Kids Domain

DUST: A Tale of the Wired West
Reviewed by Ashley Collins
Published by Cyberflix

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Arcade
Price: $9.95 USD

PC version requires:
Windows 95, Windows 3.1, or Windows NT 3.51, 486, 8MB RAM, 2x or faster CD-ROM drive

Mac version requires:
System 6.0.7 or greater, 68030, 8MB RAM, Color Macintosh, Power Macintosh Native, 2x CD-ROM drive.


Running for your life in 1882, you stumble into Diamondback, New Mexico. A stranger, in need of a gun and a past, you interact with the people and explore the town. Dust takes place over five days, split into morning, afternoon, and evening. You have to accomplish certain things to make time pass. Your first nightÆs goals include making some money and finding a place to stay. Along the way, you make friends (and enemies), help people, and find a mystery (and a treasure!). Just be careful, the wild west can be a dangerous place!

The lower portion of the screen is your interface. There is a map which shows the town layout and your location. Clicking on the picture of the cowboy (yourself) brings up your inventory. Whatever inventory item is highlighted also appears on the interface. Clicking on the cow skull in the middle brings up the control panel. Moving around does require both hands. The arrow keys act as your feet and move you around town, while the mouse acts as your hands, talking to people and using objects. When you click on a person, youÆll get a choice of what you want to say. While this does limit your choices, it is much less frustrating than trying to get the computer to recognize what you typed. The mouse cursor will change to a hand when it is over a person or usable object.


  • A fully navigable Western town rendered in three-dimensional detail with more than 20 buildings ready to be explored
  • 40 interactive characters, each with a distinct personality
  • Cinematic high-resolution graphics
  • Continuous real-time movement

Technical Aspects:

No problems were found while installing or playing this game. However, the game only plays in 256 colors.

Reports and Conclusions:

This game was very original and entertaining. While there were a couple of gunfights, there isnÆt any blood or gore. Older children and adults will get into the adventure story, while the arcade action of the gunfights will draw in younger ones. Dust allows some replayability, because youÆll discover things you missed the first time. The box (jewel case only) represents the game well. A troubleshooting guide is included, although it wasnÆt needed. We really enjoyed this game and would definitely go out and buy it.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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