The Kid's Domain

Editorial Policies

We are always interested in receiving PR info including demos, press-releases, review copies etc. Press release info is used in our "Soft Flash" column, a weekly update of software company news.

Full reviews of a product are done only on the final version. We clearly specify if the reviewed version is a gold master as opposed to a shelf-ready, packaged & shipping copy.

Demos, screenshots and betas are used for previews only - our readers find these very helpful when deciding what games to 'save' for. Exclusive demos are always of interest as, unlike any of our competitors, we have FTP sites for demo distribution in the US, UK, Russia, Australia, South Africa, Poland, and Greece, with sites due to open shortly in many other countries around the world.

Please Note: Compressed demos cannot exceed 30 megabytes. This is because we have recently received demo submissions over 100 megs in compressed size. Our readers have indicated that there are too many problems involved with downloading large files over the net, and our staff has noticed that these files are the least accessed.

Some facts about the Kid's Domain

Our Internal Procedures

Once a game is received, it's assigned and sent out. Ideally, the review is online within the next two weeks (we do not believe in "next-day" reviews, sorry), bar any delivery problems or technical complications beyond our control.


Anise Hollingshead, Daily Editor
Kid's Domain

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