Pet owners know their four legged best friends have teeth, but usually do

little to keep them healthy. The mouth is the entrance point of food into

the body. It is important to keep your pet's teeth and gums clean and strong.

Examining the teeth monthly is helpful. Most dogs and cats are happy to let

their owners peek inside the mouth to look at the teeth. First look at the

face. One side should be the same as the other. There should not be any

abnormal swellings. When looking at the head feel the glands under your pet's

neck. Both should be the same size. Next pick up the lips and look at the

teeth and gums. Note any areas of inflammation (redness), swelling, and

broken teeth. Cats are especially prone to painful cavities. If you feel

courageous take a whiff of your pet's breath. If it doesn't smell like roses

then a trip to the veterinarian is in order.

Home dental care can be best gift you can give your dog. If daily brushing is

not performed plaque will form at the area where the gums meet the tooth. In

time plaque will attract calcium salts and calculus forms. The plaque and

calculus irritates the gum tissue leading to gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis if treated early can be cured. In pets periodontitis can only be

controlled and not cured. Daily brushing is the key to dental home care.

Brushing can be easy if you take a clean towel wrap it around your finger and

gently rub around the gumline. The upper teeth attract the most plaque, so

spend the most time there. Pet toothpastes are available at your

veterinarian. Natural human toothpastes can also be used.

General natural remedies are useful for animal dental care. As with all

medical recommendations they should be checked with your veterinarian before

giving them to your pet.

VITAMIN C-used to decrease swelling, aid in the care of periodontal disease,

and decrease pain.

MYRRH-soothes inflamed gum tissues. Can be applied with a q-tip when mixed

with distilled water.

ECHINACEA-helpful in periodontal therapy

ARNICA-can be given before and after oral surgery.

CALENDULA LOTION-can be used to soothe ulcers in the mouth and promote


FRAGARIA-may be helpful in preventing the buildup of tartar given every other


CHAMONILLA-can be used to decrease puppy and kitten teething as well as

chewing on furniture.

HYPERICUM-decrease oral pain.

Dr. Jan Bellows, is one of twenty eight board certified veterinary dentists

in the country and the only one in South Florida. His office is located at

9111 Taft Street in Pembroke Pines. He can be reached at 954-432-1111.