Kids Domain

Dinomight Baseball
Reviewed by Ty Brewer
Published by Microforum

Age Group: Age 4 to 8
Type: More Fun
Price: $30.00 US


Dinomight Baseball combines baseball with dinosaurs in a title aimed at children. Favorite dinosaurs include the T-Rex, Triceratops, and others. Stadiums take their cues from prehistoric names such as "Boneyard Stadium" and include such touches as tar pits in the outfield. With 18 dinosaur characters in the game (both male and female), the lineup is always interesting.

Well, with the obligatory description of the product out of the way, I can focus on the game. This game is just not very fun for any child over the age of 8. The dinosaur idea is clever, and the game seems to be well-thought out. I like the easy to use interface and loved the overall feel, but the gameplay is almost condescending.


  • Great interface
  • Easy for younger children
  • Neat Dinos!

Technical Aspects:

The game publishers presume that children can't operate any controls except a keyboard. Not a bad assumption as long as the target audience is under 8 years old. Then they commit the upardonable sin of only allowing the player to control pitching and batting on the easiest level. If you want to make the game more interesting, the player can take over control from the computer and assume responsibility for running bases or throwing out runners. What did they leave out? Fielding. I always liked the console games that let the player field the ball when it was hit, not just sit and watch the computer run around and catch the ball. I can understand limiting the gameplay for a younger audience, but most kids could pick up on fielding after a few hours. Had they included the option of allowing fielding, the game would appeal to children even into their early teens.

Report and Conclusions:

On its easiest level, the game would bore even the most lonely child. Setting the pitches to their easiest level, the ball travels straight over the plate every time. At least by allowing 2 players to play simultaneously with the keyboard, a parent and young child can play together until the child learns the keyboard comamnds. And there you have it: the game is only fun for very young children, who get as much pleasure watching the game as they do playing it. This game, like the real game of baseball, becomes a spectator sport.

I believe the game publishers severely limited a good idea by poor execution. The dinosaur plot is interesting. The graphics are superb. The interface is easy to use. The gameplay is below average.

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