The Kid's Domain

Privacy and Safety
at the Kid's Domain

We at the Kid's Domain want everyone's visit here to be safe, both in content and privacy issues.


Any information collected on the web site for things such as contests, voluntary mailing lists, or other projects will only be used for the purpose stated (such as awarding a prize). We will not send you unsolicited email, or share your information with any other companies.

If there is a reason to post someone's information, we will post only what is approved by that person, for instance, a prize winner might be announced listing only their first name and state.

Specifically when it comes to children, we post reminders that they should ask parental permission before giving out personal information or downloading items to their computer.


The contents of the Kid's Domain are designed for family use. In addition to our own content, we also provide links to software publishers and sites with other related activities for children. We do screen the other sites initally, but cannot be responsible for content from other sites. If you or your child does come across something inappropriate due to our links, please let us know and we will remove it.

We also provide two pages of internet safety information - one geared for kids with basic guidelines, and the other for parents and teachers, with links to a variety of safe surfing programs that can help prevent kids from surfing into inappropriate areas of the web.

For Parents:

It is important for you to talk with your child about using the internet safely. Here are a few guidelines to start the discussion. You might have your own to add:

  • Never give out your full name, address, or phone number without your parent's permission.

  • If someone sends you something inappropriate, let your parents or teacher know.

  • Never agree to meet someone you've been talking to on the net without your parent's permission.

  • Treat others as you would like to be treated!

Thanks, and we hope your visit to the Kid's Domain is fun!


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