The Kid's Domain

Amusing Musings
by Cynthia A. Sorrels
March 1998

My apologies for the lateness of the editorial this month! Response to the new site is incredible - thanks to each of you who wrote, whether to say hi or volunteer to review. The enthusiasm keeps us all going (along with a lot of coffee for me, lately!) and we're always coming up with ideas for new areas. Your suggestions are welcome, always!

We're making plans for our E3 coverage in Atlanta at the end of May. Anise Hollingshead and I will be there, meeting with game companies to ask questions, preview their upcoming titles, etc. We'll certainly bring a full report, since the programs they'll have out will be among what's hot for the holiday season. Besides, I can't wait to meet Anise! Her enthusiasm and ideas have kept me sane.

So what's on "the shelf?" Well, for starters, I have a good half-dozen Learn Spanish programs waiting to be evaluated, and more are on the way! I have recently been playing Disney Interactive's Hades Challenge and A Field Trip to the Rainforest Deluxe. Also, today's mail brought Everglades Journey by Trek Interactive and the new Purple Moon title, Rockett's Tricky Decision. There are a few others waiting, as well, but we'll get to them soon.

Ty Brewer has been really busy this month - he and his wife have been dealing with their son's illness but Ty still managed to get in all his assignments for the month. He also broke down and bought a Barney Actimates for the kids and we'll see a review of it soon. Ty has a precious daughter who loves the Purple One, unlike my 3 year old "Batman," who got into a fight with Barney at the store! Reckon he mistook Barney for The Joker???

One item of interest - Living Books had separated from Broderbund, but has now been reabsorbed into the company. They no longer have a separate website, and their products can be found at Also, I noticed that they've released The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, Deluxe and we've requested a review copy. It'll be interesting to compare it with the original.

One last word: Anise reviewed Ariel's Story Studio by Disney Interactive recently and I have to add, my 5 year old daughter LOVES it! She's busily printing a "magazine" as I work here - she prints out pages, pictures, and then we have to staple it all together. Her plan is to make 6 or 7 MILLION daily and deliver them on her scooter. I think she's watched the "Beethoven" movie once too often!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Cynthia A. Sorrels, Managing Editor
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