Kids Domain

Pirate Ship in a Bottle
Published by Davidson Software

Age Group: Age 2 to 5
Type: More Fun
License: Free demo

If your little one loves pirates - check out this download!

This is a demo of one of the games from Davidson's Fisher-Price Pirate Ship program. You can design your own custom pirate ship - or maybe that is a bathtub?! with custom ships, sails, masts, pirates, and related objects. Robin (4 yrs old) defintely thought this was fun, and after he arranged things the way he wanted, he move the pirates around on the screen while narrating the action.When you run ship__.exe, a file called pirate__.exe will be created, which is the expanded program. Oh yes, they seem to have forgotten a 'quit' button - just hit 'escape' to exit the program.

Download Details

win 3.1 or win 95

Filename: ship16.exe

Filesize: 914KB

Download Sites:

US : Windows 3.1

US : Windows 95

[ HELP! I can't download! ]

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