The Kid's Domain
Why You Should Put a Copy of Our Graphics on YOUR Web Server

First of all, please only copy graphics that are clearly marked as free clipart or critters to 'adopt'. Please do not copy anything from this site to put into a 'free clip art collection'. If you want to let others know about our free graphics, please just tell them about our site. We spent hours creating the site graphics and the clip art and printable puzzles that we are giving away for free.

If you could imagine writing a great song and then someone else records it, and it's a big hit and they do not list you as the songwriter, you might understand how it feels to see our work listed in someone else's 'here take this free clip art' collection, without a word of credit. Not only that - just as stealing someone's song is against the law, so is taking someone's artwork from their web pages. That artwork belongs to the artist and is protected by the same copyright laws.

Now, on to the server issue:

Thousands of people visit the Kid's Domain every day. We do our best to have fast enough equipment and connections to the internet to support all those visitors.

If you link to a graphic from our server instead of putting it on yours, then every time a visitor comes to your site, our site is also contacted and has to send that graphic again. Imagine if everyone did that, how many extra hits would happen to The Kid's Domain without someone ever seeing our web pages. This slows down the system for everyone, especially our visitors.

Many artists who share their own work for free have to pay extra fees if the load their site puts on the machine hosting them goes above a certain number. Those sites might get thousands of visitors a day. All the extra hits for non-visitors cost them money. Some of these artists have had to shut down their sites because they couldn't afford the extra fees. Here at the Kid's Domain we might need to expand the equipment (costs money) or folks will have a hard time seeing our web pages during peak net hours when all the extra traffic is coming in.

So please, save the images you'd like to use to your hard drive, then upload them to your own web server. Be nice and give the artists credit for their work - over 30 artists gave freely of their talents to make over 1000 wonderful icons in the icon area, and I (Grace Sylvan) have created most of the printable puzzles and free graphics for the Kid's Domain. Many hours were spent creating all these things which we are freely sharing. Please let people know that they can come here as you did to get their own free stuff.

In case this isn't clear, linking to our web site itself ( is great, that is how you can let others know about our site. It is just linking to the ".gif" graphics that will cause an extra load and make your pages and ours load more slowly.

Thank you for your time, and have a lot of fun - that's why we do this!

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