The Kid's Domain

Planet Earth

0 British Geological Survey - Earthquakes
Keep up with recent events in the United Kingdom, learn about the hazards of earthquakes, and find out how scientists measure magnitude.
0 Cascades Volcano Observatory Pictograms
This site has impressive photographs of the mighty Mount St. Helens, and outlines the 1980 eruption through these pictures.
0 Charlotte, The Vermont Whale
A whale in Vermont? Meet Charlotte and learn how, through fossilization and time, a whale came to live in a field.
0 PlanetDiary
The archive, phenomena backgrounders, and current reports show us that we live on a very active planet.
0 Smithsonian Gem and Mineral Collection
Take a virtual tour through the exhibit of common, extremely rare, or totally unique gems and minerals displayed at the Smithsonian. Be sure to take a peek at the "Star of Bombay" and the "Hope Diamond".
0 US Geological Survey
Visit this extremely comprehensive site for fact sheets, news articles, and some very cool maps!
0 USGS - Earthquake Information
Get up to date information on the most current earthquakes in the U.S. and find out how to prepare.
0 Virtual Cave
Take a virtual tour of a spectacular underground adventure.
0 Virtual Earthquake
Learn about the Richter Scale and locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Follow instructions throughout the activity to calculate the magnitude of the quake.
0 Virtually Climb Stromboli!
Take a virtual hike to the top of Stromboli. The path is tough, but hikers are rewarded with a spectacular light show of an active volcano.
0 Volcano World
Anything you ever wanted to know about volcanoes is here, or ask a volcanologist a particularly posing question, but take a quick tour of the photos!

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