Kids Domain

Secret Paths in the Forest
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by Purple Moon

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Puzzles/Memory
Price: $ 29.99 US

PC version requires:
486-66 8 MB RAM, 10 M 2x CD-ROM, Windows 95, also on Windows 3.1, 640x480x256

Mac version requires:
Version is available.


Purple Moon is an interesting company, who spent over four years researching interests and themes that are most important to girls ages 8 to 12. Their titles have been designed directly from their research. Secret Paths in the Forest is the first title in the Secret Paths CD-ROM series, and it's listed as a "friendship adventure."

Join the girls in their tree house and get to know them as you hear their life stories and problems. Choose a girl to begin helping, venture off into a wilderness, searching for secret stones with hidden messages. As the puzzles are solved, collect all stones, which will transform into a beautiful necklace. Give the necklace to the girl and a story will begin, one that provides an answer to your friend's problems.


  • Meet girls, make friends.
  • Explore landscapes.
  • Multi-cultural stories hold answers for each girl.
  • Adventure changes each time you play.
  • The adventure is continued at the company website.
  • Secret Path Stones are included for your own necklace.
  • Secret Path Adventure Cards are included.


There's no online help here. Purple Moon says that girls told them they preferred figuring out the puzzles on their own. Luckily for us all, they included Puzzle Hints in their Reviewer's package! This title is radically different, and according to my oldest daughter, "very cool." SHE had no problems figuring out the puzzles, without access to the hints (the hints are available from Purple Moon by email) and spent the better part of an afternoon exploring.

There's also no "ending" to this game. The developers have deliberately designed it to be open-ended, so when you do manage to get the necklaces for all 7 girls, don't expect any fireworks. On the other hand, girls aren't "forced" to finish a path or reach an ending.

We found no technical flaws on either of our computers, a P-100 or a 486-66. No choppy video or audio or odd happenings to report. The graphics are quite beautiful and reflect the Purple Moon determination to cater to girl's "romanticized views of nature." (The company's words, not mine!)

We're giving this title a Gold Award because it is radically different from anything out there. This doesn't mean that all girls will like it! But I do think that most of them really will, and now there's actually hope that someone, somewhere will start to research and design gaming software for women.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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