Kids Domain

Triple Play Plus! Spanish
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by Syracuse Language Learning Systems

Age Group: Age 8 and Up, Adults
Type: Foreign Language
Price: $49.95 US


My, we've looked at a lot of language programs lately! Seems like several companies released their products at the same time, and that makes for an interesting challenge. So far, Triple Play Plus! Spanish is the best we've seen, for several reasons.


  • 16 video lessons.
  • 3 levels of difficulty.
  • Over 30 games, exercises and conversations.
  • Speech Recognition

Technical Aspects:

The initial installation was no problem; however, after running into a few GPF's, (General Protection Fault) we uninstalled the program. When trying to reinstall it, the system came to a halt, so a reboot was in order. After rebooting, there was no problem with installing again. The Automatic Speech Recognition is great, however, we found that it didn't always recognize a word, even when it was being spoken correctly. The graphics are comic-book style, with some actual videos of people, and they add to the fun.

Report and Conclusions:

My family played with this program all afternoon! The only reasons it didn't receive the gold award are the technical problems above. The documentation is excellent; there's a Technical Manual, a User's Manual for the games, and a User's Manual for the Grammar Lessons. Overall, there's a lot of fun and energy in this program that will have you speaking Spanish in no time! The best area was Bingo, where a picture is shown and they ask you what it is. You respond into the microphone, and are told whether you are correct or not. This is certainly the most fun language program we've seen.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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