Kids Domain

The Cartoon History of the Universe
Reviewed by Cynthia A. Sorrels
Published by Human Code

Age Group: Age 8 and Up, Adults
Type: More Fun
Price: $ 24.95 US

PC version requires:
486-66 8 MB RAM, Windows 95, also on Win 3.1, 640x480x256, Up to 2 via TCP/IP.

Mac version requires:
Version is available.


Human Code has created this title based on the comic book series of the same name. Actually, this program has raised a number of questions in my home because of two particular scenes that are sexually oriented in nature. Because it is rated for children 8 and up, it must be noted that in two frames, illustrated, animated reptiles are copulating, complete with sound effects. While the information is not presented in a lurid fashion, it is not appropriate for this age group, in this Mom's opinion.

The second questionable segment deals with an early culture's ritualistic orgy directed each year by the country's leader and his mate, who participate by having sex while watching the "festivities" below. While it is possible that many parents wouldn't mind this, there are still many, many who would object to having their children exposed to materials of this type. I also find it very interesting that no mention is made of the sexual content on the box or in the Human Code press kit, and, in fact, the only place I found the issue addressed was this brief statement contained in a text file on the CD-ROM:

"The Cartoon History CD-ROM is very true to the original book by Larry Gonick, including all the original content (cartoon sex, violence, and all). There is a function that allows concerned parties to disable the operation of the "sex" bookmarks in the volumes. Placing an "X" in the checkbox marked "Parental Guidance" during the program startup will disable these temporarily, active for the current viewing of the program only."

Please note that the "Parental Guidance" doesn't keep your child from viewing the scenes-it only prevents the scenes from being bookmarked for that session.

And, I suppose I should mention (for Fundamentalists) that the title presents Evolution in the information. While many parents won't mind that, some do, so a warning for them is appropriate.

My objection is not so much to the material presented, or even the manner in which it's presented...(parents must judge what's best for their children) - it's that the company doesn't include any warnings on the box or in its literature. Parents deserve to know about this sort of thing BEFORE they plunk down their hard earned monies. By not including that information, parents are mislead and may not realize what they're buying.

The Cartoon History of the Universe has an extensive amount of information presented in a fresh and innovative way; this is why I don't understand the lack of a true parental control. What would it have taken to create alternative screens for the offensive materials? It would make this title much more marketable, and this reviewer would be able to recommend it with no qualms. But don't get the idea that Human Code is an evil company! They've done a number of other wonderful projects, including Wishbone in the Amazing Odyssey and SchoolHouse Rock: Exploration Station (which is sitting here waiting for review.)

On to the positive: besides the comic books covering history from the first dawn to recent times, explorers will examine an Egyptian pyramid, help snake a brain out of a body to prepare it for embalming, put ancient Greek buildings back together, play the ancient Egyptian game of Senet with Osiris or over the Internet, or play on-line Trivia.

The depth of content presented here is quite incredible, including scientific names when appropriate and many historical names, along with explanations that are easy to understand. There are 7 comic books as well as an Index, which nicely ties it all together. The title offers 17 interactive games, architecturally accurate 3D historical recreations of the Acropolis and Great Pyramid and includes a built-in browser with chat capabilities, multiplayer gaming and downloadable content.

But lookout for those reptilesà

If you have any problems when using Kids Domain then please contact Cindy, who will be happy to help where possible.

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