Father's Day Clip Art

Here's our free collection of Father's Day Clip Art. Some have been colorized (and cleaned up) by us from black and white clip art we've found at various free sources. Most are optimized to be small in download size with transparent backgrounds, so you can use them on any color pages. Please do not copy any other images from this site other than the ones below. Do NOT include this clip art in any other clip art collections.

If you use this clip art, please include a link back to this site, thanks!
You can use one of these images:


#1 Dad #1 Dad dad bear computer computer fishing golf sailing computer happy father's day Happy Father's Day happy father's day happy father's day Happy Father's Day car1 car2 car3 car4 happy father's day happy father's day

Diane Bundy created these pics of a 1997 Corvette, perhaps your Dad would like one of these?

Diane Bundy has also collected some free fishing clip art for Father's Day.

And we have some more summer clip art.

Father's Day Icons

Maybe you'll see Dad's favorite sport here, to dress up his desktop with:

These sport icons are from Mighty Toad's collection of icons. You can visit Mark's web site for more samples of his shareware icons.

Mac owners can download these icons (sports.icons.sit.hqx)

basketball bowling pingpong pool soccer

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