Kids Domain

Dragon in a Wagon
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by DiAMAR Interactive

Age Group: Age 4 to 8
Type: Language Arts
Price: $ 29.95 US

PC version requires:
486-25 8 MB RAM, 2x CD-ROM, Windows 95, also on Win 3.1, 640x480x256

Mac version requires:
Version is available.


Dragon in a Wagon is the second in Diamar's new series of children's titles. These activity centers include vehicle building activities, transportation puzzles, a quiz show, a path builder game (this one is tough on the 3rd level!) and a cross road puzzle to match vehicles and terrains. There are even print out activities such as Transportation Bingo, Fold Your Own Vehicle and Write Dragon a Letter.

The Path Builder and Cross Road Puzzles are two of the most innovative games we've seen in ages! In Path Builder, children choose a vehicle and begin building a route for it, stopping at various spots and working around obstacles. Cross Road Puzzles help kids match vehicles with terrain but it isn't exactly a cross road puzzle, it's more of a linear jigsaw. Whatever it's called, it's good fun.


  • Make custom vehicles with blueprints or mix and match parts on whimsy.
  • Three levels of difficulty in the games.
  • Storybook can be recorded and heard, or just listened to.
  • Quiz show has over 180 different questions.
  • Computer OFF activities are included.
  • Builds problem solving skills.
  • Promotes reading skills.


My kids love Dragon in a Wagon. Dragon's friend is a little girl named Megan, who is along throughout the activities. This is a great way for children to learn all about vehicles and introduces a few that some kids may never actually see, such as a hang glider or snowmobile. Hey, it *rarely* snows in Texas! The people behind this title have carefully crafted it so that kids will learn, improve vocabulary and deductive reasoning, utilize critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

So why a Silver award instead of Gold? Simple - art activity centers for kids have been done to death! It's time to either find new tools and activities or think of some other activity to include. While I maintain that stance, I'll also admit that my kids DO play with the art centers and seem to enjoy them.

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

[Beginners - Ages 2-5 - Ages 4-8 - Ages 8 up - Grownups]

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