The Kid's Domain

Home Schooling

0 Christian Homeschool Fellowship: Homeschool FAQs
22 questions and answers that many have about homeschooling
0 CM: Canadian Review of Materials
Has reviews of books and CDs for kids.
0 Dive Into The Internet
Dive Into The Internet at the Bedfords - you'll find Homeschooling for Unschoolers, the Radical Mother's Page, several different kid links, and Easy Internet for Families
0 HUG-Mac
HomeSchool Users Group - Macintosh. They're still getting the site going.
0 Islamic Educational and Muslim Home School Resources
Some resources for those interested in the Islamic culture
0 Jon Shemitz' Home-School Resource Page
0 Macintosh Educator's Site
0 Oregon Home Education Network
Nice resources, including a nice FAQ, not just for Oregon
0 School is Dead, Learn In Freedom!
(for the most radical of us...)
0 Teel Family Home Page
(Alaska Pages, too)
0 The Chalkboard
Preschool/Kindergarten craft recipies, holiday activities, art activities, curriculum ideas. Great ideas for in school or at home!

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