OPEN WIDE: What to look for

when examining your pet's teeth

by Jan Bellows, D.V.M.

Diplomate, American Veterinary Dental College

It is easy to recognize if your cat has a broken leg, but how about a broken

tooth. You would think pets would stop eating when they had oral problems.

Unfortunately, usually this is not usually the case. By the time most owners

recognize oral disease in their pets, the problem is chronic and progressive.

So what can a loving cat owner do? Monthly examinations of your cat's

mouth are easy and can be rewarding. If you are not sure, check with your

veterinarian to make sure your cat is friendly enough for a safe oral exam to

start. It is best to place your cat on a well lit sturdy table. Exams

performed on the floor can be difficult and unrewarding. A brief oral exam

should only take a minute or two. Most pets are easy to work with. If your

cat growls anytime during the exam or seems irritated, it would be wise to


Before opening your cat's mouth, examine the face for swelling especially

below the eyes. Frequently a broken upper fourth premolar tooth will cause an

abscess that may spread below either eye. Fractures of the upper canines

(fang or eye teeth) can also cause swelling on top of the nose. Next, feel

around the neck below the ears. Abnormal swelling of this area can occur from

infection, cancer, or inflammation.

Next, take a whiff of your pet's breath. How? gently pull the lips back to

expose the side of your pet's teeth and gums. If there is a foul odor, care

is often needed. Since cats cannot brush their own teeth, Gingivitis and

periodontitis are the most common diseases affecting our feline friends.

Reddening of the tissue where the gum meets the tooth may represent

inflammation, infection, or trauma. In cases of advanced periodontitis there

may also be bleeding and discharge from the gums. Treatment of gingivitis

consists of cleaning and polishing the teeth to remove built up plaque.

Depending on the degree of periodontal disease, surgery may also be needed to

remove pockets that develop around teeth. Daily brushing is usually easy and

essential to control gingivitis.

Examine the teeth for fractures. Unfortunately our cats sometimes eat things

that are not tooth friendly (rocks, horse hooves, bones). If the object

chewed is harder than the tooth, fracture may occur. Broken teeth with nerve

exposure will usually result in an infection at the tooth's tip. Food and

bacteria will travel down the root and may eventually affect your cat's

heart, liver, and kidneys. Fractured teeth are treated by replacing the

infected nerve with material that fills the tooth, and seals the open hole.

Crowns are placed on top of the repaired teeth for protection.

Gently press on the teeth and note any movement. Loose or mobile teeth should

be reported to your veterinarian. If your pet does not have it's teeth

routinely brushed, periodontal disease and loose teeth will usually occur.

Bacteria by- products under the gumline destroy the bone that holds teeth in

their sockets creating loose teeth. Eating with mobile teeth can become

uncomfortable for your pet. The front incisor teeth are usually effected

before the back teeth. Treatment is available to try to save mobile teeth.

Many cats older than five years old will have cavities. Cat's mouths should

especially be examined for cavities. They commonly occur at the gumline. If

your cat will allow it, gently press a q-tip to the gumline around the

outside of the teeth. If your cat starts quivering and chattering, a cavity

is probably present. Cavities are painful and should be either filled or the

tooth extracted.

Oral growths may be benign or cancerous. Some tumors occur at the gumline

while others are found below the tongue or on the inside of the cheeks.

Hopefully, immediate care may result in a cure.

Monthly oral exams can uncover hidden disease. The more you look, the more

you may find. When oral abnormalities are noted your veterinarian should be

called in for a closer exam and treatment. In the long run your cat will

probably live longer, happier, and if it could-- thank you.

Dr. Jan Bellows, is a board certified diplomate of the American Veterinary

Dental College.. His office, All Pets Dental Clinic, is located at 9111 Taft

Street, Pembroke Pines, Florida 954-432-1111.