Kids Domain

Surfin' Annette
Published by SpyCatcher Corporation

Age Group: Age 2 to 5, Age 4 to 8, Age 8 and Up
Type: Computer Toolbox
License: Shareware- $29.95 after 15 days

Join Annette on an Internet adventure. Kids can explore the web with Annette by their side to help sort through the yucky sites. Parents can use their password to adjust this browser to fit their family needs. "Surfin' Annette" helps keep kids stay away from web-garbage that could get in the way of having fun while learning in cyberspace.

The simple interface is similar to Internet Explorer with fewer options; which makes it less intimidating. It gives kids a chance to get comfortable with surfing before they try to conquer a much more complicated browser. Since it runs with Internet Explorer and the interface is similar, it could be considered a training browser as well as a security measure.

Download Details

ws 95/NT, Internet Explorer 3.x or better

Filename: sa3.exe or sa4.exe

Filesize: about 5 MB

Download Sites:

US : For Internet Explorer 3.XX

Educational : For Internet Explorer 3.XX

US : For Internet Explorer 3.XX

Australia : For Internet Explorer 3.XX

US : For Internet Explorer 4.XX

Educational : For Internet Explorer 4.XX

US : For Internet Explorer 4.XX

Australia : For Internet Explorer 4.XX

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