Association for Veterinary Informatics

Information Sheet

Noell Moseley (Memphis, TN) - President; Harmon Rogers (Lake Stevens, WA) - President-Elect;
James T. Case (UC-Davis) - Secretary Treasurer; Ronald D. Smith (Illinois) - Newsletter Editor.

Founded by a group of about 20 veterinarians meeting in St. Louis for the 1981 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) convention, the Association for Veterinary Informatics (AVI) operated under the name American Veterinary Computer Society (AVCS) until 1995. It currently operates as a non-profit organization recognized by the AVMA. The society functions under a constitution, configured under guidelines provided by the AVMA, and meeting the requirements for a nonprofit corporation in the state of Mississippi. The constitution and by-laws are currently under review and revision.

Membership incorporates a range of levels intending to invite participation from all segments of the profession, including veterinarians and non-veterinarians, as well as its supporting organizations. Voting rights are accorded to full and corporate members who are interested in the field of veterinary informatics and include veterinary practitioners and their staff, faculty and staff of veterinary colleges and diagnostic laboratories, medical records personnel, medical librarians, students, software and hardware developers and corporations supplying veterinary products and services. The majority of the members are individuals working directly in the field of clinical veterinary medicine both in the United States and internationally.

The goals of the society were realigned at a strategic planning meeting of members in 1994. These include: serving the membership as an educational resource, promoting the use of information technology and electronic communications in all aspects of the profession, and the development and promotion of standards in veterinary information management. The Association intends to communicate options and unbiased evaluations of existing technology and methods in the management and dissemination of veterinary information. Members are encouraged to communicate their experiences and innovations within the Association through the bimonthly newsletter and as broadly as possible throughout the profession through the use of existing electronic forums and in peer-reviewed journals. Individual interests can best be met through participation in one of six current working groups including:

It is through these groups that members with similar interests or specific problems can have them best addressed.

In the past, the Association sponsored Symposia on Computer Applications in Veterinary Medicine (the 6th Symposium occurred in August 1989 at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada) and facilitated the distribution of the proceedings of these symposia. Educational events are now presented in conjunction with the AVMA annual meeting following the establishment of the Richard B. Talbot Symposium on Veterinary Informatics. The AVI also sponsors presentations at major veterinary meetings throughout the country. Upon request it will provide veterinary organizations with the names of potential speakers on topics relevant to the informatics field. The members of the Association are encouraged to write articles and/or make presentations regarding their experiences, as these are valuable in establishing veterinary informatics as a legitimate discipline and encourages the individuals in the veterinary community to become more involved in the information age.

The Association currently provides telecommunications among members via the Internet on the AVI-L listserv discussion list. To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to:
leaving the subject line blank and the following command in the body of the message:
SUB AVI-L <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>
substituting your real first and last names where indicated, without the brackets.

The bi-monthly newsletter has been the major communication tool of the Association. The newsletter is prepared by the newsletter editor and incorporates at least one major informative article, along with administrative news of the society and of the informatics community in general. Members are particularly encouraged to communicate their experiences in the newsletter.

You may apply for membership in the AVI by completing an application form and paying the annual dues. Forms are available on the WWW at <> or from the Secretary/Treasurer. Dues are payable on January 1 of each year. Your membership category is determined as described in the application, and only active members have voting privileges. All other member categories share the privileges of the newsletter and communication services of the society. We hope you will join and support our effort to expand the use of the computer as a tool in veterinary medicine.

For additional Information and applications for membership, write to Dr. Jim Case, AVI Sec./Treas., 2742 Concord Ave., Davis, CA, 95616; or send email to, JimCase@AOL.COM or 74232,
Revised January 3, 1997

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