The Kid's Domain

Grace Sylvan
Kid's Domain Executive Producer

Hi, glad you could stop by! I'm Grace Sylvan, and have had the nickname "Tigger" for over 15 years now. I live in the Silicon Valley (California) with Katherine and Robin (my great kids), a guinea pig, and fish.

Over the years I've had made computer related jobs - I developed and taught introduction to the computer classes, was a Vax/VMS systems administrator, wrote user manuals, designed user interfaces, and programmed. When Katherine was born, I took time from working to be a full-time Mom, which is still my favorite job.

I'd been using ftp to download programs for years, and in 1995 I became very interested in the web. I went looking for stuff for my kids, and found the selection very limited. I just couldn't find what I was looking for, and so I began to build it. "Children's Software" started out with a dozen Mac programs to download (I own Macs) and within a few months had a PC section, too. Within a year it'd been awarded a Magellan 3-star - not bad for a Mom who often worked with kids by her side or in her lap!

The site kept growing, awards kept coming in, and I added holiday and graphics pages to the ever growing collection of downloads. When given the chance to help create "The Kid's Domain" and be able to work with other people and make an even greater site, I couldn't say no!

I work from at home - and have yet to meet the other staff members face to face, this is telecommuting to the extreme! When I tell people that my 'boss' is in the UK, they often look at me funny. We use email and occasional phone calls (lots of phone calls around the site launch, but I expect that to decrease again) to keep things going.

My interests .... kids... homeschooling.... kids.... sewing.... nature.... kids.... crafts.... writing kid's software..... kids.... well, you get the idea. Juggling it all is sometimes challenging, but is also a lot of fun.

I hope you enjoy our little space on the web. Comments, suggestions and complaints can all be sent to .

Who We Are - Grownups Place - Kids Home - Downloads

Copyright © 1998 The Kid's Domain
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