The Kid's Domain

Micro Critters

0 "Cano Brings Ancient Bacteria Back to Life"
Ever wonder if "Jurassic Park" was possible? This scientist has brought ancient bacteria back to life, after 135 million years trapped in amber!
0 Bugs in the News
Take a big look at a little, tiny world with a light-hearted and down-to-earth approach to microbiology. So, "What the heck is an Antibody?"
0 Cells Alive!
This site has micro-pics, Quicktime micro-movies, and even discusses the daily activities of viruses and bacteria.
0 Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology
Find out which bacteria beams in the "Microbe of the Week" spotlight, and be sure to visit the "Microbe Zoo".
0 History of the Light Microscope
Learn how the tiniest critters were first discovered with lenses, light, and a little curiosity!
0 Nanoworld Image Gallery
This gallery of pictures brings to life a world that is so small many forget it even exists. View a magnified version of seeds, plankton, cells, and tiny creatures.
0 The Microbe Zoo
Check out all the major environments of microbial life including "Dirt Land", "Animal Pavilion", and "Water World"!

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