The Kid's Domain

Bugs and Butterflies

0 Antboy's Bugworld
Learn all about bees, butterflies, ants, spiders and other bugs. This page does not promote swatting, squishing, or any other extermination methods- so be prepared for a place that is crawling with information!
0 Butterflies of Ireland
It's the luck o' the Irish butterflies to be some of the most beautiful in the world. Pictures on this page illustrate the point.
0 Butterfly Arc
The "Butterfly Guide" and the "Fairy Wood" take kids on a learning adventure with these delicate and beautiful creatures.
0 Children's Butterfly Site
Coloring, moth and butterfly FAQs, bright pictures, and links make this page a place for kids to learn.
0 Magnificent Monarchs
Learn about and follow the migratory patterns of the Monarch butterfly, and play an html game where you help a butterfly find its way to Mexico.
0 The Butterfly Farmer
Check out the world famous Costa Rican Butterfly Farm that works to protect the delicate and diverse insects.
0 The Secret Forest
Learn about soil arthropods, play the "Beetle Zone" Shockwave crossword puzzle, and check out the "Forest Dictionary" to answer bugging questions.
0 University of Kentucky: Entomology Youth Facts
Kids can approach the study of bugs from many different angles with this very fun and informative page!
0 Wendell's Yucky Bug World
"Roaches Revealed" asks us to pause before squishing the offender, and take a look at all the interesting facts.
0 Wonderful World of Insects
This site is a completely cool collection of any sort of info you need on insects, spiders, and all their creepy-crawly little cousins.

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