Kids Domain

Lemmings Paintball
Published by Psygnosis

Age Group: Age 8 and Up
Type: Arcade
License: Demo is free, Full version costs $19.99

The lemmings are on a path of destruction! They are coloring the world with a rainbow of paint, and searching for other lemmings to pelt with vivid hues of goo. Players beware, because it's hard to escape while wiping sludge from the eyes. Run fast for the flag, and fight the other lemmings with purple and green ammunition. When even the gooiest losers have a multicolored time, everyone wants to join the fun, and soon lemmings will be swarming the screen!

Download Details

Windows 95, 486 DX2/66 or better, 8 MB RAM, SVGA compatible graphics, 9 MB available hard drive space

Filename: lpidemo.exe

Filesize: 3.3 MB

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