VermelGen Version 0.1 Copyright Justin Couch and Cameron Gillies The Virtual Light Company 1996 Sections copyright Thomas Koch of GMD Germany A GNU production. See the file license.txt for licensing conditions. VermelGen is our attempt at producing a free VRML 2.0 editor. It is entirely written in Java and uses the External Application Interface (EAI) to talk to any VRML 2.0 capable browser that supports the EAI. The source for this applet can be found at Last updated 14:45 +10.00 5th Jan 1997 And a web page at (After the 8th Jan 1997) --------------------------------------------- Installation To install this program you need to have an empty directory which you then unpack the archived file into. It creates a number of subdirectories. Do not change the name of these directories unless you really know what you are doing with java. In the top level directory (eg C:\Program Files\VermelGen\) you will need to edit the HTML file called index.html. In there you will need to change two things - the CODEBASE and top_directory parameters. These need to be changed to the directory that you installed the files into. Once this small change is made you can start up you Java enabled browser and open the HTML file. If you are a Netscape user on either Win95 or NT4 you must read the file NetscapeUsers.txt. It contains some very important information that about some problems experienced with there operating systems and the VRML browsers. --------------------------------------------- Features: o This is a very early alpha release. It handles the most common nodes that you will be using in VRML 2.0. At the moment this amounts to: - Transform - Group - Shape - Box - Cylinder - Cone - Sphere - Appearance - Material - TextureTransform - ImageTexture - MovieTexture o Add and delete of supported node types. Cut and paste is not yet supported o Browser independant. Because it uses the VRML 2.0 EAI there is no Web Browser dependent features. This same interface also means that the software is independent of the VRML 2.0 plugin that is used allowing you complete flexibility. o Will work even without a browser - ie on any Java enabled applet viewer. The software attempts a number of different methods to grab a handle on the VRML 2.0 browser. If none are available then it defaults to standalone operation. All functionality is still available except you do not get output to the Browser. o Minimal file size generation. The editor will only write to the output the fields that are not default values. This keeps file size to a minimum. For readability the output is correctly indented. To further reduce file size you can do the normal methods of using a file cruncher or gzip. o Syntax checking. The editor will not allow you to generate a syntactically incorrect file. It pulls you up if you try to add a node in the wrong spot. ---------------------------------- Bugs and Notes: - Due to the amount of initialisation at the start you might find that even after the Editor window has popped up you will not be able to do anything. Wait for the harddrive to stop thrashing and then try again :) On a P166/64MB this takes about 5 - 7 seconds. - Generating source files. At this stage I have not implemented the code to write the VRML source out to a file. Much of this is to do with problems with security of applets and the individual browser used. Some will not let you write to the harddrive - even as a trusted applet. This will be coming in a future version - Getting started. To add your first node to the scene you will need to click on the unknown.wrl node on in the display before doing anything. The browser will pop up an error dialog telling you to select a node if you don't - Resize and scrolling of the main window. There are some bugs with the resize and display of the scroll bars in the main window. Sometimes when you resize to smaller than the displayed error the scrollbars disappear completely! If this happens resize the window by a very small amount until they reappear. - Multiple string fields (in the URLs for Image/Movie Texture nodes, etc) At the moment it only handles the first string typed in. Any after that will be printed out as "null" in the file. You will need to remove these references before viewing the file correctly. - deleting a Shape node currently does not remove it from the Scene. Why? I don't know. I'm looking into it at the moment. Apart from that I believe the program is pretty rock solid for an alpha release. In just about every case it will stop you before you attempt to do something that has not been implemented yet. I would suggest however that you have the Java console (or whereever your Systme.out.print stuff gets shunted to) open while running the program. As usual insert the usual legal crap in here about use of the product and no warranty yadda, yadda, yadda. Hey, you take, you try, you tell me if you like or not and any bugs. Justin Couch & Cameron Gillies 5 Jan 1997