a

stethoscope is in a general physical exam. A perioprobe is marked off in

millimeters. As a general rule, gum pocket depths greater than three

millimeters in dogs and two millimeters in cates, need closer

attention-radiography, root planing, curettage, and/or periodontal surgery.

Two other hand instruments, sickle scaler and a curette, can be used

effectively during dental prophylaxis. Sickle scalers are designed for

supragingival use (i~e~ above the gum line), where as curettes are used

subgingival (below the gum line). Sickle scalers that are double ended

(mirror-image ends) are ideal. The scaler is triangular in cross-section. The

most effective working angle is 45-90 degrees to the tooth surface. A pull

stroke is always used~

Proper use of a curette requires a gentle touch. When used properly, the

rounded toe and back cause little damage subgingivally. The curette is angled

acutely against the root surface to remove gingival calculus, which is dark

brown to black in color The strokes are over lapped 10 to 20 times to plane

the root surface until it feels glassy smooth when checked with the explorer

tip. For subgingival curettage, the opposite end of the curette is angled

against the lining of the gingival sulcus. While the operator presses on the

gingiva with the index finger of the opposite hand, the curette is used to

scrape the lining of the gingival sulcus.

Perhaps the most overlooked and important aspect of basic dentistry is

charting what is abnormal and proposed treatment plans. There is no better

way of learning than sitting down with a dental chart and a sedated patient,

evaluating each tooth's appearance, position in the arch, mobility and

periodontal pocket depth.


Power equipment is necessary to enter the tooth's hard enamel surface without

damaging the internal or supporting structures. The primary procedures

performed with high speed drills are root canals, extractions, crown

preparations, and restorations. If high speeds (20,000-400,000 rpm) are not

used, the teeth could be injured through excessive heat and poor cutting


Common ways of delivering dental power are electric and air .As with most

choices each has advantages and disadvantages~ Electric powered dental units

are referred to as micrometers, Dremel Tools, laboratory bench engines or

belt driven units. They are usually less expensive, smaller, deliver high

torque, and are portable, which are good features. The tradeoffs are they are

five to ten times slower than the air units causing the drill at times to

"walk off" the tooth while drilling rather than cutting into it; they vibrate

to some extent making highly accurate work more difficult: and electric

powered units may produce harmful heat within the tooth due to the lack of

water in the handpiece.

Air driven units are the most efficient and easiest to use with training. The

modest increased cost between the air and electric units make little long

term difference compared to faster speed of air and higher quality of

dentistry capable thanks to the increased speed making the drill easier to

control. In addition the stream of water that cools the high speed but

prevents thermal damage to the teeth. The decision to use an air driven

dental unit compared to the slower machines is like performing cell blood

counts with an automated cell counting machine compared to a hemocytometer.

Both will work but the automated machine will deliver the results easier,

faster and at times more accurately. If you are interested In performing the

best dentistry possible, air units are the way to go. The decision should not

be based on caseload-- enough cases are there, recognizing dental lesions

that would benefit from the high speed equipment can be gained from numerous

continuing education programs and fine veterinary dental texts.

Where does the air power come from? Either from compressors which take the

room air and deliver pressurized air to the handpieces, or from bottled

compressed air sources such as nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. The bottled

sources have the advantages or portability, and are generally less expensive

on the initial purchase. Long term, the units using gas cylinders may be

more expensive than the compressor driven air machines due to gas replacement


The location of the compressor is an important consideration in human dental

offices the air compressor is far away from the dental units which are

connected with air hoses. In most veterinary offices the compressors are at

the dental delivery table. Noise becomes an important concern. Some

compressors cycle every two or three minutes with disagreeable roaring

sounds. The "silent" compressors work best under the dental area because they

are never heard. When considering the compressor location make sure the area

is accessible for servicing and adding oil to cool the machine. The "oil

free" units may-be appealing in that they are maintenance free, but they are

usually nosier and more expensive than the silent compressors. Many

veterinary dental companies also converted half horse power refrigerator

compressors which are quiet, efficient but require periodic oil refit and

drainage of condensation from the tank.

Dental handpieces contain the mechanism to turn the bur at high speeds. The

high-speed handpieces rotate at 200,000-400,000 times per minute. They are

the "workhorse" of the dental unit. There are many systems used to attach the

bur onto the end of the handpiece. We use the wrenchless push button type

where thumb pressure is used to disengage the bur. Other systems require a

wrench or key to place and replace the bur. Fiberoptic lighting is another

helpful option on a high-speed drill. Illuminating the operating area is most


Slow speed handpieces rotate the bur 5,000-20,000 times per minute in forward

or reverse directions, They are mainly used to polish teeth (with the

addition of a prophy angle). The contra-angle attachment redirects the

working tip of the slow speed handpiece to 65 degrees to the horizontal,

improving access to many awkward areas of the mouth. It is mainly used in

filling root canals with lentulo spiral fillers, polishing, and restoration
