The Kid's Domain


0 ACME Pet
Get news and articles about cats, dogs, horses, birds, fish, and other pets. They also have a "Cool Pet Site of the Day".
0 Animal Network
Gives up information on any pet a kid could want, with links to "Dog Fancy", "Cat Fancy", and "Aquarium" where kids can read news on their favorite animals.
0 Arcata Pet
Here's a nice pet shop home page from Arcata, CA. There is a great section of bird pictures, and be sure to go meet the cats and resident dog, Cody.
0 Fish FAQ
The smallest fish is less than 1/2 inch, the biggest is the whale shark weighing several tons. This page is full of interesting fish facts.
0 Froggy Page
All sorts of "virtual frogginess" have been packed into this web site- from Kermet to a scientific amphibian.
PETNET helps pet owners choose the pet that is right for them, and helps them to learn how to care for it.
0 The Creature Connection Home Page
High school students from Cary Grove, Illinois achieved the ecologically impossible when they turned a dank schoolroom into a thriving tropical environment for their animals. Is Mars next?
0 You and Your Pet
Pet care articles from Heinz, with new entries every month.

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