The Kids Domain

Cindy Caldwell
Kid's Domain Reviewer

My name is Cindy Caldwell, married to a very patient husband (Rick), a man that puts up with all the time I spend at the computer doing my curriculum for my business, and now I am doing reviews for KidsDomain. A very important job that I hope will help other parents and educators select appropriate software for their children.

I am an Early Childhood Educator and I've worked in the preschool setting with children ages 6 months to five years of age, and also in after school programs with children five to thirteen.
After the birth of my second child, not wanting to go back to work full time, I enrolled in some computer courses to upgrade my education. When looking for a job I found one combining both my Early Childhood Education and Computer training. I worked there for two years then ventured out on my own. I am now running my own business.

It is great working for yourself as this enables me to set my own hours, and to be there for my children when they need me. Having a teenager (Ryan) and a preschooler (Randy), my mothering duties run the gambit with both children needing different types of supervision. Working from home also saves money on my wardrobe and I tend to spend a lot of time working at the computer in sweats or my PJ's; you can't do that in an office!

Being a computer instructor for children, I am always searching the web for information and while doing so I ran across the KidsDomain, a great site with software reviews. I am always looking for new pieces of software myself and I can't always tell by the packaging if a piece is what I need so these reviews are a great help. My children and husband all help in my reviews from testing the software to proofreading my text. This is becoming a family activity we all enjoy.

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