The Kid's Domain

Amusing Musings
by Cynthia A. Sorrels
March 1998

Happy Easter!

Over the past few years, I've had a blast working on Kid's Domain and look forward to a busy and happy future with this group. However, since the site has opened, my job duties are evolving and I've gotten totally overwhelmed. (Geez, with my Games Domain duties, Kid's Domain and three kids going on, it's no wonder!)

So, Anise Hollingshead has been promoted to Daily Editor. Her duties will include helping new reviewers figure out how we write reviews, write the monthly editorial and generally help out. Please feel free to say hi to her. Anise and I will be working closely together and we're both excited about meeting at E3 this year.

Additionally, Kim Moon begins her new position as our Education Coordinator. She'll be designing all sorts of cool stuff for the Holiday section, (wait'll you see her Earth Day recipes!) continuing to write reviews, and will likely begin doing some lists of recommended books. Kim has her teacher's certification and tutors after school so she can stay home with her kids.

For all the people who think it isn't "exciting" to work at home - this past week, 3 major children's software publishers have requested use of our Gold Award and quotes from reviews.

If that wasn't enough excitement, my 5 year old, Annie, was bitten by a stray cat yesterday. I was unaware that the entire State of Texas is under quarantine for rabies. Luckily, I had the presence of mind to grab our dog crate and get the cat into it. Animal Control picked the kitty up to keep her in isolation for 10 days. As they looked the animal over, she was acting strangely. This morning, Animal Control called to let me know that they'd gone ahead and put the cat to sleep, and shipped it for rabies testing. In the meantime, my daughter is on antibiotics, and all three kids are upset that the cat is gone.

It was a scare that's turned out all right. We heard today that the cat didn't have rabies, so at least our child is spared rabies injections. It's made me much more aware that there is a stray cat problem in our neighborhood, and we're likely going to try to raise our neighbor's awareness levels, as well.

Well, don't think you'll entirely get out of hearing from me :D We're planning to begin a site email newsletter to let people know what's up here at the KD. At least the folks who'll hear from me will have asked for it! If you have problems, questions or you're just looking for software that's out of print, whatever - please don't hesitate to drop me a line. Thanks! Here's a few words from Anise... :D


Cynthia A. Sorrels, Managing Editor
Kid's Domain


I'm so glad spring is finally here! The cherry trees are in full bloom, the azaleas are beginning to flower, and the robins have arrived. I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to break out the shorts and sandals!

Well, now for the introductions. My name is Anise Hollingshead and I'm going to be helping Cindy with some of the work around here. I'm a true Southern girl (big hint, I used the word "y'all") from Alabama, but now reside in Georgia. What, you may be asking yourself, is the difference between Georgia and Alabama? Not much! Same red clay, same beautiful spring flowers, and the same hot summers.

However, when I'm not outside enjoying nature, I'm at my computer working hard at helping to make Kid's Domain the very best site for finding information on anything and everything to do with your child's computing needs. I believe we here at Kid's Domain have the most comprehensive collection of children's computer-related issues on the web. Most of the kid's sites currently on the Internet have a single focus as in a) a collection of links, b) software reviews, or c) activities and games. But at Kid's Domain, we have gathered together these things and much more! Shareware and freeware, icons and graphics, children's software news, technical help, children's programming tips, and holidays are just some of the things we offer.

So fire up that computer and settle in, we have lots of things coming your way!

Anise Hollingshead, Daily Editor
Kid's Domain

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