The Kid's Domain

Family Fun

0 Family Explorer Newsletter
has science and nature activities for children.
0 Games Kids Play
Looking for a game to play offline? Rules for hundreds of games like Steal the Bacon, Simon Says, and Jumprope Rhymes.
0 Home-Ed-Kids
The Home-Ed-Kids are always up to something - holiday projects, penpals, art, writing, and more!
0 Idea Box
For the education of young children. Ideas, articles, projects, seasonal themes, and printable pages.
0 Kids Crafts Bulletin Board
Ask for and share your craft ideas - holiday and other simple crafts
Word Puzzle contests to keep minds sharp
0 WITI Campus - Take Your Children on the Internet Week
Fun for getting started on the internet

More Links - Grownups Place - KD Review - Downloads - Kids Home

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