Kids Domain

King's Quest VI
Reviewed by Anise Hollingshead
Published by Sierra Online

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Puzzles/Memory
Price: $9.99-$14.95 US


If you like tales of intrigue, love, and magic, then King's Quest VI is the game for you! The 6th installment in the King's Quest series relates the search by Prince Alexander for his lost love, Cassima. He sets out on a ship to find her, but gets shipwrecked and finds himself on a lonely beach. After finding a town, Alexander discovers that he has found the mysterious Land of the Green Isles, Cassima's home. However, upon requesting admittance to her castle, Alexander is told that Cassima is betrothed to the Grand Vizier and doesn't wish to see him.

Undaunted, our intrepid hero is determined to discover the true feelings of Cassima and sets out to find a way into the castle. Along the way, Alexander must help many people, gather everything he can get his hands on, and make friends to help him in his quest. But he must be careful, because danger may be lurking around any corner!

When Alexander first starts out, he must find a way off the main island. The ferryman won't talk to him, and keeps slamming the door in his face. This is just one of the many puzzles that Alexander must solve, usually with items in his inventory. This adventure is written in the style of a fairytale, with many elements taken from familiar tales. There are also some very funny puns and plays on words in many of the puzzles, and the answer is never obvious, so turn on the computer, settle in, and enjoy!


  • Cool narration
  • Voice of Robby Benson as Prince Alexander
  • Puzzles
  • Maze
  • Romance!

Technical Aspects:

King's Quest VI installs easily under Windows, just select Run, then type in the letter of your drive and type in setup, for example (d:setup). Then follow the instructions. This is an older game, so the graphics may not be quite what you are used to if you are new to computer gaming, but the story is wonderful and well worth playing.

Report and Conclusions:

Buy this game! King's Quest VI was the very first computer game I ever played, and it hooked me for life. I have played many since then, but I have never found one as good. It is the best family game out there, with puzzles hard enough for adults, but easy enough for older children and with no so-called "adult" material to offend anyone. I can't recommend this game enough for families with kids aged 10-up; if you are having a tough time finding games for your preteen and young teens, then King's Quest VI is an excellent choice and Mom and Dad can play it, too! The price is right, also, with many stores offering a discounted or budgeted version.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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