The Kid's Domain

Anise Hollingshead
Kids Domain Review Daily Editor

My first experience with computers wasn't until 1995, when we bought our first home computer, so I am a comparative newcomer to the world of computer games. However, from the time I bought my first game(Kings Quest VI) two days after we received the computer, until now, I have been in love with gaming!

As with all obsessions, this occupies my mind a trifle, so that I am incapable of entering a mall or store that carries software without perusing the software sections avidly. Lately, my obsession has centered on children's software. My husband, Ronnie, and two daughters, Charis-11, and Lauren-7, have been understanding, but sometimes question my sanity when I come home loaded with more games than they can play, rationalizing, "But honey, they were a bargain!".

Here in Georgia, I haven't found too many people who share my conviction that life just isn't worth living without mass quantities of computer games, so I have had to branch out onto the internet, where I became interested in software reviews, particularly children's software. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to find a review of a title you are interested in, and being unable to locate one anywhere. That is what has drawn me to the Kid's Domain, where not only do they have a large selection of reviews for kids, but many links to other sites for children. I hope that I can now help other parents who are having a hard time deciding what title to pick from the many choices they are presented with. I never imagined when I was feverishly tearing off the shrinkwrap of King's Quest VI, that in two years I would be doing reviews on the internet -Hey Ma, look at me now!

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