Kids Domain

Jigsaw 2 for Windows
Published by Walter A. Kuhn

Age Group: Age 2 to 5, Age 4 to 8
Type: Puzzles/Memory
License: $9

Jigsaw 2 for Windows is a jigsaw puzzle simulation. You solve the puzzle by dragging and dropping the puzzle pieces with a mouse. The puzzle pieces have the traditional interlocking shapes, and the pieces lock together when properly arranged. A color picture is formed when the puzzle is fully assembled.The computer takes care of the mundane tasks, like finding all the edge pieces and sorting pieces by color. You can save your work in progress and return to it later, so this jigsaw puzzle won't tie up your kitchen table. And unlike traditional jigsaw puzzles, there's never a missing piece!

Several jigsaw puzzles are included, and there is a facility for generating new puzzles from bitmap files (.BMP or .GIF), so your favorite images of loved ones or whatever can be made into jigsaw puzzles. (The puzzle generation feature is only available to registered owners of Jigsaw 2).And, for futher fun - there are FREE Billy Bear Puzzle Add-Ons available from Loraine Wauer and Billy Bear, and you can find more fun at

Download Details

Win 3.1x, VGA, mouse


Filesize: 1315 KB

Download Sites:

US : Jigsaw 2 for Windows

United Kingdom : Jigsaw 2 for Windows

United Kingdom : Jigsaw 2 for Windows

US : Billy Bear's Bedroom Puzzle

US : Billy Bear "Luey" Puzzle

US : More Billy Bear puzzles.

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