Kids Domain

Elroy Hits The Pavement
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by Headbone Interactive, Inc.

Age Group: Age 4 to 8, Age 8 and Up
Type: Puzzles & Memory, Thinking Games
Price: $39.95


"Elroy Hits the Pavement" is the second episode in the Elroy series and the sequel to "Elroy Goes Bugzerk." There's lots of fun with Elroy in this kooky puzzle/adventure. Be sure to pay close attention to all the facts presented - it wouldn't hurt to take notes so the vital pieces of information will be close at hand when you need them. You WILL need them! Elroy is being threatened with SUMMER SCHOOL if he and his best friend Syd can't come up with a "useful device for everyday life" as science project. They come up with the "Revitalizer," a zapper to rev up dogs but just as they're ready to test the machine, they discover that Elroy's dog, Blue, is missing.

The adventure begins with the search. Gather all the information and clues you can, and be sure to visit the ITM machine for M.U.C.K. Net news. You'll need to know a few things before you attempt Blue's rescue.

Once you find where Blue is being held, you'll have to make your way into the gangster's hideout, find Blue and set him free. Of course, it WON'T be that easy - good luck!
Make careful notes!

The Technoloptera (remember that BUG?) will help Elroy and Syd out in a rough spot. The Rock Crusher 200

The Rock Crusher 200 will help Elroy, Syd and Blue get through the Vault so they can find the Revitalizer. But first they'll run into Olga, who has a few questions for them! The Big Showdown

Once you choose the person holding the equipment you need to fix the Revitalizer, Elroy moves in to get what he needs. But pay close attention to the hint, it's tricky!

In comparison with "Elroy Goes Bugzerk," "Elroy Hits the Pavement" is much more highly structured in design. The animated sequences are longer and the game offers fewer choices about where to go and what to do. There are riddles, puzzles and lots of activities that will challenge children to use information-gathering skills, deductive reasoning, logic and intuition in figuring out what to do next to help Elroy.

Once you beat the bad guys, free Syd and Blue and show the Revitalizer to your teacher, the game is over! The ending is anti-climatic and disappointing. I expected a newspaper headline, or Elroy to talk with reporters, saying, "I couldn't have done it without...(your name inserted here!) Still, we had lots of fun and laughs (and games!) with Elroy and can't wait to see what Headbone's up to for his NEXT adventure!

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

[Beginners - Ages 2-5 - Ages 4-8 - Ages 8 up - Grownups]

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