Kids Domain

Putt-Putt Travels Through Time
Reviewed by Anise Hollingshead
Published by Humongous Entertainment

Age Group: Age 4 to 8
Type: Puzzles & Memory, Thinking Games
Price: : $ 34.95 US


Putt-Putt Travels Through Time is an adventure game for the 3 to 8 crowd, in the Jr. Adventure series from Humongous Entertainment. When Putt-Putt visits his friend, Mr. Firebird, the Time Machine accidently sucks Putt-Putt's lunchbox, history report, calculator, and faithful dog Pep into different periods of Time! It is up to Putt-Putt to find Pep and his missing items. Along the way, there are many characters who need Putt-Putt's help.

There are four Time Periods to explore: the Wild West, Medieval Time, the Future, and the Dinosaurs. The characters are funny and colorful, and there are many side games to play besides the adventure. There is a mix of new games, and old favorites. Even the usual games have a new twist, as in a slider game that has a shy T-Rex who laboriously grunts as he helpfully moves the puzzle blocks. One of the new games is a form of breakout, which has the ball exposing pictures as it bounces off the wall. For the older children, there are some very funny puns, such as the titles of books in the library in The Future, which read "Gone With The Windshield" and "Moby Pickup".


  • Game randomizes with each new game
  • Bright and colorful graphics
  • Cheerful music
  • Many different puzzles and games

Under Windows 95, there was no need for installation with the AutoPlay feature. You just insert the CD, click the Play button, and you're on your way! If you have Windows 3.1, however, you will need at least 2.5M of hard drive space. The game ran fine after installation with no problems. The minimum requirements are for a 33MHZ 486 with x2 CD drive, but as the game was tested on a P100 with x4 CD drive, it is hard to tell how accurate the minimum requirements are. However, Humongous is usually right on target in that area.

Report and Conclusions:<

Putt-Putt was an instant hit here! This was our first encounter with Putt-Putt, but Freddi Fish was already a favorite. My 7 year old and her 5 year old friend were glued to the computer for hours, and that is high praise indeed from those two whirlwinds. With the game changing with every new game, and the many fun activities included, this is well worth adding to your software library.

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