Kids Domain

USA Puzzle!
Published by Torpedo Software

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Social Studies
License: $15 for the whole GeoPuzzle package

Take a spin across the USA! This software includes colorful map puzzles for the states and capitals of the US. The puzzle pieces consist of states and star icons, which are dragged and rotated by the user to their correct position on the map. The timed game format holds interest and makes learning US geography fun. Several different levels of difficulty make the software useful to almost any age group. Easy and colorful user interface.

Registered users get the whole world.

Download Details

windows, 100% compatible IBM computer, Windows 3.1 or later, 1 Mb of free RAM, a VGA monitor or better, and a mouse. The software was tailored for 640 X 480 monitor resolution (standard VGA).


Filesize: 143 KB

Download Sites:

US :

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Spain :

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