The Kid's Domain

Spun Gold

Websites for Girls, Part 1

by Anise Hollingshead
January 1998

Hi! I'm helping Jeff Rottman review kids web sites for "Spun Gold." I've been busy checking out several sites, and I have found several that are specifically designed for girls, so I will be doing a series on sites for girls.

Girls on the Go is a site for girls that is aimed for the slightly younger crowd and is owned by the Girls Scouts of America. Even though this is a Girl Scouts site, there is much here for every girl. A games section lets you submit your own puzzles, there is an area for art, stories, and poems submitted by girls, and a question and answer section.

There is heavy emphasis on science and sports, with interviews with well-known women in sports. There is a penpal section, also. I especially liked the links, they are the most comprehensive I have seen yet for girls. There is information that can help a Girl Scout decide on what activities she might want to aim for on a nationwide scale, and other helpful information she might need. I really enjoyed this site, but wished there were more online games offered.

Troom is a site maintained by Tampax and is a pretty cool site for girls, particularly the young teens. There are a few shameless plugs for Tampax, but overall there is great content here. Troom is hosted by Tina, a teenager who gives advice, answers questions, reviews music, etc. I haven't figured out if she is a real girl, or a made-up one, but either way, she is one savvy teen.

There are many areas to explore on Troom. With articles on fashion with many well-known trendy public figures and reviews on what is hot and what's not in music, a girl can be assured on getting the latest info on looking good. If you want to post questions and get answers, or respond to a topic already chosen, or get advice from other girls, there are several pages where you can do so. You can submit poems, stories, and artwork, read Tina's Diary to see what she is up to, or check out the sports and fitness page. Gameline offers games, but their selection is pretty sparse. There is even a pen-pal section. I thought the section on how to insert a tampon pretty tacky, as the same information is in the insert that comes with the box, if you choose to buy their product, but overall there is a great deal of content that is fun for young girls.

Have a favorite website for kids? Email Anise!

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