Kids Domain

Pajama Sam in "No Need to Hide..."
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by Humongous Entertainment

Age Group: Age 2 to 5, Age 4 to 8
Type: Puzzles/Memory
Price: $ 39.95 US

PC version requires:
486-33 8 MB RAM, 2x CD-ROM, Windows 95, also on Windows 3.1, 640x480x256

Mac version requires:
Version is available.


Pajama Sam in "No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside" is a delightful adventure game for children ages 3 to 8. Sam courageously confronts his fear of the dark in this game. Kids will love helping Sam find what he needs to take on Darkness. In the beginning of the game, Sam is in his room. When his mom turns out the light, Sam realizes he must do something about his fear of darkness. The answer is to imitate his favorite super-hero, Pajama Man. And, as soon as you help Sam find his Pajama Man mask, his metal Pajama Man lunch box and his Mark IV flashlight, he'll be ready to go.

Throughout the game, Sam will find socks - all over the place! Since his mom told him to pick up his socks, be sure to click on them as you see them. In all, Sam needs to find and match 10 pairs of socks. However, one of the nice touches in this game is that not finding all the socks won't keep Sam (and you) from making progress in the adventure.

Another feature of the game is that once you've completed a section, if you leave and come back, you don't have to play that part again. You'll appreciate that since you'll be running around all over the place.

Suffice it to say there is an excellent hint guide written up, and it's instantly available by pressing F1. Because each game is different, the hints are very useful. The items Sam needs to find may be in different locations at different times. This certainly enhances the replay value of the game. There's a new version of Tic-Tak-Toe that's called Cheese and Crackers the kids here loved, and the Music Room is fun too.

Pajama Sam is a cutie, no doubt. He remains friendly, polite, and patient, never fussing aloud while you explore the area. He also talks about trying to obey his mother in picking up his socks. I found myself thinking, "This is a good kid." All in all, this is one impressive title from Humongous Entertainment.


  • Game changes every time it's played.
  • Lots and lots of hot spots.
  • Load and save games to continue the adventure.
  • Play games, solve puzzles, mix magic potions, or sing songs.
  • 24 page Jr. Adventurer's Handbook is included.
  • Allows children to explore and adventure at their own pace.
  • Great ending!


My 3 and 4 year olds appeared at my side every time I turned Pajama Sam on. This is a game small children can DO, and they can't wait to get through it. I enjoyed playing this title too; usually I don't care for adventure games. Your children will likely enjoy this one over years, and because of it's excellent design, it will appeal to them at different levels as they grow. For example, our 3 year old doesn't "get" the jokes, so as he grows, he'll experience the game in a new way.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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