Kids Domain

Great Adventures by Fisher-Price Castle
Reviewed by Alecia K. Dixon
Published by Davidson & Associates

Age Group: Age 2 to 5
Type: Thinking Games
Price: $19.99 US

Requires: Windows, 486-33, 8M RAM, CDx2


Bad King Smudge and his Naughty Knights have overtaken the castle and thrown King McBeard into the dungeon! The adventure begins in the village square where Jester, the King's helper, enlists McDuff to find All the Good Knights, show them the King's Royal Seal, and lead them in taking back the castle and setting King McBeard free. (For a shorter game, choose to find only Two Good Nights). For help, click on Jester's Hat and Jester will appear with a clue. With six different places to explore and tasks to accomplish before you can take back the castle with all Good Knights, the program provides lots of fun and entertainment.


  • Shape sorting, matching.
  • Teaches bargaining and trading skills.
  • Encourages paying attention visually.
  • Enhances memory skills.
  • Promotes following verbal directions.

Technical Aspects:

There were no installation or runtime problems. If the monitor is set higher than 256 colors, some movie scenes are jumpy.

Report and Conclusions:

My 3-year old son loves his "Castle Game". It is hard for him to sit through finding All the Good Knights, and the program does require the user to watch and listen carefully (an ability my 3-year old does not yet fully possess). He easily accomplishes finding Two Good Nights, and is elated when he frees King McBeard and will proclaim, "Mommy! I won, I won, I'm the winner!" His favorite places to visit are McFadden's Hotel (he will go back again and again), the Blacksmith's, and the Dungeon. This program also allows the user to replay an activity even after the Good Knight is found.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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