Kids Domain

The Maze
Published by Lynn Alford

Age Group: Age 4 to 8, Age 8 and Up
Type: Thinking Games
License: $15 gets you another maze

John Kennedy writes:

This is a good maze game which my 8 year old has used. The object is to locate 5 treasures hidden somewhere within 64 interconnecting "rooms". The graphics are simple, line sketches, and movement between rooms is via doors or corridors. The on screen view is from the perspective of someone standing within the puzzle space. The challenge centres around the doors, for some are unstable and whisk you off to rooms at random whilst others are one-way or invisible. Further complication is added by some rooms being in darkness. The only way to reliably solve this puzzle is to systematically map the space and the characteristics of the doors and then nut out a path to all 5 treasures. This is not as simple as it seems and if your son is like mine will need some help, but its a good co-operative project and teaches a lot about perspective and planning.I like these games, there are no sexy graphics to divert you from the focus of the game and they challenge the logic skills of the young without running them into frustrating brick walls.

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Win 3.x


Filesize: 24 KB

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